I hope this story will help you relax while sleeping.

in Motivation Story4 years ago


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Settle in and fall asleep notes that everyone loves guided meditation, solitude at a bedtime story offers another way that can help you relax and fall asleep. relax in the evening or at this time you can listen to the story in bed as you get ready to sleep when you relax in the evening and you are not quite ready for bed but you need something to help you slow your mind down as the day ends tonight I'm going to read for you an old classic story which is actually one of my all-time favorites and called Hans Christian Andersen j 'Thumbelina had a lot of fun putting this together and hope you will consider subscribing,

Start to relax to help release the day and use the exhalation to help you reach the tension goal so your body can settle into even more your resting place you can now close your eyes if you want when you are ready we will start our bedtime story Thumbelinat there was once a woman who very much wished to have a small child but could not get her wish finally she went to a fairy and said i should love having a little child very much can you tell me where i can find an oht that can be easily managed says thefairy here is a barley corn of a different kind than the ones that grow in the farmer's fields and the chickens eat put it in a flowerpot and see what will happen thank you said the woman and she gave the dozen fairy which was the price of barley corn then she returned home and planted it and immediately there grew a big beautiful flower something like the atulip in appearance but with its leavesti ghtly closed as if it was still a budit is a beautiful flower said the woman and she kissed the red and gold colored leaves and as she was doing that the flower opened and she could see it was a real tulip in the flower on the green velvet stamens said a very delicate and graceful

Little girl she was barely half the length of an inch and they gave her the name Thumbelina ortiny because she was so small a nutshell elegantly polished served for her cradle her bed was formed of fire illes of blue violet with a rose leaf for a bedspread, he or she slept at night but during the day when she was having fun on a table where the woman had placed a plate full of water around that plate were wreaths of flowers with their stems in the water and on it floated a large leaf of a bulb which served tiny for a boat here the little statue of the young girl and rows from side to side with two horsehair oars from a white horse it was really a very pretty sight, tiny could also sing so soft and soft that nothing like her singing had the day before Before being heard one night as she was lying in her pretty, a big wet ugly toad slipped through a broken glass in the window and jumped just on the table sleeping under his pink leaf duvet what a pretty little woman that would make my son said the toad and shook the shell nuts in which little slept and jumped through the window with her in the garden in the damp margin of a wide stream in the garden lived the toad with his son he was even uglier than his mother and when he saw the pretty little girl in herelegant bed he could not than cry, don't speak

So loud or she will wake up said charge then she might run away because she is as light as swans we will place on one of the lily leaves in the stream it will be like an island to her so light and small and then she cannot escape and while she is away we will hasten and prepare the chamber under the swamp in which he was to live when you are married away in the stream increased a number one water lilies with large green leaves that seemed to float on top of the water, the larger of these leaves seemed more distant than the others and the old road was swimming towards it with the nutshell in which the tiny little one lay immobile.

little creature woke up very early in the morning and started to cry bitterly when she found where she was because she could see nothing but water on the side of the big green leaf and no way to reach the earth meanwhile the old road was very busy under the swamp covering her room with rushes and wild yellow flowers to make it look pretty for her new stepdaughter then she swam with her ugly son to the leaf she had placed the poor little tin that she wanted to go get the very bad one that she could put it in the bridal chamber to be ready for her the old toad bowed down to her in the water and said to her: here is my son, he will be your husband and you will live happily in the swamp next to the river was all her son could say on his own so the trailer hooked up the stylish crib and swam with it. the green leaf where she was sitting and crying, she couldn't bear to think of living with the old road and having her ugly son for a husband, the little fish that were swimming in the water below had seen the toad and heard this that she said so they lifted their heads above the water to look at the little girl as soon as they saw her they saw that she was very pretty and it made them very sorry to think that she had to go living with the ugly scavengers so they gathered in the water around the green stock.

