Once upon a time, there was a little boy with a king who ruled over a great land that ruled a vast river.

in Motivation Story4 years ago


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The king was almost always happy to ask his son for a hereditary crown and he sent a message that he was the most powerful fairy. Look at this wonderful child in an hour when two people had gathered. The child was in danger of being put under pressure, but the king, who looked worried, was disturbed to see him staring at the grave. The fairies were looking at him and everyone shook him. At the same time there is the head of a beautiful boy and it is a question of greatness but what will happen will happen when it is written in his books that he will die a corpse or a snake or by a dog s 'he saves him We are beyond his power. And so he stayed a while saying that he was terrible and what he had heard, but like a hopeful nature husband, once the prince of this terrible torment immediately made up a plan for them to save.

Sent to his master builder and prepared him to build a castle on top of a mountain in which the king is to be adorned with the highlights of his palace and wants to play with all kinds of toys with a child and more, There are strict orders that the guard roams the palace four days a night and wear his earrings with him to the diffuser alone in the palace, which is surrounded by walls and only Adra. The bridge is to connect them to the ideological world. The day the prince ran away pretty quickly, he saw from the roof that he had seen a dog jump, jump and play, and all the dogs were afraid of him, so his prediction would come true. He even turned to the next page and said, "What a ridiculous thing. Hadid has never seen such a thing move so fast before a dog." The prince answers. He took me to a page like this and we'll see who can run faster and he saw the dog killer that had disappeared around that page was surprised to know that his clues What are the strict orders to refuse? Nothing yet. He remembered Theoporosis and realized that this blasphemous matriarch was the last thing he thought he had to tell the king the whole story and stop this question. Once he won,

The king said if he didn't, he would work hard. This dog was found as they could have been twins, and the years had passed, and the boy and the dog were one. They played together until the boy got bigger and bigger when he texted his father, "Why do you live in Mesh?" I'm not doing anything here, I know about the prophecy that was made at the time of my birth but instead I'm going to be killed once and live a useless life so give me a gun and give me a DPI Let go, you, me and my dog, and once again King heard his wish, and he was taken by boat across the river, which was all over here.

It was probably a black horse from a tree. He was waiting, and every time his envy took him on his way to Douglas, he was never happier, because he and he rolled around and slept for a long time, long, long, long, long, long, long, long. He came to the one who lived there and did not care to take care of his country. His people have lived happily ever after. He devoted his whole life to the project of making and inventing rings that this young king had achieved after reaching the kingdom in the state in which he had built an amazing house for his only daughter from which he placed seventy window sills 70 feet above the ground and he agreed with the Royal Herald around the borders of neighboring states that anyone who could climb the walls would climb the princess window and should win. The fame of the bride princess's beauty had spread widely, and the princes were sure to try their luck with the palace, the palace was seen every morning with boxes of different colors.

When the princes built the walls, the white marble, although it was arranged to go far ahead of the others, they had already spent the day before in this way when the prince arrived, and when he spoke to him. he was unhappy and when the citizen spoke he greeted him.

The house that was given to him and his bath was properly scented and it was a long journey where you come from. Finally, he said and the one whose son is your secret had reason to keep his own secret. And he replied that the father was the master of the horse. After the marriage of my country and my mother, he got married for the second time, but everything went well. But as soon as his own children were born, he hated me and I ran away.

He wouldn't hurt me, because as soon as he heard this story, he saved the hearts of other young people. He only thought of making him forget the sorrows of his past. What are you doing here? On Youth Day, we spent all our time climbing the W. The LLC in the palace tried to break the princesses' windows. The young men responded, but no one had yet come within ten feet of them. Try me - cried Prince Button. I'll wait until tomorrow and what will you do? Then the next day he stood up to the young men. see and notice the places on the wall which were considered extremely difficult and he noticed that when his term came to work he moved around differently day and night but in the morning Until he was seen greedily he realized that the project of building walls the heart and its place were taken by others, thanks to which he had learned to understand one little projection after another, he even stood at the door of the princess window by jealousy of his friends. From above he saw that there was a white street to pull him towards her, from where a young man ran straight to the palace and said that the wall had been erected and who had blown up that price at the King Star. Which prince of Houston can I claim to have climbed the princess window when he was young? The prince is not at all. The young man replied that he was the son of the king's horseman who lived there. He and Darya fled his country to escape the hatred of this stepmother.

The king was furious at the news and it never occurred to him that any of his friends would ask him to return to the country where he had cried out in anger to take care of his daughter. I expected her to take my daughter into exile and she started to smash the drinking vessel in her anger. In fact, she was frightened by the young man who quickly ran to his friends and the young men. The messenger returned to thank his father and told him that honey had sworn that the princess who was running from his window heard his voice.

He would never eat or drink. If the soldiers were taken from the king of Herat, he was angrier than ever. He edited the post and ordered his bodyguards to immediately go to the palace and prepare for a successful death battle, he threw himself in the middle and his assassins put their finger on it and Ashal died before bedtime from the sun. And by then, the story was over. The kings' anger subsided and they began to think that if he kept his public promise, he would order the princess to accompany him, as well as the young man when he entered the throne room. I was happy with the great heir of the loser whose anger melted away considerably and he came up to him and hugged him when he asked who you are when he took a little control of himself because I'm sure you haven't taken the royal blood in your veins. The prince, with his reasons for silence and loneliness, told the same story when the king took this youngster in his youth and said that there was no more marriage. The next day and the cattle and the large herd of the State of Algeria were given to the young boy soon after when the prince said that his wife my life is in the hands of three creatures.

