SLC S23W5/ Puppet Theater

in Shine with Steem2 days ago (edited)
1000024821.pngMade in Canva

Hello friends welcome to my blog

With a child between 4 and 12 years old, create a puppet theater using materials of your choice. Consider the child's age to determine whether or not they can cut. The most important thing is their safety; if necessary, you can do the cutting while they participate in the decoration. Remember to indicate the materials you'll use, as well as the step-by-step process and the final result. Include photographic evidence. Also include both the children and you performing the puppet show and showing the final result.

Materials used in making our puppet theatre

  • Cardboard box
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Ruler
  • Marker
  • Paints
  • Ribbons
  • Knief
  • Red fabric

Step-by-step process of how our puppettheatrer was created

The bigger kid made a 3cm length mark from the end horizontal of each edge of the cardboard box using a ruler and a marker, when he was done marking, i helped him cut it out from the area he marked, i did the cutting with a knief and scissors and it created an opening on the box.


The younger kid painted the boarders of the box with a black paint to give it a good look.


I cut out some designs from the white cardboard sheet to make a decoration for the boarder and top . The younger kid painted the cut out white cardboard sheet giving it a mutil colour design while the bìgger kid helped me in cutting out extra unwanted parts of the cardboard box.

1000024658.jpgBusy with his painting

We measured the inner top of the box and it was 30cm. A curve design was made by the bigger kid on the red fabric, it was a 30cm length so a curve was made at each 10cm with a marker after which i help in cutting it out and glued it on the top of the box from the inside.


I made a curtain from the red fabric by cutting out two equal parts having the length of the box and the kid fix the ribbon at the middle to hold the curtain together so we can have an open curtain. I glued the curtain from the inside of the cardboard box.


Step 6
I glued the painted decorated white cardboard sheet by the younger kid. It made the boarders of the box have a beautiful look


We made i written sign "Puppet show" and glued on the top of the decoration and made an inner stage with a cardboard by placing extra cardboard first floor of the box to raise it up to the boarder level of the box then place a red fabric on top of it. And the inner stage looked good


Final Result


And we had a performance with the Puppets

What was the experience like when creating this play?

It was a creative and busy experience as everyone was enagaged to get a nice outcome of our puppet thearter. Everyone of us came up with their creativity skill which worked for us.
It was an enjoyable experience that we were all involved.

What do you think was the most difficult step to take?

There was no difficulty, as we had all the materials we needed and everyone contributed, since it was fun we were all interested and focused it was an enjoyable time for us.

Were you inspired by a specific theme or did you just let your imagination run wild when decorating the puppet theater?

We allowed our imagination run wild when decorating everyone. Imagination and creativty came in at every steps of the process and we allowed it flow that way. As you can see the sign post that read "Puppet Show" came later when we where almost done, it was the idea of the bigger kid so he wrote it and i glue it at the top which gave a good look and also he suggested we add an inner stage which he did by putting in some cardboard to raise the stage and covered it with the red fabric. All this creativty came in while we were on the process and all this imaginations added more colour to the puppet theater.

What was the child's favorite part during this activity?

For the younger kid painting was his favorite part in the activty. He wanted to do the whole painting of the activity and i allowed him to do it.
And for the bigger kid he was so creative that his imagination and creativity was commending, he brought lots of ideas of how to decorate the puppet theatre. He was happy that whatever idea he come up with it, i allowed it to be tried out which turns out to come out nice. So his favourite part of the activity was giving out ideas of how to decorate the puppet theater.

lmages were captured using my mobile device Samsung A34

I would like to invite @rossnenye, @bela90 and @blessedbee to participate in this challenge.


Your work was very beautiful.Thank you very much for participating there. I wish you all the best and may your future be very beautiful and sweet and may this competition bring you success.

Muy bonito tu trabajo amiga y los niños divertiendose es muy agradable verlos divertirse

Saludos y éxitos