That held the leaf the little girl was standing on and nodded at the root with their teeth then the leaf floated along the creek carrying tiny distant out of reach of the tiny land sailed past many towns and the little birds in the bushes saw her and sang what a pretty little so the-leaf creature swam with her farther and farther away until she 'brought e to the other country a graceful little white butterfly was constantly floating around her and finally landed on the fly pleased her and she was happy about it because now the toad could not reach her and the country through which she sailed was beautiful and the sunshine on the water until it sparkled like liquid gold, she took off her belt and tied an e and him around the butterfly and the other end of the ribbon,

She stared at the leaf which was now slipping a lot faster than becoming tiny with her as she stood presently a tall Kop Shaffer was flying as he caught sight of her, hoisted her around her delicate waist with his claws and flew with her in a tree, the green leaf floated away on the creek and the butterfly flew with her because he was attached to her and couldn't escape oh how the scared little tiny one felt when cop Shafer flew with her to the tree but most of all was she sorry é for the beautiful white butterfly that she had attached to the leaf because if he could not free himself, he would starve but the chafer did not care at all about the question, he sat down next to him on a big green leaf gave her flower honey to eat and told her she was very pretty not a bit like one after a while all the cocktails turned their feelers and said she only had two legs how ugly it looks she don't feel ers said another her waist is quite thin Teddy bear she is like a humanbeingoh she is ugly said all the hawkchafers women although tiny was very pretty then the cockchafer who had.

Run away with her believed everyone else when they said she was ugly and wouldn't have anything more to say to her and told her she could go where she liked then he flew with her from the tree and placed her on adaisy and she cried at the thought like she was so ugly that even e the cockchafer z - wouldn't have anything to say to her and during all this time she was really the most beautiful creature imaginable and shrewd and delicate like a beautiful roseleaf during the whole summer, the poor little one lived all summer alone in the great forest of the wolf for herself a bed with blades of grass and hung it under a foreign leaf to protect herself from the wolf that she sucked the honey from the flowers for food and drank the dew of their leaves every morning Sol passed summer and autumn and became winter the long cold winter all the bir ds that had sung so sweetly to him flew away and the trees and flowers withered the great clover leaf beneath the shelter she had lived in was now coiled up and torn apart, only a withered yellow stalk remained.

the cold for her clothes was worn out and she herself was so frail and delicate that the poor tiny little one was almost frozen to death she started to snow and the snowflakes falling on her were like a whole shovel falling on her one of us because we are tall but she was only an inch tall then she curled up in a dry leaf but it creaked in the middle and could not keep it warm and she shivered from the cold near the wood in which she was there lived was a cornfield but the corn had been cut a long time ago, all that remained was the bare dry bubble that rose from the frozen ground, it was for her like struggling through a large wood, oh how she was shivering with cold , she finally arrived at the door of a field mouse which was there a little under the corn stubble, which lived there the field mouse in the heat and the comfort with an entire room full of corn a kitchen and the beautiful room to eat poor little tiny stood t in front of the door like a little beggar girl and begged for a little piece of barley corn because she had been without a piece of to eat for two days, poor little creature, said the field mouse who was really a good old field mouse in between. in my warm room and have dinner with me, she was very happy with tiny so she said you were very welcome to stay with me all winter if you like.

But you gotta keep my rooms clean and neat and tell me stories because i would love to hear them very much and tiny does all the field the mouse put it down and found himself very comfortable we will have a visitor who said to the field mouse one day my neighbor visits me once a day week he is better than me amhe has big rooms and while a beautiful black velvet coat if you could only have him for a husband you would be well provided indeed but he is blind so you have to tell them some of your prettiest his stories but tiny did not feel all interested in this neighbor as he was a mole however he came and visited wearing his black velvet coat he is very richand to learn it and his house is 20 times bigger than the mine said the field mouse he was rich and learned no doubt but he always spoke lightly about the sun and the pretty flowers because he had never seen them tiny had to sing him a lot of pretty songs and the mole fell in love with 'her because she had a soft voice but he didn't say anything yet because he was very careful a short time before the mole had dug a long passage under the earth which led from the house of the field mouse to his and he or she was allowed to walk with lowercase when she wanted but he warned them not to be alarmed at the sight of a dead bird lying in the passage it was a perfect bird with a beak and feathers and could not be re died a long time and was lying right.

