Please bench the following 107 accounts for cheating and farming!
Please bench the following accounts for abuse: @snakeproof, @subadditiv, @spondylid, @cochleary, @reexpels, @bivalvous, @countian, @forecastlehead, @pattidari, @denotational, @womanhearted, @squelchily, @regurgitation, @scissoria, @meritocrat, @februation, @ornamenting, @laundrywoman, @lifedrop, @conviciate, @preshown, @unindebtedly, @oligarchically, @fricassee, @productions, @concentric, @obeliscar, @comeuppance, @quagginess, @prodentine, @madrasseh, @neatherd, @consarned, @innative, @regurgitation, @illeviable, @whereunder, @excavations, @scentproof, @hysteropathy, @amphibolous, @remissory, @enfettered, @sailingly, @sportable, @shunnable, @radiopalmar, @swelchie, @noncontingent, @frisette, @dehydrofreeze, @inframaxillary, @schmaltzes, @demigroat, @unriddle, @entrappingly, @gitanemuk, @turtlebloom, @kainozoic, @outclass, @atamascos, @uninterrogated, @biassing, @scabland, @kainozoic, @desulfurize, @glossographer, @terebene, @hydrocephaloid, @unpressured, @dumfounds, @gelandelaufer, @pistaches, @uninterrogated, @biassing, @kainozoic, @sailingly, @regality, @misogynical, @afluking, @snakeproof, @dispathy, @desiderata, @crackable, @tarryingness, @crenelle, @palynological, @broadloom, @gasolinic, @evangelization, @polysynthesism, @subchorionic, @fricassee, @hysteropathy, @regurgitation, @afluking, @preshown, @prodentine, @catchpole, @bawcocks, @introtraction, @neopaganize, @kissably, @antiophthalmic, @bombasts, @scrupulus, @evaporite, @copywise, @inexecutable, @unpealed, @demonetising, @gallanting, @petrogenetic, @quinquelocular, @acondylose, @termwise, @hortulan, @reconfide, @digammated, @savageness, @caddiced, @nonfluently, @gorsechat, @musicmonger, @alienisms, @drainage, @euphrasies, @kinesimeter, @snowsuit, @unthawed, @unarrogating.
These accounts are abusively using part of the actifit template to imitate actifit posts while they are using Partiko. This is a big farming operation, transferring sports tokens to each other and upvoting their fake actifit reports for sports and zzan tokens.
As you can see, there's no stepcount and the template looks nothing like the genuine Actifit template.
This is the screenshot of @snakeproof's wallet .
Screenshot of @noncontingent's wallet.
These are just two screenshots and I can't post all of them here. If you follow the token trail from their wallet you can identify the whole network.
These accounts don't deserve to be part of any tribe, therefore I'm asking my referee colleagues to vote this benching post and put these cheaters away forever.
These accounts have been sent to the penalty box.
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