Weekly Report Of Booming Support For the Third Week of December 14-21, 2024

in Steem SEA3 months ago
week 3.jpg
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Dear @steemitblog and steemit team.
We hereby present our Booming Weekly Report for week three of December 2024. We continue to strive to always be able to share weekly reports, hopefully not stopping here, but will continue in the future.

We are very grateful that our STEEM SEA Community gets 4 posts powered by Booming every day. As of the third week report in December from December 14, 2024 to December 21, 2024, we have submitted 28 posts that received Booming support. These posts were selected based on the decision of the STEEM SEA Community admins and moderators.

Selections Per Admins/Mods
Selected authors
Selected clubs
Selected Country
Selected tags

We would like to congratulate all those who were selected for the Booming support this week. We hope that you will continue to share your good writing, we will give everyone who qualifies the same opportunity.

Currently there are only 2 moderators involved in this selection, but we have shown all community moderators to ensure fair treatment. In the future, we will try to get all admins and moderators to actively vote. We hope this report represents our work as community moderators/admins this week.

Thanks for your attention, this is our team.


🎉 Howdy @walictd! Your post is inspiring! ⭐


Hey friend! 🎉 Come check out your awesome post on my shiny new front-end! It's still a work in progress but I'd love to hear what you think! View your post here

 3 months ago 

Laporan yang sangat luar biasa Ananda moderator. Lon sang trep KA Hana booming

 3 months ago 


 3 months ago 

He he...Minggu lalu.....nyoe karab lom insya Allah

 3 months ago 

Laporan yang baik bang walictd kapan saya bisa mendapatkan booming 😃

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih, untuk booming insyaAllah jika rutin membuat postingan bagus dan mendukung komunitas pastinya akan dibagi rata.

 3 months ago 

Baik bang walictd salam sehat salam ramah ☺️ 👍