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Gambar Sketchup Detail Rumah Fakir Miskin Tipe 36

Hai teman Steemian selamat sore
Saya membuat desain gambar untuk rumah sehat fakir miskin dengan tipe 36 ukuran bangunan nya 6 meter x 6 meter. Desain dengan 3 dimensi dari tampak depan, tampak atas, tampak belakang dan tampak kiri beserta tampak kanan bangunan
Rumah tinggal sehat untuk fakir miskin menjadi kebutuhan dasar bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu harus mendapatkan donasi bantuan dari pihak ketiga atau dari pembangunan infrastruktur dengan menggunakan sumber dana desa bisa juga dari sumbangan dermawan. Saling tolong menolong membuat fakir miskin mendapatkan tempat tinggal yang layak dengan kondisi lingkungan rumahnya sehat
Masih banyak orang yang belum beruntung di sekitar gampong kita ataupun di gampong yang daerah perdalaman. Satu sisi ketika kita menempuh perjalanan melintasi jalan Banda Aceh - Medan maka sisi jalan aspalrt akan nampak bangunan rumah toko di sepanjang jalan. Di balik bangunan toko tersebut kita melangkahkan maka akan nampak rumah kayu yang kadang kala lantai langsung tanah dengan atap rumbia, dinding rumah terbuat dari kayu yang sudah tua dimakan oleh usia gubuk.

Merupakan rumah yang tidak layak huni namun ada keluarga yang tinggal didalam nya. Kemiskinan membuat mereka tidak berdaya, dari pada tidak ada tempat.berteduh dari hujan dan panas serta malam hari makanya mereka berada di rumah ini yang tidak layak. Perlunya bantuan bantuan rumah dhuafa maka kehidupan mereka lebih baik di massa akan datang. Bantuan pembangunan sarana prasarana di atas bangunan lama yang kepemilikan lahan sudah ada sertifikat bahwa tanah tersebut memang milik mereka. Rumah tempat tinggal milik mereka yang tidak mampu dibangun karena kondisi kemiskinan yang hadapi. Untuk kebutuhan hidup setiap hari saja kadang dialami mereka dengan kondisi bercukupan serta tidak jarang hal sebal8knya mengalami kekurangan untuk mencukupinya

Situasi yang sulit apalagi pada massa pademi corona saat ini melanda dunia juga berimbas pada kehidupan matapencaharian masyarakat baik perkotaan maupun di perdesaan. Lapangan kerja semakin sulit sementara kebutuhan bahan pokok menuju grafik naik. Masa-masa sulit seperti ini tentu diperlukan bantuan sosial bagi masyarakat yang kesulitan ekonomi tersebut

Calon penerima manfaat melalui pembahasan dalam musyawarah desa dibahas dan disepakati bersama siapa tahun ini dan giliran siapa tahun berikutnya, tentu melalui proses verifikasi dan indikatornya di antaranya:
Kondisi rumah | sudah tidak layak huni |
Lahan | milik pribadi |
Status | Janda diutamakan |
Anak | Yatim diutamakan |
Lokasi tinggal | Warga gampong |
Atap | rumbia sudah banyak bolong |
Dinding rumah | kayu sudah banyak dimakan rayap |
Lantai rumah | Tanah |
Ventilasi | kurang memadai |

Demikianlah tulisan tentang rumah tipe 36 yang saya rangkum agar dapat dibaca oleh semua teman Steemian
Salam spesial buat semua teman Steemian ku
Tentang Saya
How much approximately does it cost to build one of these Type 36 houses?
The construction of houses for the poor uses the Village Fund from the Central Government. Meanwhile, the program proposal was first passed by the Regent of North Aceh, Cek Mad as the head of the North Aceh Government. The first proposal is to build 2 houses for the poor for each village, the total number of houses that have been built in North Aceh is 2 x 852 villages. 1704 Poor Houses have been built in North Aceh in 2019. With construction financing of IDR 85 million for one house. I know it because I work in the government program.
Existing assistance from the central government as well as those distributed by local governments already exists, but is still limited due to the large number of poor people so that they have to wait their turn to receive assistance for healthy houses that are livable. the ability to build houses for the poor with village funds is only 2 to 3 units per year
So it is also necessary that there are other parties who support the construction of this home for the poor so that all poor people can be helped quickly
In Aceh there are still many people who live in uninhabitable houses. There are still many of our citizens who live below the poverty line, so it needs the attention of many people, especially the government. But there is still assistance that the government has not touched.
Yes it's true. There are still many people who live in poverty who also need a decent place to live. Including a good sanitation so they can be healthier.
We have to make sure that no aid goes unanswered and make sure that the recipient has never received help. Because I once found, people who get help houses sell them to other people. Even though the assistance is in his name.
There is a verification team that checks the potential beneficiaries at the beginning before starting the construction of this house for the poor. Looking at some indicators so that potential beneficiaries are worthy and very priority to be immediately helped from @steem-amal

