Covid19 | Should we be re-using disposable masks?

in Sri Lanka-ශ්‍රී ලංකා4 years ago (edited)

Hi all, we all are aware of the extreme covid19 pandemic situation in the whole world and are taking all the measures to avoid getting infected. We wear facemasks whenever going out and wherever we aren't alone. Generally people with a low or a medium income tend to re-use disposable face masks like surgical masks and KN95 masks in order to refrain from over-spending money on buying masks. And also not only them, sometimes even the rich people re-use face masks to reduce the environmental damage. So are we SAFE ? We are yet to find out. Hold on..

Risks of re-using a disposable mask

If the mask is torn, soiled or visibly dirty, then the mask has to be disposed immediately. It is found out that most of the micro organisms grow in the front part of the mask. And it is also clear that the amount of micro organisms that grow on a mask increases with the re-use of the mask. So there's a high probability that you'll inhale the virus or you'll touch the virus and allow an infection.

The best option is to stay home without going out. But what if staying home isn't an option? Let's see..

How to be safe while wearing a mask?

So we should always remember not to touch the mask. If accidentally touched then sanitize your hands well. Carry a paper bag with you so that you can keep the mask inside that while you are having food etc.

How to properly re-use a mask ?

  • Re-use of a surgical mask isn't adviced. If you really need to re-use, then go for a N95 or a KN95.
  • Don't boil the mask. Boiling will harm the fabric and affect the filtration process.
  • U.S. Department of Health & Human Services recommends a rotation method if you really need to re-use a N95/KN95 mask

What's a mask rotation method ?

It's the process of keeping a mask dry for long enough that the virus - if contaminated will no longer be viable. 72 hours plus is a safe call.

  1. You buy enough masks for a whole week in advance
  2. Everyday after coming home, hang or keep the mask inside a breathable container like a paper bag. Be sure that the masks do not touch each other for extended safety
  3. Rotate use of the masks so that you'll wear a used mask only after 5 days
  4. Dispose the masks if soiled, dirty or worn.

Disclaimer: It is always advised to follow the guidelines set by a health regulatory body. I saw this method on which is the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. It says,

One strategy to reduce the risk of contact transfer of pathogens from the FFR to the wearer during FFR reuse is to issue five N95 FFRs to each healthcare staff member who care for patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. The healthcare staff member can wear one N95 FFR each day and store it in a breathable paper bag at the end of each shift with a minimum of five days between each N95 FFR use, rotating the use each day between N95 FFRs. This will provide some time for pathogens on it to “die off” during storage [8]. This strategy requires a minimum of five N95 FFRs per staff member, provided that healthcare personnel don, doff, and store them properly each day.

I recommend you to do further research on this. Happy steeming guys! be safe.

#covid19 #corona #coronavirus #disposable #mask #reuse #pandemic

 4 years ago 

Hi @majaleo,

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Hi @sindi16
Thanks for the guidance. I've edited the post.

 4 years ago 

I have reused the same KN95 mask for a bit long without knowing the harmfulness. I also have washed it few times untill I saw a message from the founder of KN95 masks on news saying don't do it. So I finally threw it away.😅

You buy enough masks for a whole week in advance

This is what we exactly do now. I also wear a face shield for better safe though it is kind of hard to get used to it.


Great! Even we used to boil masks a few times until we got to know about this. Now the rotation method has been our savior haha.
Thank you @kashvibhagya

 4 years ago 

Valuable shearing about masks and we have seen most of peoples are using wrong way.Not only that some time I have problem in public places they use it afraid covid 19 or polic.
So mask is wearing with responsible.Thanks for the information.
