A Feathered Friend - Bird on a Wire
Feathered Friends Bird on a Wire

I've been trying to image a couple of Doves that live near by but they are quite shy. Today was a overcast and windy as I was out on the deck and saw this one trying to land on a wire in the wind.

I was trying to image it as it was grabbing the wire with the wings open but I was about a second or so late getting focus...

After sticking the landing our Dove is getting blown around a bit and needs to turn into the wind. Looks like I get those open wings now.

This one is about a city block or so away and the light is overcast and a bit dark for the lens but I managed to lighten it up and bring out the detail in the edit.

This one is looking for its mate and it just made a call and is listening for the response.

I can here the return and this dove locks in and flies over to the tree the other one is in. I was trying to get it as it launched but I can only hand hold 6.5 lbs. of camera and lens up and steady for so long and I missed it.
Oh well next time lol

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