The young king party was once a king when he had no son when he died

in Motivation Story4 years ago (edited)

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His people were very married to stand before the next king but his death before the death of the king His only daughter was found to be a normal married man in the family and she told some people her husband was anarchist and some people said she was Ameji but her identity is a mystery and someone told her that the secret son is not was not known. When the baby was a week old, part of his intelligence came while his mother was sleeping. The princess died immediately. Unfortunately, other people said that alcohol poisoned a man in alcohol, the boy is a calf living in the forest with this poor family, and the boy he kept took care of the goats all day He made an important decision that the boy should be the new king when I died.

He said he sent his servants to find the boy and bring him with him when the servants found the boy and when the boy arrived he took him to the palace. He was so happy that he immediately became aware of all the beautiful things and he stripped his old leather outfit over his beautiful new clothes, then Hagen went from room to room to explore the castle. He went to admire the paintings and ornaments of all the beautiful places of the people's palace. Speaking of the city, the young king spends all his time on statues.

He said that beauty and beginnings are the most important things due to the fact that the young king was so fascinated with beautiful things that he was one of the merchants. He thanked the merchants for buying ivory in India and Jade sent him to Persia for silk rugs and the others sent jobs to Amber in the north so the young men could tell the young king about all these things. He thought he was thinking about all of these things but he thought about the amazing dress he was 16 and the next day he was happy. Because he had a beautiful golden robe with a crown on it and a string of pearls commanding men to work day and night, his coronation robe was searched all over the world.

Looking for the biggest rubies in my crown and the most beautiful pearl in my kingdom, she said that Joanqing was in her beautiful room and she thought on her coronation that it was dark and she looked around. and saw that the room was full of money. And through the window, the beautiful golden colors smelled of the brilliant scent, heard the song of a night and reached the servants of the moon and laid his pillow on the flower petals. He was very happy yesterday at midnight on his coronation day. He closed his eyes. Night Sleep This young king had a dream. He had two dreams. It was a dream of young kings. It smelled bad in a dark, terrible building. The small windows are dressed and cannot get in much sunlight. Looked at the people who did.

They make clothes that have Hungarian on their faces and their hands are shaking. They are so tired. Slightly sick children sit in the dark corners of the room. The young man sees him do it. A man talks to Hanimar and asks why you are looking at me My master's spy who is your master asked the young king in the same way but I have bad clothes and I have very nice clothes and we are very good all day we work what we do wine and he drinks what we work on the land but he eats the food that we deny but this free land says the king is not one of your men The slaves don't are the slaves of the poor, the slaves of the strong men, the slaves of the rich. Are you all slaves? Yes, women, old children, and young people see the bracelet machine. It's gold.

Young kings are nervous. Is it for the king's royal attire when the man answers? When the king hears this, he screams and wakes up, but then he saw Pelli Moon on the window and soon fell asleep again. He had another dream. It was his second dream. It is hot in the hot sun on a longboat and a hundred servants stop the boat and order the captain of the boat to work. He is black.

Likewise, he has a red silk turban on his ears. He's got big savings. Someone whips a slave while he is working. The boat arrives in a small band and drops the main anchor and along the rope ladder. After a while, the young slave binds the slave to him, throws a heavy stone at him and throws him into the sea. The young slave disappears in the water, but when he returns, he returns to the boat several times. with a beautiful pearl, Pass is the master of the branches of the boat and puts it in the young green bag in which the young slave returns to the store the last time the boat is pale and tired in his hand.

He has a beautiful beautiful pearl which is round like a pearl and he loves the moon but the young slave and the nose is full of blood which makes him die but the owner of the boats he takes the pearl from the hands of the young people and other slaves threw this corpse in the pearl of the sea, he For the reign of the king's reign when he said that when this king cried out and stood up he looked at the stars at the window and again After the bath, c t was his third and last dream, he is in the rainforest, full of strange fruits and beautiful flowers. There are millions of snakes and parrots in trees and monkeys and peacocks around kings.

Among the men working on a dry river, they dig the earth and cut large boulders and boulders and winds. They also seek to kill men. Hearing this, he sends malaria to a third of men. What did you get? You asked for three kernels of corn with your stick, but why are you interested? Death asks me to plant a garden plant in my garden. Lago but not stingy responds that it is my maize and he hides the maize in his pocket is again angry with death when he hears this and the fever comes like a red road as he touches a third of the men and accept that this tells me a kernel of corn for regarding that there is no answer to death avaricedaath is extremely angry and the slag call kills the plague flying from the sky like birds and kills the rest of the men March with the death of and takes his red horse and runs as fast as the wind.

