Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program| Week 3 and We Have a Graduatee!

in Steem SEA4 years ago

"What we call results are beginnings"

Ralp Waldo Emmerson

blue-blur-color-dark-1.pngDigital Art Courtesy of @hanna716 and @mikejosephortega from Phillipines. 25% rewards for @steem.amal

Hello Redfish aka Aneuk Seurideng!

Here I am with news for you, participants, and supporters of the Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program which is now in the third phase and will continue conducted like this for a few more weeks. We still encourage any Steemians who are still owned less than 450 SP to join this program, so you will know how your account grows every week, and perhaps you'll get inspired by looking at how other's accounts growing too.

I won't let find this post as TLDR (Too Long Don't Read/Too Lazy Don't Read), because I know you probably need to create your own posts and earn a few more steem to power up to. So let's take a look at the following table!

if you want to see where the number comes from, you need to check this post, that's from last week and we're on the third week and if you join now, you'll be in the first week.

These are the most interesting numbers I have ever seen during my journey of conducting this program. @akbar2468, growing like a rocket to the moon within 3 weeks of joining this program, and now He's become the first Graduate! Congratulations! You are a Salmon, Now!
Good job on Powering Up too @aisyahmychun! I know you're busy enough in the real life, but so glad to see you try your best to keep growing your account, wonderfully!

Now, Let's take a look at how these awesome people activity on steemit, check the following table, and see what have they done!

Akbar did his best to interact with others through posts, comments, and upvotes. He finally stops his bad habit on self-vote, lol. When you have posted enough and do your best to be a social butterfly on other's posts, you'll gain some benefits like getting more supporters rather than keep posting but none read it because they don't see you anywhere around.

I, once again want to encourage you to start your day as an active steemian by reading and commenting on the posts that chosen by @firyfaiz as Best Posts of The Day, while you can learn why they're considered as best post of the day. I can tell you, as long as you create a good quality post (not too many typos with great pictures also inspiring messages), post on steem sea community, share your rewards with @steem.amal, I think Firya and I would love to read and pick yours as the nominee.

Oh, come on cici, your post has never been chosen as the best post and still earn so little steem too!

LOL, Don't mind me, because I reject almost everything! I want your posts to be better than mine, I have other things to think about and I never put my attention on my rewards or earnings. I have it better somewhere else, okay. You must be happy because you don't have to compete with me to get more attention from the curators. We're here, to support the community members. Unfortunately, we only support those who really show us their best.

Let me remind you that you're not restricted to post only about "Thediarygame" in Steem SEA community. You're always welcome to create posts about your #betterlife experience of Actsofkindness, growyourown, cryptoandme, planetpositives, mindbodyandspirit, learnwithsteem, and craftycontent. More information about it you can read here, or here.


I really love the digital art made by @hanna716 and his brother @mikejosephortega for this project, so I will continue sharing my payout with her to show my support for her. I really hope everyone can enjoy a better life by joining steemit.

You're all welcome to join this program by submitting your account, the date of your account created, and Steem Power you have right now in your account. Post it in the comment of this post, I will take note and include you in the next post.

Now a little Celebration for the Graduate, @akbar2468. Thanks for showing wonderful growth within 3 weeks and I will ask @dipoabasch to send you 5 steem as rewards!. Congratulations and I hope you will grow better and be a dolphin, ASAP.

Special thanks to our leader @anroja, who supported the redfish with his Steem Power. He already uses 800 SP to delegate to @rizkiblangpadang, @lianaayuliana, @fajrihasan12, @akbar2468. Akbar can use the delegation SP for 2 more weeks. I will take back my delegation SP from @maedapurba, @rudiiskandar17, and @santolix if they don't show any progress within the next 2 weeks.

Thanks for your participation and see you next week!


Selamat untuk kakanda @akbar2468 atas wisudanya.. Kini waktunya membantu para newcomers dengan segenap kreatifitas yang anda miliki 💪

siap bg, tapi Masi butuh bimbingan lanjut neh bg..🤭🤭

Kalo udah lulus tandanya uda cukup bimbingan... Bek lee lakee bimbingan . Lon kaleuh keunoeng dhoet bak kak @cicisaja wate lulus angkatan pertama tapi manteng lakee bimbingan.. Bek sampe rneuh pih keunoeng dhoet 🤣

omaaa gawat that lagoe..hehehhehehe siap-siap bg @mirzamg terimakasih info jih bang hehheh 🔥🔥💪

Hahaha... Brat gawat nyan kak @cicisaja geutanyoe.. Tpi lewat keunoeng dhoet bak gobnyan jinoe ka geutanyoe rasa manfaat mandum..

 4 years ago 

Alhamdulillah meusu ka neurasa na manfaat, panee mungken ubee raya ka, ta tingku sabee kan?

💪😎 jdi obattt...

