Road Accidents/post 3
Hello!steemians,today I'm going to talk about "ROAD ACCIDENTS".

The word "road accidents" has become very familiar to us in recent times.Most of the accidents that happen every day are preventable. Man's carelessness, speeding, driving while using a cell phone, drunk driving, not following the rules of the road are the main causes of road accidents.

"Motorcycle" is a popular vehicle among the youth of today's society .Many people today are accustomed to buying the best model motorcycle on the market immediately after school .These young people do not respect or obey the rules of the road. They think of themselves as having an "airplane" when they are young. Innocent human lives are being lost due to their negligence. It is very difficult to find even in a difficult village .Most of the girls think that they are not driving on any other road except the one they are driving.

As a country develops, the road system is created. "The expressway" is also the result of a development project. Today, a large number of people use their "expressway" to facilitate their travels so that they can reach their destination faster and without congestion. It's very popular .But it's also a place where a lot of accidents happen today.

The Sri Lanka Police constantly investigating traffic offenders .They find the culprits and punish them .

People are given the ability to think and make decisions .So why can not we drive disciplined .We need to be disciplined. We also need to think about the safety of the other person. As intelligent people we can respect the rules of the road. Obey them. We have a group of people who are waiting for us to arrive. Even though they are not worth their lives, they are very valuable to those at home. Reduces accidents .Lives are saved.
Thank you all of you.
Please add the justify codes correctly. Anyway nice article👌
I done it. Thank you🙏🙏
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I done that. Thank u so much for your guidance.
You are welcome. And there is a small issue with your first source link. May you take a look at it.
I also correct it. Thank u again