The crocodile is a snake and a dog sighs from the way you sit. If you know how terrible the beast is about you, I'll kill him at the end, but soon the princes won't hear the cute little dog who took his life since he pretended to be a puppet at the time- the. He was my playmate when I gave him permission and all the princesses got to meet him. He always carried a sword and when he left the palace there was someone with him when the prince and princess got married for a few months. His mother-in-law was proud and his father was old and sick and with him, his son was born so that the young man would not be deaf to such a message and hide the love of his wife and say goodbye to her on his way home. On the way home, it was.

He was often forced to rest in the street and it turns out that while he was sleeping in the riverside town that night a large group of people quietly came and made their way along of the unfortunate chamber of princes. when he was trying to steal from them and tossing a crocodile in a big halo he was looking at a giant temple in that place except during the night the crocodile was sleeping and that was over a month Now the prince found out he couldn't tolerate over his father's kingdom, he sent for his wife and banished the messenger, saying that she should wait to come, that is why he delayed this trip so long and so hard.

Pursuing the prince he ate the crocodile while he was chasing the prince and he knew he had counted a few minutes from the princess' rival back and when she arrived she made it to court very late in the night. Ready to do it while he was asleep when the princess saw amazing things. There was a dark spot in one of the corners of the room, and it looked like

Long But as soon as she has Hearing this little thing, she lifted her head to hear it, then she saw that it was a long serpent's head and her prediction came to her mind without waking her husband. She was standing on the bed and on a heavy load of milk, which she was standing on the floor on the way to the therapist, for she knew that the snake could not cope with the milk as it approached, and when the snake approached, he threw his head again.

If anything smelled good, when his strong tongue was tempted by greed, his eyes rested on the milk, and in an instant, he enveloped it so quickly that it's surprising the creature didn't swallow it. He didn't take the bowl. until there is a drop left. He then fell to the ground and fell asleep, which the princess was waiting to pick up her husband's sword, and his body was found by a snakehead in the morning.

After this adventure, the prince and princess set out for the throne, but when they learned that he was already dead, they presented him with a beautiful burial certificate and gave the prince new rules in his presence. Had to review what had happened in his absence and also had a huge increase in business. He was very sick with fatigue and was forced to go to one of his riverside palaces to explore here.

I soon got better and Begunto went hunting and shooting wild ducks with his dog and everywhere he went with his dog in the morning the prince and his dog They were chasing when they pulled their dog closer to the river after he stumbled upon something that looked like a piece of wood on it and stunned him on the way. moving. He and he saw that what he took for the branches was really a crocodile. You can't escape me. He said that when he regained consciousness, I would go wherever you wanted and whatever. What you do, I will always find it before If you can dig a pit in the dry sand that will be filled with water, mescaline is the only way to shake my strength.

If death does not come to you quickly I give you the opportunity that now this young man walked happily and when he reached the palace he went to his room and he also refused to see his wife at sunset. The voice could be heard through the princess in the distance and it made so much noise that the prince was forced to remove the lock and hear her voice to see how pale she looked and how hurt she was. You ask me if I can talk about it.

The prince told him the whole story of the impossible task given to him by the crocodile and how can it be said that water can be filled from a hole in the sand, but this whole group will pass through and he called it a chance but he really dragged me and he really told Iconant to avoid him if everything cried Princess Aiken freed me from your fairy wife I learned to use plants and I didn't haven't driven far into the desert. A little leaf with four leaves that will hold water all year round. I will go get it early in the morning and like a husband who comforts you as soon as you can. The princess was eloquent and cheerful, but she knew she was doing well. There were no light acts before this because of his courage and strength. It was packed and it was decided that somehow the goose had to be saved when he left the palace on a white donkey and headed for a while straight west to see nothing. . Before that but the best waste of sand that got hotter and hotter as soon as the sun rose and then terrible thirst caught that ass but there was no weak sound and there was hardly any shower to stop it.

I still had a long way to go. And that had to be before evening, otherwise, the crocodile light would tell that the prince had not fulfilled his conditions, so he spoke to his donkey, who answered, and they both pushed. How happy they were when they saw a long rock in the distance, they forgot that they were tormented and the sun was hot and the earth seemed to fly under their feet. The donkey has stopped in the cold shadow with its own map.

The princess couldn't tell the plant as she knew the rock was growing on the top of the ridge and luckily with a large chisel at her foot, she tied a rope with her and Enos to one end which she threw away. when she slipped for the first time. Slowly into the ditch he pulled it up and threw it down but what the princess had caught couldn't see its length and be putting all its weight on that little bridge that could make it break. And his stone was falling among the rocks and in his condition will carry him to her.

The death of the princess was so certain but not so terrible that the princess reached the other safely, then her job got worse as soon as she put the stone face on her feet. He fled and left her in the same place as the first one. the hours had passed and the poor princess was around midday, in a state of despair, but she only struggled when she did a little thing. The boulder above him, which looked stronger than the others, and he put his foot lightly on his, in which he had to reach this path through a Grandfort with torn, bloody hands. From there he got to the top. a strong wind that he was almost blind. Dust and forced himself to throw himself to the ground and feel horrible moments about the precious grass that the rock was bare and there was no point in traveling where it was not a good thing in the stone when Suddenly the Huffings touched something soft.

It was a plant called Clarbet, was it true that he couldn't see that it was moving faster than the wind. Where was Shiva and there are two or three eyes in the leaves? Yes, there were four and he pulled the deer off. He kept it safe in his hand. Once it ended unsafely, it fell off the rock. He was almost stunned.

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