Indicators of providing livable housing assistance: 1. Name : Prospective aid recipient
There is an official report of the handover to the prospective beneficiaries of the duafa house which is signed by:
At the time of the implementation of the construction of houses for the poor, a project board was installed that wrote down the details of the activities and their benefits and wrote the development from @steem-amal
When the poor house is built 100%, then the front wall of the house must be installed Stone of the Dhuafa House from @steem-amal Thus, candidates who really need this poor house are right on target
An example of installing a project board during the construction of a house for the underprivileged
An example of installing the inscription stone that looks white on the wall between the door and the window is the inscription stone
The price of 1 unit of poor people depends on the price of fabricated materials and the price of natural materials and labor wages when the Budget Plan is calculated.
When @waterjoe and I calculated one livable house for the province of Aceh, the budget was Rp. 85,000,000 or equivalent to 850 SBD at the current price, sorry if I answered the question sir. I did this because we are a team in the village community empowerment program in North Aceh Regency. regards
Thank you for this.
Are there any plans to build a house like this funded through Steem.Amal ?
yes, absolutely, we have had the plan to build such house, that is why we keep increasing the housing program.
Recently, Indonesian government has had the housing program for vulnerable. We just need to ensure the program will not be double and overlapping
Thank you for your concern @steemcurator01
best regard
We will look out to support your projects on this.
Thank you
For your information @steemcurator01 and the steemit team, steem.amal is preparing for the massive steem promotion in Lhokseumawe. This program will be announced when approval from the stakeholder (police, city major) is granted. The name of the program is
"1000 masker Untuk Lhokseumawe"
The activity is to distribute 1000 face maskers with the steem.amal (steemit) logo printed on the masker, the masker is being produced in Jakarta, handled by @cicisaja
The logo is like the picture below:
Logo designed by @irawandedy
If this pilot project goes well, we will continue to promote steem in other major cities in Aceh, such as Sigli, Bireuen, Langsa, Banda Aceh, and Meulaboh as well
Should you have any inputs, we are happy to hear it
cc: @anroja @heriadi @ayijufridar @radjasalman @klen.civil
Best Regards
As the Aceh Governor's decision regarding the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities, we are very supportive of the program considering that preventing Covid-19 is a shared responsibility and Steem Amal has taken the initiative to distribute more than 1,000 masks to Lhokseumawe City. A simple steem promo will also be displayed with the logo on the mask.
That sounds great. We will look out for news on this.
thank you for supporting steem.amal. Actually, there were a lot of villagers when we visited, there were no decent houses to live in.
Many poor people in rural areas who need social assistance can be in the form of a healthy place to live
We are very happy to hear this news from you sir
Thank you so much for all your support to Steem Amal
Cc : @el-nailul @anroja @heriadi @nazarul @irawandedy @miftahuddin @sofian
The involvement of all of us to make this community empowerment program a priority in the future
Thank you very much for the support @steemcurator01 to help our community and of course we are all ready to fully contribute to the success of the @steem.amal program
cc: @el-nailul , @anroja @heriadi, @radjasalman @klen.civil, @tucsond, @miftahuddin, @sofian88
This seems like a good idea, because there are so many people who don't have a decent house to live in.
cc; @el-nailul @anroja @heriadi @irawandedy @nazarul @miftahuddin
Prospective beneficiaries of livable housing assistance must carry out a direct survey to the village and verify the prospective beneficiaries of housing for poor people so that they are right on target.
Thank you for supporting the @steem.amal program. we will provide a report for every steem amal activity in the field, we are exploring the construction of houses for the poor so that they are right on target
Thank you again. Hopefully many people will be helped by the @steem-amal program
As manager @el-nailul has said, we continue to do our best for future beneficiaries, including livable houses for those in need.
Contributions that greatly impact the lives of the poor to live a better life Let's make the program a success at @steem-amal
It's true what my colleague @klen.civil said, when we calculated the budget requirement for 1 type 36 house, it was Rp. 85,000,000 currently.
Thank you @steemcurator01
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