Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program | Week 4 and We Grow!
-Winston Curchill-
Digital Art: Courtesy of @hanna716 and @mikejosephortega, 25% rewards for @steem.amal and 25% for Hanna
Hello Redfish aka Aneuk Seurideng!
Here we are again, to see what has happened to our fellow redfish after a week with a full celebration for our first Graduate @akbar2468. You can read the news here, and I'm happy to accept 3 new participants who joined in a couple of days ago. Welcome @bustamam21, @longberry, and @hamidsteem!
A total of 1000 SP was delegated by @anroja and I removed my delegation from @maedapurba, @rudiiskandar17, @santolix, and for the best achiever @lianaayuliana, you don't need my small help anymore, you've grown enough!.
I need to use the SP for those who are really in need.

I have to delist @lianaayuliana from this table, but I didn't because I want you to see how big she can grow within a week, Amazing!
After taking a giant step to power up last week, @aisyahmychun seems to wait for a perfect time to add more power and join @lianaayuliana on the second level. Go girl, You can do it!!

Who will join this lonesome warrior on the second level next week? will you @rizkiblangpadang?
Ask me why I removed my delegation from the small power account? If you check their wallet, they have enough steem to power up and enjoy the days on steemit without many obstacles such as insufficient bandwidth or resources credit. I learn from the table below, with their activity, I don't think it's the right thing to keep my SP sitting in the dust.

Anyway, good job everyone, at least you tried your best to keep posting and support others through Upvote and Commenting. Wonderful!
Is there any effect of being active with your growth? it's not hard to tell. If you can create good quality posts every day, making new friends through comment and upvote, I think you'll get more attention and more people will stop by and read yours. If you keep your steem / SBD in your wallet and not doing anything with it, then there's no way you will grow! You can't depend on someone else to power you up, right? It's your account, your obligation to keep it growing.
By the way, I can see the improvement of your power from the first week until now, I'll show you all how big you have grown within a month in the next post. Have you start commenting on the "best post of the day?", well @firyfaiz has done her best to read and choose them every day. I can't even help them because I was busy with something else. At least have you read why my post not eligible for community curators?, well.. if you have done so and none care, then you need to be patient and keep doing your best. We have more than 400 active members every day, can you imagine how hard the moderator's team is to check your posts?. Then don't forget to give them some support too. Thanks in advance.

We'll celebrate Indonesia's Independence Day anniversary on August 17th, Have you done your obligation as a citizen? come on.. go get the covid-19 Vaccinated, pay your tax, and keep your environment clean? be a positive one and don't forget to share your act of kindness too! happy Independence Day!
Last but not least, If you want to join this program and make sure you're only a redfish with less than 450 SP, don't forget to leave a comment by telling me your account, when it was created and how many SP you have right now. I'll take the note from and include you in the program next week. No matter where you're coming from, as long as you're a member of Steem SEA's community, I'll let you in.
There's no change on who deserves to get 200 SP for this week, @rizkiblangpadang will have it for another week, @lianaayuliana keep hers and @akbar2468 will keep using the delegated SP till the end of this month, @fajrihasan12 will keep him for another week. So, let's wait till next week to see who will be the next best achiever. @hamidsteem, I'll delegate you 50 SP and Have Fun!
Terimakasih banyak kak cicisaja semoga hidup kaka berkah dunia akhirat.
Mohon bimbingan nya kak @cicisaja
Dan juga terimakasih saya kepada @anroja
mudah-mudahan bisa berseteemit dengan gembira dengan sedikit bantuan SP itu, asalkan posting tiap hari dan berusaha berinteraksi dengan yang lain.. pasti bisa. diselesaikan tugas-tugas achievementnya, bergabung ke steem sea dan jangan lupa bikin postingan perkenalan untuk menjadi anggota. bikin postingan seperti yang selama ini dilakukan agak kurang baik untuk berkembang dengan cepat.
terimakasih kaka atas saran dan masukkanya. saya sangat berterimakasih bnyak.
ini saya lagi pelajari cara buat achiment 2 dan seterusnya.
iya kak juga saya pelajaribpostingan di komunitas steem sea
[WhereIn Android] (
kalau belum jadi member, silakan ikuti panduan dalam postingan ini cara menjadi member steem sea
Terimakasih kak @cicisaja atas informasinya
Untuk perkenalan di komunitas pendatang varu sudah kak.
🏆 Hi @cicisaja! You have received 0.05 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @tyrnannoght
Subscribe and increase the reward for @cicisaja :) | For investors.
Pengen juga sih delegate SP ke SteemSEA, tapi apalah daya kami masih pemula. Steem POwer pun belum kuat.
kalau belum punya ikut saja program ini, mudah-mudahan bisa berkembang bersama
Insya Allah Cutkak @cicisaja, minggu depan tembus 250 SP.. Aamiin..
itu baru disebut semangat TSS!
Siap cut kak, TSS emang kompak😁😁
Kekuatan yang kuat dalam meraik kesuksesan
selama konsisten dan mau terus berubah dan berkembang setelah tahu ada banyak yang bisa dilakukan, tidak ada alasan untuk tidak sukses
Alhamdulillah... Terimakasih akak @cicisaja ❤ dan senior @anroja 😊
sama-sama... 5 steem menunggu kalau bisa jadi lulusan kedua, kiban... berapa minggu target?
Amin.. Mau nya tembus dua minggu ini ya akak, tapi qadarullah ayu sedang mendapat musibah ayah meninggal dunia. Mudah-mudahan ada kelapangan dalam menulis... Makasi akak @cicisaja motivasi nya ❤
Innalillahi wainna ilaihi raji'un, turut berduka @lianaayuliana, maaf ini baru baca dan tenang saja, dahulukan yang perlu didahulukan, steemitnya ngga kemana-mana dan programnya juga masih berlangsung.
semoga Ayu dan keluarga selalu sehat dan sabar dalam menghadapi musibah, aamiin.
Terima kasih telah mengupdate perkembangan peserta Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program. Sangat menggembirakan melihat perkembangan mereka, semoga ke depan semakin banyak Steemian yang ikut dalam program ini.
Insya Allah ketua, makin sedikit ya ikut sebenarnya ada dua kemungkinannya, 1 bukan aneuk seurideng, 2 tidak bersedia disebut aneuk seurideng, hahahha
terimakasih perayaannya cutkak, dan SPnya masih bisa saya nikmati, dan sekarang saya akan terus berenang mengarungi indahnya lautan nan dalam untuk mencari putri duyung hehehe, semangat buat teman-teman saya... buktikan merah mu 🏹🎯
Terimakasih cut kk..
loen cut dek Hay, hehhehehee
Mantap. Sukses selalu untuk kawan-kawan semua peserta Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program. Tetap semangat dan terus berkreatif untuk mencapai keberhasilan.
terima kasih atas dukungan nya bang yuh @tucsond 💪 semua bisa kalau mau, kan?
Assalammualaikum ww
Saleum meuturi🙏
wa'alaikumussalam, saleum meuturi chit