And terrible monsters came out of the rivers and valleys and called the young man and said what were they doing they were looking for ruby ​​for the crown of glasses behind him the young king turns around and sees the man in whose hand I am the mirror that the king asked him to do. Look at this mirror. You will see the king answer in the blank. He sees her face on their faces and wakes up.

He sees the sun on his window. His crowning achievement. Part of the day is the three of the palace-like kings who got the job with the coronation robe but this young man remembered it Dreams wear these sheets I don't want to wear them He said it was a joke Your Majesty the servant But King NG told him about his dreams that there is a pain in the clothes of the prophet and even pain and death in the blood, answered the servant, please put your dreams about clothes and make him king Will not admit that without a crown and king, the young king took his old clothes from the forest and took his shepherd's staff to the palace with these leaves. Hancha and I will be leaving the palace with this cloth. He said, "Now I'm ready for the kingdom." A servant asked him where his crown was, and he took a bar from his healthy balcony. He replied, "The young king went up on this cathedral. When he saw it, it was the king. But the king's servant, he explained his dreams. But a man said," Don't know- you not that the rich are poor? ”difficult. It is difficult to work for a hard master but it is more difficult to work for a new master.

Please come back to the palace and send the umma from the exit back to your coronation. ND is a poor brother. He answered but the people laughed again. He reached the great door of the cathedral but what did the soldiers stop you from doing so that only the king could enter through that door. king. ”He replied that he had seen it and where it came from.

Wherever your king is, the king has told the bishop of his dreams, but the bishop replied, "Listen to me, I am an old man. There are a lot of bad things in the world, but you don't. can't change the thing where the thief And there are pirates, but you can't reveal them. They are too much for Onperson to return to the palace and wear his coronation robe but the young king passed the bishop and entered the church and he looked at the picture of Christ and saw the light of the candles and the incense The smoke suddenly came in front of a crowd The people in the cathedral had swords and they were very angry. This king is dressed as a beggar to kill us because no beggar can rule over us as it will be bad for our country but this young man prayed silently in front of Taltar and then he turned and looked at the people. Unfortunately at this moment, a ray of sun shone on this young king on the altar of the canyon. Beta Media, the handsome chador is goes all around him. The roses were redder than the rubies and the lilies were whiter than ever since the pearls started to play and the voices started to rise.

God filled the cathedral. Downstairs, someone crowned me with someone. The bishop said and before the young king Hecklet boycotted the altar and passed by the people but they did not dare to see his face because he was part of the angel [music] Starchild whose child was a child Two wooden trees ran at night in a large forest. Hopefully, it was very cold and snowing there. The trees were cold and the animals had tied the rabbits in their burrows and were discovered in the trees but two lines of logs continued their journey and they begged the guards to sand them down and finally,

They saw the village light in the distance they were so happy and loved the earth oh it looked like a flower and the moon looked like a flower god but soon they became sad again because we were so happy that the life of a doctor is not for the poor like us he better that we die in the snow or eat wild animals. Suddenly, something very strange happened. The sky looked at the snow. A bright and beautiful star wrote that one of them told his friend that we were going to find a pot of gold and see that he was sleeping on the white snow. But this is not the treasure in which they wanted this chador covered with golden stars and he opened the chador and inside there was a little Amba baby chain that was sleeping on the baby's neck, it was in them. One of the survivors leaves where we have a lot of children and not enough money to buy food but I don't want the child but we can't leave this little child here, the other lumberjack is dead will. I will take him home with a lot of children and not enough.

But my wife will take care of him. He took the child in his arms in a good wooden box and passed him to his home when he reached his village. The lumberjack said, "You have a sleeping child. Give me a gold robe, but this friend replied: your garment? It's my daughter's robe. I was very happy to see the women chopping wood. with her. She pulled her husband in the arm and kissed him with something in the forest and took him to her house, she said. Well, what are we very poor and we need things but she was very angry when the child saw that we already have a lot of kids and we don't have enough money to eat I didn't say another kid said but then he looked at the girl and her heart was very sorry, she said with surprise her husband said to love so the wife put the child on the bed to sleep, he chained the sheet Put it on in his chest, yes we will welcome him, he replied, the child of two mothers lived in a wooden cage, his family was very different from them, at that time the child of the star became pl us beautiful The skin was as white as ivory.