Where the mole had made its passage the mole took a piece of phosphorescent wood in its mouth and it shone like a fire in the dark then he went in front of them to light them for a long time passage dark when they got to where the dead bird lay, the rod pushed its broad nose through the polar the earth gave way so there was a big hole and the daylight in the passage in the middle of the ground landed a dead swallow, its beautiful wings drawn close to its feet and its head raised under its feathers, the poor bird had obviously died of the cold and made a little toddler very sad but she loved the little birds so much all the summer they had saundh and tweeted for her so nicely but the molepush spread him with his crooked legs and said he wouldn't sing now how miserable it must be to be born a little bird I'm thankful none of my kids will ever be self buckets because they want nothing more than a crytweet tweet and are still starving in winter yes you can well say that as a smart man exclaimed the field mouse what is the use of his twitter because when the winter is coming he must either starve or be frozen to tiny death said nothing but when the other two had turned their backs on the bird she leaned down and stroked the soft feathers that covered his head and kissed the eyelids closed, maybe it was the one singing me sweetly in the su mmer she said and how much pleasure it gave me, dear pretty bird, the mole has now plugged the hole that daylight Shawn and has then accompanied the lady home but during the tiny night couldn't sleep so she got out of.

Bed and all the big and beautiful carpet of hay, she carried it to the dead bird and spread it on him with a little down from the flowers he had found in the room of the field mouse, it was a sweet like wool and she spread a little on either side of the bird so that it can lie warmly in the cold earth goodbye you pretty little bird she said goodbye thank you for your delicious song during the summer when all the trees were green and the hot sun was shining on us then she laid her head on the birds chests but was immediately alarmed as it seemed that something inside the bird went it was the heart of the birds it didn 'was not really dead, he was not really numb by the cold and the heat had brought him back to life in autumn all the swallows fly in spider lands but if we manage to let the cold seize him he

will freezes and falls as dead it remains where it fell and the blankets of cold snow were shaking a lot she was very scared as the bird was much bigger than herself she was only n inch tall but she took the thicker courage wool on the poor swallow then took a sheet she had used for her own bedspread and put it on the poor bird's head the next morning she still hoped to see him he was alive but very weak he could only open his eyes for a moment to look tiny who was standing holding every piece of rotten wood in her hand cause she had no other lantern thank you pretty little girl said the sickswallow i was so warmed up i will soon regain my strength and be able to fly to new in the hot sun oh she said it's cold outside now it's snowing and freezing stay in your warm bed and i will take care of you then she brought the water swallow in a flower leaf and after that he drank, he told him he had wheat ssed one of his wings in a thorn bush and couldn't fly as fast as the others whowereway on their journey to hot countries then at last he fell to his ears and couldn't remember or how he had come where she was ad found it all winter the swallow stayed underground and tiny took care of it with care and does not like mole or field mouse, because they did not like swallows very quickly in spring came and the sun warmed the earth then the swallow said goodbye to tiny and she opened the hole in the ceiling where the mole had made the sun shine so beautifully that the swallow asked her if she wanted to go with him she could sit on her back he said and he would fly with her into the green woods but the little moon makes a field mouse very distressed if she left that way so she said no i can't be well so goodbye, well enough clear Natan has said swallow it and he flew into the tiny sun looked after him and tears were rising in her eyes she was very fond of the poor tweet the swallow sang the birds as he flew through the green woods and tiny felt very sad, she was not allowed out in the hot sun the corn that had been sown in the field on the house often

The field mouse had grown in the air and formed a thick to tiny wood that did not that an inch tall you are going to be tiny married said the field mouse my neighbor asked you what good fortune for a poor child like you now we are preparing your wedding clothes they must be both wool and linen, nothing must want when you are the mole woman, tiny, you had to turn the spindle and the field mouse hired for the spiders that had to leave day and night every night, the sole visited her and spoke continuously of the t as soon as the summer was over then he would continue his wedding day with tiny but now the heat of the sun was so great that it scorched the earth and made it hard enough as a tombstone by the end of summer, the wedding should take place but tiny was not at all thrilled as she disliked the annoying mole every morning when the sun rose and every evening when it went down she would creep in the door and as the wind blew the ears of corn so that she could see the shet blue sky I thought how beautiful and bright he was and wished so much to see his dear swallow again, but he never came back because by that time he had flown into the pretty green.

