SLC S23W3/ Mimos

in Shine with Steem22 hours ago
SLC S23W1 Body Expression and Facial Expressions_20250305_125007_0000.jpgMade in Canva

Hello friends welcome to my blog

Invite your child between 4 and 12 years old to become a mime with you. Share the step-by-step process of becoming a mime: what clothes did they choose? How did they paint themselves? Detail each step until you get to the final result. Don't forget to show photos of the process.

I always read out and explain the details of the activity to them and give them the chance to make their choice to make them happy and comfortable to play along. So they choose to wear red and black for the activity, which are among the colours of outfits for the activity. We all wore red and black; mine was a touch of red on my head tie to blend with their colour.

Step-by-step process of becoming a mime
Firstly, We wore our red and black clothes, With sneakers which were comfortable footwear for the act.

RedLove and excitement

Next, I allowed them to make themself up, but they were finding it difficult as they struggled to get the right direction to apply the paint and could not do it well, so they called for my help, and I assisted them.


Then We applied the white paint all over the face to get the whitish mime face and added other colours, which were black colour in the eyebrows. This was done with black colour paint representing elegance, and we used a red colour that represented love and excitement, to paint the lips and nose to make our gestures and facial expressions visible.


Next was the wearing of white hand gloves to get our hands highlighted for movement as we performed the act for a better understanding to our audience, and we were set to perform our mime act.


Finally, we were set after the whole process, and the kids loved their look when they saw it in the mirror.

IMG-20250304-WA0005.jpgFinal result
Record a video where they perform a mime act, trying to convey a message only through gestures, movements and expressions.

Video of our mime act

What messages did you try to share during the activity?

During the activity, the message shared was giving children opportunities for a variety of activities at home, such as homework/study time, playtime and eating time. Giving a definite time for all these helps them manage their time at home. All this can be achieved with the help of a guide from an adult to assist them where they need help.

The activity began with a mime act of study/home time. The kids were busy with homework and called my attention to where they found some difficulty, which I helped them out. When they were done, I checked through their work to be sure it was well done. After that, they requested to go out and play, and I allowed them to have a playtime while I did some reading and went through my phone. Their play type was bouncing and throwing the ball at each other. At some point, the smaller kid became angry and cried because the bigger kid threw the ball so high that he could not catch it. But the bigger kid pacified him and promised not to throw the ball so high, he became happy, and they continued playing until they were tired and hungry, so we had lunch together.

Do you think that, despite not using words, the message reached the public?

Yes, the message was well passed with their gestures, body movements and facial expressions. They did it on their own understanding as kids and it was well done
I think since kids are used to gestures and body movements in passing a message right from when they were much younger and could not speak, that trait is still in their nature to pass a message without speaking.
So, I think the message reached the public well. The public would easily understand that the children acted how they spent their day with all the activities they engaged in for the day.

How did the child feel while doing this activity? Did he or she find it difficult to not say any words or did he or she miss any words or sounds during the process?

They felt happy and excited as they moved their bodies to express themselves and pass a message. I had told them already before the activity started that they were not to say any word, only body movement, facial expressions and gestures so they kept to the rule and never made a sound because they like it when I shower them with praise on their good performance so they all kept to the rule of the activity and enjoyed the act without saying a word having fun along.

Images and videos were captured using my mobile device Samsung A34

I would like to invite @eveetim, @mkgirl77, and @sahar78 to participate in this challenge.


 6 hours ago 

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Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

 3 hours ago 

The message was clear, I could see when you picked the book to check where the children drew your attention. Great job here. You got the costume and the colours right.

Lemme see how I'll also join the challenge, but then, please I'll love to get this pictures markdown. Thanks.