There were black hair and black in other people's villages near the river like blue and the child of this star was very beautiful but surprised other children and a boy and your parents have Said I'm Noble of a Star to Come when he didn't feel sorry for the poor but he used to laugh at ugly people and hurt the sick and animals and he used to laugh when he was defeated because he was so useless and his beauty in summer He often went to the priest's garden in Val Well and reflected his face in it.

He was happy again. His wife treated the boy well, but he often said sadly, "We are sorry for you because you are in the company, because you work like this." Respect all of God's creatures, but the bee is your brother Why do you hurt others? The other children of others followed him because he was good-looking and knew how to dance and the Mexicans followed his orders that he was their congregation and they got harder and harder than him. One day a poor beggar in this village The lazy woman arrived with her old and torn clothes and no shoes on her feet. She was very tired and she circled a tree to rest the Stanchfield vortex and told her friends that she was that poor woman. They started to throw stones but she was looking at this child star. When you saw the lumberjack immediately, why did he do it? You have no regrets for this poor woman I will not listen to you You are not my father "This fact is true but when I found you in the forest I was listening to you and this woman was listening And when she has heard these words, she cried and he took her into the wooden crate, and his house and his wife set up a table for him with meat and drinks, but he did not eat the order.

He asked if the child was from the forest. He had a gold leaf on which he surprised the woodcutter ten years ago. Yes, he answered, and did he have an amber chain around his neck? Hadid said that the woodcutter comes with me and I gave you the sheet. I will show and the woman ripped off looked at her and cried with joy. She is my Luclison. I am her mother. She said I had lost her in the forest years ago and looking all over the world for her. Now I was surprised he was chopping wood again and told this boy to come home and you save him z life. Your mother, baby star, was very happy and ran into it but when she saw it with hesitation Yes where is my mother I do not see anyone I am your mother in a terrible beggar she said you are crazy I am not to you you were dressed in old clothes you are a beggar and I am a star girl but when I saw you I recognized you and I recognized you in a golden dress and you stole the luggage of the thieves of amber from you my son your love is very important to me he opened his arms but he was very angry and he closed his heart door for him oh oh kiss me before you go because I traveled all over the world and do so much to find you that I never see you ugly, I like to kiss a frog where the woman got up and she was crying outside the house. He was crying a lot. The boy was happy when he went with his friend to play with his friend on penalty three of the starting shield, but when they laughed at Saleem, he didn't want to dominate with you. Because you are ugly he said why you say I think he went to the well to see his reflection but his face was like a toad and his skin was like a snake so we understood that he was a Starchild and it was dry I started to punish him. I am very cruel and in the care of my mothers I will definitely look for it now and say the little wooden girls are attached to it, it is not necessary if you want I will not make fun of you this is my punishment I answered Tra called my mother very easily and now I will find her he calls her in the forest forgive me come back all day but she did not answer when the night came she leaves Sleeping on her head but when the animals saw him they ran away,

Far from it, they knew it was a cruel boy who sent him to his mother's house and he told you to go underground and tell me if I have a mother I don't know if you have a mother that I do not see because you Her eyes answered the mole. He said, “Little bird, you can fly over the trees. If you can see my mother, I don't know. If you have a mother, I can't, because you have my wings were only shown to give a sense of proportion. The bird saw that it had raised a little squirrel where my mother is. I do not know. The squirrel replied, "Mother, did you hear all of these things? Will you do that to the mother who killed the starch?" He apologized for going to many different places to find her. mother and children from these villages laughed and threw stones at Himnodi and talked about four or three pieces for the Star Child. For three years Sona wandered in the Starchild Valley but did not know her mother had reached the entrance to a river near the city, surrounded by a large wall that stopped it.

Yes, he asked, “I'm looking for my intoxication.” He said please leave me to go through this town Shiraz who is your mother and why are you looking for the soldier who is looking for him. He is like a poor beggar and I have been very cruel to him now. I apologize to him but he The soldiers who see you are very ugly, no mother will treat her, when you come with us we will enslave you. They sold the star's child to an old man, took a cup of the old Libyan magician's cute sweet wine to a black prison, and gave him old bread and dirty water the next day. He said, "Now you have to go to the forest. You make three pieces of gold. One is white and yellow and the other is yellow gold."

