
in Steem SEA4 years ago (edited)

Hallo....sahabat steemian. pada kesempatan ini saya ingin memperkenalkan diri khususnya kepada sahabat - sahabat dalam komunitas Steem SEA, sebagai pendatang baru saya belum terlalu paham tentang Blog steemit ini, akan tetapi saya sangat ingin belajar akan hal ini disamping bisa menambah wawasan dalam penulisan dan juga menambah persahabatan diantara para senior yang ada dalam steemit terutama Steem SEA.

Nama Akun : @Yogagayo
Nama Asli : Jahdi/Adi
Tempat/Tanggal lahir :Lhokseumawe, 1 Februari 1992
Alamat : Komplek SKB Simpang 4 Kota Lhokseumawe
Pekerjaan : Staf BKPSDM Kab. Aceh Utara
Hobi : Sepakbola dan Traveling



Demikian sahabat semua, inilah perkenalan singkat saya kepada sahabat - sahabat semuanya terutama Steem SEA. saya mengakui dalam penulisan masih banyak terdapat kekurangan. Dan harapan kedepan agar dapat diberi masukan -masukan dari sahabat semuanya. terima kasih

Salam @yogagayo


Dear @yogagayo

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

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Dear @yogagayo

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


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 4 years ago 

Selamat bergabung dengan komunitas Steem SEA

terima kasih bang, salam kenal @yogagayo. mohon arahan dan bimbiingannya.

 4 years ago 

Welcome to steemit Brother

Thank you @nazarul. greetings back from me @Yogagayo

Dear @yogagayo

APPICS is the easiest way to share pictures & videos on the blockchain and get rewarded with both STEEM and APX tokens! 📱

I'd like to invite you to join our mobile apps for iOS and Android, where you can simply login with your steemit account and start getting rewarded for your passion. APPICS is the most engaged dApp in the STEEM ecosystem!

If you are on iOS, please visit and download the app directly from there. If you are on Android, please sign up at with your google play store email address so that we can invite you and send you an exclusive download link via email!


Everything you need to know about APPICS:

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