Why I'm Here #snookmademedoit

in Why am I on Steem?5 years ago (edited)


I actually was looking around for another project to get involved in that had a solid community and ran into Steemit.com . I had spent 6-7 years deep inside the bitcoin community getting to know all the characters over there and it was fun to say the least!

I see the same thing with Steem and the formation of similar people and groups.

Bitcoin kind of ran its course over those few years and I left it for a good year or two. When I returned I went looking for a blockchain community.

I'm convinced a good blockchain/crypto needs a good community. This is why I'm here. I saw it with Bitcoin how important BTCtalk.org was . I'm not sure how much reach Bitcoin really would have had without it. It would have been slower to say the least.

I actually had visited Steemit.com in May of 2016 and thought it was a stupid idea. At first I thought you needed buy Bitcoin to be able to post and upvote everything on the platform. I ended up ditching it for about a month or so and returned in July based on some article. I signed up in July.

I don't plan on leaving it.

I kind of just said this is the crypto/blockchain and community I want to be around on. The rest is history as they say.

thanks @snook for putting this together... want to take her challenge do it here.

I also now have a few communities I can finally start to promote! Here they are with more coming:

User Help Community:


This will be one one stop shop to help answer any noobie questions

Introduce Yourself


Similar to the Introduce Yourself tag we all are familiar with.

And my own little sandbox community




Yeah it is always easy to replicate the coin, but replacing the friends, followers, and networks are nearly impossible, that's what adds value to steem over vaporware- lol!!

WOW so you really are that smart :D

I LOVE your story. I am learning so much about everyone and really finding it interesting. If anyone ever thinks of leaving Steem all they have to do is read a few stories like yours and they just wouldn't.

Thank YOU for doing the whateveritis :D


Thanks! yes, I'm enjoying reading how everyone arrived here its all so fascinating for sure!
Nobody should leave Steem. Actually, nobody ever really does that is the secret hehe...

many hugs!

@coininstant I see your comment in Ginabot but I don't see it here lol

Yeah it is always easy to replace the coin, but replacing the friends, followers, and networks are impossible!

I agree. The network is the most important.