A grant to give gold to my slave and if you don't bring me a piece of white gold I will kill you 100 times so the starch went into the forest to find this gold but it only found many dangerous thorny plants Those who have not had this white gold. Earlier, when the sun started to disappear. Baito's scream, he knew the magician suddenly wanted to beat him and he caught a tiny bit in his net, so he took pity on him and trapped him. Open up, thank you, thank you, I have the freedom to give you what I can, I have to get a piece of white gold for the wizards, if I don't bring it to him, he will kill, I will help you. I wonder, but where did Starchild get the white gold? A tree and a tree. He found Sona Starchildas very happy and thanked Hare for coming to town. But at the city gate, he saw an old man. This old man is sick and very poor. He gave me something. If you don't give me hungry money howls at the old man. Starchides took pity on the old man, but he only had one piece of white gold. The old man needed it more than he thought of Starchild, and the wizard made him angry when he hesitated. The starch did not contain solids and was beating the boy he had eaten and given him no water. The next day the magician said, "Go back to the forest and look for the yellow gold paint. If you don't believe him, the boy went to the forest 300 times to look for gold the day he got it. saw it, but he did. not find it.

He could have sat under a tree and cry when he heard her voice and said why are you crying if I can't find the magician then I should get a piece of yellow to give me a belly follow me I made you yellow He showed the starch child gold and led him to a pool of water under the pond. He found the yellow gold paint that the starch had delivered to the city, but at the city gate, he saw that the old man had been mutilated again. If you don't give me money, I'll starve. He took pity on the old man and gave him gold. The wizard was very good. There is no god. There is no gold. There is no old man. Now he has beaten the Star Child and put chains on him. The next day the If you go into the forest today and look for the roughed-up piece, if you find it, you will be free if the boy didn't go to the forest and he was looking for gold all day but he doesn't. couldn't find it. In the evening he sat down

He tried to hear the sound of the tree and the rabbit and asked why he is crying. The star explained everything and once again Hare helped him. This time he found gold in a cave near the tree. Thank you, boy. And he ran to the city. At the city gate, he saw that the old man had given me some money. If you do not give me some money, I will die. He shouted, "Have pity on this old man and let him sleep." The one you need more than me said he was but very sad and his heart were so heavy that the sorcerer would kill I thought but when he passed the guards at the city gates he was in front of him He bowed down and said, "Look at our beautiful lord. The star passes through the city and more and more people follow him." He said, "He was the most beautiful boy in the world, but Starchild loved me very much."

That he walked for a long time and finally reached a big place where there was a palace. The king said to the people: I am not the king's son, I am the son of a poor beggar. Why do you say that I am beautiful? Now I am very ugly. Why do you say that I look ugly? The shield was like a mirror-like silver. He saw his face and his face was beautiful as if there was already a prophecy to tell people that our king would come on that day, you are your king and this kingdom rules us. Justice And not with mercy. I am a bad boy. He replied: I have to look for my mother. I cannot accept the crown and the Rajput. He has turned from the city to the gate in the crowd. He saw his mother begging. At the same time, he saw the old man from the city gate to the deer kneeling in front of this woman and kissing her feet. I am sorry. Once I hated you, give me your love. The woman did not talk to the old man.

Yes, I helped the youngsters. Please tell my mother to talk to me, but the old man did not speak. Star baby crying. The woman put her hand on the boy's head and said, "Stand up." The old man put his hand on the boy's head as well. When the star's child stood up, he saw that the beggar was flesh and the old man was the king. You helped him three times and the king said to him: This is your mother. Your tears hugged the boy to him and hugged them both. They took him to the palace and they beheaded him. But with a crown and a robber in his hand, he was a very good king and he showed justice and mercy to all. Gifts have been sent to Luxembourg and his family. Animals and birds were treated well and there was peace in the whole country, unfortunately he died three years later because he endured so much in his life and the next king was a cruel king, Nightingale and Rose Part 1 student in which There was love Nesting in a tree in a garden Singing the song of the night It was beautiful He sang songs of love and joy One day he saw a young student in the garden who said if he told me a red rose he would be with me Will dance, but there is no red rose in my garden and when he said that his eyes are full of tears every day,