forest, when autumn came tiny, had her outfit completely ready and the field mouse told her in four weeks the wedding is due then tiny cried and said she wouldn't marry the nasty mole any supposed to replied that the field mouse now does not stubbornly or I will bite you with my white teeth he is a queen herself does not wear more beautiful velvets and furs her kitchen and her cellars are quite full you should be very grateful for such a good fortune on the wedding day fixed on which the mole had to go and live with him deep in the earth and never see the hot sun again because he did not love her the poor child was very unhappy at the idea of ​​saying goodbye to the beautiful son and as the field mouse had given her permission to stand at the door,

she went to look at him once more, very brilliant son, she wept as she stretched out her arm towards him and then she walked to u ne short distance from the house because the corn had been cut and only dry stubble remained in the fields. goodbye she repeated her arm by twining around a little red flower that was growing right next to her greet the little one swallow me if you see him a sweet tweet sounded above her head suddenly she lifted them eyes and there was swallow it himself lying next to it as soon as he saw tiny he was thrilled And then she told him how much she didn't want to marry the ugly mole and still live under the earth and no longer never see the bright sun and like she said she cried the cold winter said the swallow and i will fly to warmer countries

will you go with me you can sit on your back and secure you with your belt then we can fly away from the ugly mole and its dark rooms far above the mountains in warmer countries where the sun is shining brighter than here where it is always summer and the flowers bloom and greater beauty now fly with me dear little tiny you saved my life when i went ungée frozen in this dark passage yes I will go with you said tiny and landed on the bird The back with the feet on its outstretched wings and tied its belt to one of its strongest feathers then the swallow rose in the air and flew over the forests and over the sea over the highest mountains covered with tiny eternal snow would have been frozen in the cold air but she slipped under the heat of the bird of feathers keeping the little head uncovered for the shemights to admire the beautiful lands on which they spent a long time, they reached the hot countries where the sun shines and the sky seems so much higher above the ground here on the hedges and in the along the way grew purple and white graves, hanging lemons and oranges. the trees in the woods and the air was fragrant with myrtles and orange blossoms, beautiful children were running along the country lanes playing with big butterflies and as the swallow flew further and further away, every place looked even more beautiful at last, they came to a blue lake and next to it shaded by the trees of the deepest greenestood of a dazzling white marble palace built in the old in time, lines clustered around its high pillars and at the top were many swallow nests and one of them was the tiny transported swallow house this is my house said swallow it but it wouldn't do for you to live here it wouldn't be comfortable you have to pick one of those pretty flowers and i will drop you on it and then you

will look like you can wish to make yourself happy which will be delicious she said and knocked for joy in her little ones hands a large marble pillar lay on the floor l which, on falling, had been broken into three pieces between these pieces grew the most beautiful large white flowers so that the swallow flew away with tiny ones and placed it on one of the large leaves, but how surprised she was to see in the middle of the flower a tiny little white and transparent manas as if it had been made of crystal he had a golden crown on his head and delicate wings on his shoulders and was not much taller than her - even he was the angel of the flower for a little man and a very little woman and well in every flower and he was the king of them all oh how beautiful he is whispered tiny to the swallow the little prince was at the pretty scared start to the bird which was like a giant compared to

such a delicate little creature, but when he saw tiny he was delighted and thought her the prettiest little girl he had ever seen, he took the golden crown from her head and placed it on his and asked her for her name and if she would be his wife and queen on all the flowers this was definitely a very different kind of husband for a toad or mall's son so she said yes to the handsome prince then all the flowers went opened and out of each came a small or small lord so pretty it was a pleasure to watch them each brought a small gift but the best gift was a pair of beautiful wings that had belonged to a large fly white and they tied them to tin shoulders so that she could fly from flower to flower then there was a lot of joy and the little swallow that sat above them in the nest was asked to sing a wedding song he did as well as he could but in his heart he felt sad because he liked lowercase a lot and would have liked never to leave her again, you mustn't be called tiny anymore tells him the flower spirit it's a lousy name and you are so very pretty we will call you goodbye Maya goodbye said the swallow with a heavy heart as she left the warm countries to return to Denmark there was a nest on the window of a house in which the fairy writer the swallow lived sang a tweet and from his song came the whole story

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