A Memorable Song

in Steem SEAyesterday (edited)


Death is death, Dragon said
You know dear brother we still have a life to live
What you do you think your mom will say
If you die in the cave?

Felt weak and blue
A broken soul, a poisoned body
Had made him change colour.

He sniffed at the flower
No need to tell his sister
How he felt
During their walk in the forest.

He had to admit
It felt good
no desert, no drought
No empty soul

A cell phone rang

Startled they look at another
Phones in the forest
Were uncommon
We better be invisible, Dragon said

A memorable song filled the air
Money, money, money
Sang a dwarf
No time to waste

Let's celebrate
Work in the mines can wait
Unlike life
Let's dance and sing.

What's that fruitcake up to?
They looked at another
Laughed out loud
The blue faded.

Who's there, asked the dwarf
Come out, I don't bite
It's just a song
Memorable for those who hear it.

Is that you dragon?
I have a message
Volcano sends greetings ...
His voice fell silent.

Dragon and brother appeared out of nowhere
Good trick, said the gnome
Can you teach me that too
Hey, brother, your mom sends greetings.

Before either of them could reply
The gnome had disappeared
The only thing left was a telephone
Next to a bunch of flowers

It kept playing.

Can't you turn it off, asked Brother
Dragon shrugged
She had no interest in phones and small buttons
A paw placed and it finally became quiet.

Hungry, she asked, let's have a bite
You're red again and not dead yet
Smelling flowers worked perfectly
Let's take the time to have fun
Money is no object for dragons.

The Dragon's Song

dark, rock, soul, anthemic
22 March 2025 at 15:54v3.5

Death is death the dragon sighed
Brother dear there's no place to hide
These flames won't warm your shattered chest
Live the tale don't live the rest

What you think your mom would cry
If she saw her son choose to die
The cave's a tomb it won't forgive
Come outside we've still a life to live

Rise from ashes let shadows break
No chains to hold no fear to take
Your soul's not lost it still can sing
In death's dark clutch find reason to cling

[Verse 2]
Brother felt weak his veins turned ice
A stolen heart paid the highest price
A broken soul a poisoned blade
He watched light slip and courage fade

Rise from ashes let shadows break
No chains to hold no fear to take
Your soul's not lost it still can sing
In death's dark clutch find reason to cling

The dragon roared the cold shook free
Brother rise it's not meant to be
A life torn thin still holds a thread
The cave may call but you're not dead

Music: Suno
Monday (17/3) : Mom
Tuesday (18/3): death
Wednesday (19/3): flowers
Thursday (20/3): cell phone
Friday (21/3): memorable song
Saturday (22/3): money
Sunday (23/3): time
All prompst are provided by @aneukpineun78

 14 hours ago 

Nice one. I do not know the song itself. It was exciting until...

A cell phone rang

What? I thought, we were talking about Dragons. LOL.. I stopped there to think that, there should be a picture of a dragon picking up the phone or something..

But, I have to say that is a creative way to use the prompt.

#wewrite #comment

You can't know the song since it's new and generated by AI called: Suno. You feed it with your text, pick the type of music your like and the rest is a big surprise and likely not what you had in mind.

It's getting boring if we all do the same

@wewrite #comment

 10 hours ago 

Yeah. I have not heard of it.

It's getting boring if we all do the same

Oh, really..? I guess there is a limitation and it ended with you. LOL..

#wewrite #comment

You can try out Suno if you like you have free points per day to generate a song if you like to use own music that should be possible as well but I'm not great if it comes to these tools.

What do you mean by the limitation that ended with me?

 4 hours ago 

What do you mean by the limitation that ended with me?

When you said "it'd be boring if everyone used it. It felt like there was a limit to how many are going to use it. LOL

No, I had no intention of using it. But, I just wanted to pick on something that you wrote. Sorry..

#wewrite #comment

I meant by boring the fact that everyone writes the same, thinks in the same way which I find unbelievable. No need to say sorry to me. It's always good to have talk.

 43 minutes ago 

Yeah, it is true. It is going to be redundant and it will be boring having the same posts written over and over by different people. It is just like The Daily Game thing. I do not have anything against it. But, sometimes you just want to read something different. That is why Freewriters is different than any other community.

#wewrite #comment

Great to read a new episode of Dragon. Sorry, for all the times I didn't leave a reply. I try to catch up. The song makes it extra. Looking forward to the end result. Bye K, let's do it our way like we always did. Brother is okay?

(Published through Steemit Dapp https://boylikegirl.club)