I read philosophy and I read all the wise things about happiness now my happiness Depending on the red rose who heard it and finally said to himself here is a real love Every night I sing about love and this young man faces love The student continued I am the daughter of teachers Love and tomorrow fairy i have a ball nces my love will be there if i take red rose from her she will dance with me if i If there is no red rose then she will not talk to me. The young student looked around the garden. There were yellow roses and white roses but no red rose. I am not poor. He said I need red roses but I did not have this garden. I can't see anyone. Ah said the love of the night is amazing that it is more precious than emeralds and pearls where you can't buy gold coins love the market musicians will play their violin and my love their music Will dance but she won't dance with me I don't have a red rose so she fell on the grass and the butterfly started crying and called her why she is crying A daisy asked her friend why she Crying why crying he said a light green lizard he crying a red rose night said night all answered each other

I loved the animals but at night this student thought it was sad and he thought about this mysterious thing that in the middle of the garden two-night sacrifices were offered, the night was broken, and he said: give me color and I'll sing it to you. I'm sorry my roses are the same as the snow on the mountain and on the foam of the sea he replied that with my body which grows around the sandalwoods it can help you The night has flown to the sandalwood colorful and roastery “I am a rose of forgiveness,” said Daffodil. “Ask my brother raising the pupil's window. Maybe he flew to the window at night and asked Rose. "I'm sorry the rose is red in Theresa like red but the winter has been cold and this year i broke some Flores but I just made a red rose there is nothing I can do about it but I'm not going to tell you it's a terrible thing. Tell me what it is. I am not dry. night rose. If you want a red rose, you can light it up with music and color it with your own blood.

You have to sing to me all night and press your heart against my thorns all night and your blood will die from the blood of a rose A good price to pay says so everyone loves life I love life like I love to fly and I love to see flowers and their scent stay in the air but better than life and man More important than a man's theory The pupil bird took the red rose for the garden at night and saw the student on the grass. His eyes were full. The happy bird said you will have red roses and tomorrow night you will dance with your love in Prince Bal. Rose for you with music and with her own blood only asks you one thing You have to promise to be a true lover The student has seen and heard but he didn't understand what Nightingale was saying Box understands but Oktri sang me your favorite song Little Night Song I'm sorry when you're not there Student heard the song for teak sang at night and said yes this musical bird Has a very beautiful eye really understands the words of love but he is like an artist and everyone knows that the Artist does not only think about his music and never does any work in practice When a person would wake up he would lie down in his house and sleep.

When night came and he played at night, the night flew away. Throstry pressed against his thorns all night. He heard the cold crystal moon, then the bleeding slowly bloomed at the top of his rose bush, it was like yellow silver another day but the tree was screaming. Closer and Singloder then the rose turned pink as a fiery rose in a silver mirror Serial Little Nightingale said the arrival of the rose is near, otherwise, the day will come when the rose is gone and then the thorn echoed on his heart Whoever never dies singing his love song feels that his voice becomes soft and soft. A red night like the eastern sky sang his finest final song in the white moonlight and he forgot the sun in the tourist and stayed in the sky to listen. The red rose heard this song and in the fresh morning air. He opened the hyper battery while he was sleeping. He and the river took their river into the sea. The rosebush sang and cried. Watch the night. The rose was gone, but the night did not hear because she died on the grass when she made this student part of her heart for the teacher's daughter at lunch. He got up and looked out the window and saw that she was so beautiful and he said there was a red rose there. It is very beautiful. De Rose, I believe he has a long Latin name. In the professor's house, the professor's daughter was seen sitting next to the door. There is a red rose for tonight that you will dance with me. Then wear it.

Yours first and I'll say I love you Gerald doesn't smile but he looked at her Amsari he said I don't like the color is half blue and the rose is red and the son of Chamberlain gave the jewelry to everyone I know jaws are more expensive than flowers, I don't want your rose, he said angrily to the student and immediately threw it on the street, passed the acre and the wheel crushed the flowers. You are very rude. Yes, the girl had said Chamberlain was dancing with her son, but then he got up and went home. The student began to cheat on Valkhom Love. He said I prefer to read books. Doing it is more interesting and useful yes logic is much more useful than that I'll go home and magic and physical philosophy and that's what he did.

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