Beutoi kak.. Tpi sebenarnya kami masih perlu bljar banyak dari kakak.. 😁
Jangan biarkan kami terlantar, ken nyoe meunan tgk akbar2468 😊

 4 years ago 

bek awak meu'en game meuruno... meuruno bak, meusapat ureung carong hinan. Loen han teumee meu'en game miseu jak urus awak droun sasabee..hahahha

nyan jelas bg, ada bagusnya juga memang kita harus kena mental dulu sama kak @cicisaja hehehehe

iya lon sekali pernah kena sama kak Cici hehehhe tapi jeut ke ubat..makajih lon ikot.. heehhehehhehehheheehe

🏆 Hi @cicisaja! You have received 0.05 STEEM reward for this post from the following subscribers: @tyrnannoght
Subscribe and increase the reward for @cicisaja :) | For investors.

terimakasih perayaannya kak @cicisaja, semoga sisa 2 Minggu lagi SPnya, pasti akan saya pergunakan dengan semaksimal mungkin ,dan yang terpenting bimbing saya terus untuk bisa menjadi lebih hebat lagi. 💪😎 sekali lagi terimakasih.

 4 years ago (edited)

sama-sama dan kamu memang keren, layak jadi contoh bagi steemian yang lain karena bisa jadi salmon hanya dalam waktu 3 minggu. itu menunjukkan bahwa kamu bersungguh-sungguh dengan apa yang kamu lakukan di steemit. Pertahankan dan manfaatkan SPnya utk dapat lebih banyak lagi.

Mulai minggu depan, namamu tidak akan ada dalam fatra pantauan lagi. Nanti kalau sudah ada program terusan yaitu "salmon support" baru kamu bisa ikut lagi. Terima kasih yaa..

siap mentor hebat, tapi masih di lirik kan, mana tau nanti butuh sentuhan lagi...jangan tinggal kan aku, song
Oke kak akan di praktekan terus ilmu dan trik yang sudah di arahkan, salam hormat kakak pembina 😥

 4 years ago 

jangan memandang rendah kemampuan diri, harus yakin dan terus belajar dari siapa saja yang sudah menunjukkan kesuksesan. tenang saja, kan masih di komunitas yang sama, pasti sesekali dilirik lah

hehheehe, hidup itu butuh orang lain kak eee, hehehhehehe

siap kak @cicisaja 🤝

dalam 3 minggu..., luar biasa, aku 3 tahun... Keluaran tahun rendah kali ya.... He he he

 4 years ago (edited)

tulisannya bagus dia dan semua hasilnya dia pakai utk power up, itu yang nampak bang, makanya bisa secepat itu. makanya aku selalu bilang, sekarang bisa lebih mudah dan cepat...

Susah sekarang menemukan pemuda penuh semangat seperti itu.

Pogram aneuk seurideng sangat membatu untuk pemula, semangat terus untuk pengembang

 4 years ago 

terima kasih, selama aneuk seurideng sadar dia aneuk seurideng dan butuh dukungan, tidak ada hambatan bagi komunitas untuk membantunya

 4 years ago 

Selamat kepada bro @akbar2468 atas kelulusan nya, anda luar biasa.. Buat cutkak @cicisaja maaf agak sibuk mnggu ini 😁😁

siap bro @rizkiblangpadang sukses buat kita semua, terimakasih 🤜🤛

 4 years ago 

Siap brother..

 4 years ago 

gak usah minta maaf.. kamu tentukan sendiri kecepatan pertumbuhanmu, aku cuma bisa bantu sedikit dengan mencatatnya dan memberi sedikit dukungan yang tersedia saja. jadi lakukan yg terbaik dan nyaman menurutmu saja. Semangka!!

 4 years ago 

Makasih cutkak, saya sungguh termotivasi, Insya Allah minggu depan lebih baik..😂😂😂

Selamat buat @akbar2468

sama-sama kak @ranesa70 sukses buat kita semua😎

Aamiin.... semangat 💪


 4 years ago 

Hanya terimakasih saja...,😄Just thank you.

 4 years ago 

sama-sama, semoga ada manfaatnya

 4 years ago 

Selamat @akbar2468 yang telah lulus dan diwisuda dalam Steem SEA's Redfish Support Program. Anda memang hebat..

terimakasih pak ketua @anroja ini belum berakhir, mohon bimbingan nya terus buat saya, dan saya punya mimpi besar di steemit 💪🙏


 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

aah i forgot to tell you, Bisa delegate 200 SP ke @aisyahmychun juga? minggu ini beliau menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang excellent

Hi @cicisaja! Special squad of highly trained hamsters prepared this delegation link for you:
steemconnect 200.0 SP delegation to @aisyahmychun.

 4 years ago 

thanks !!

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago (edited)

Really cool 😍 @akbar2468 and @aisyahmychun
I hope I will also graduate soon. Amin
Thanks for the motivation sist @cicisaja

 4 years ago 

you did well, and I know you will graduate soon


 4 years ago 

Terimakasih cut kk @cicisaja...

 4 years ago 

Selamat say @aisyamychun. Semangat 💪

terimakasih kak @lianaayuliana sukses buat kita semua..

 4 years ago 


 4 years ago 

Thank you @cicisaja! 😊 I really feel appreciated because of this. And with this project. I am enjoying steemit even more for everyone's support and kindness. I am still growing and soon maybe after reaching my goal I'll be able to delegate as well on this community.

 4 years ago 

i suggest you to join this program too.. so you'll know how big you have grow every week