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RE: ⚽ The £150m Team (Part 1)

in Sport3 years ago

Ah yes, I understand you now - another example is the Saudi Government buying Newcastle.

I don't know what I think. In the Premier League in particular, many of the owners are billionaires and they're billionaires because they have a connection to a government or political figure - or the government makes a connection to them because they're rich. So football's got itself into a financial position where this feels inevitable somehow.

In general, there's too much money in the game. With money, comes corruption. It's becoming less of a sporting contest with each £100m transfer. I'm starting to prefer walking down to the local ground with 200 other people where it will always be about the sport and nothing to do with the money.

What are your views?


Everything is valid, as long as the rules are respected, all teams have the right to generate income from anywhere as long as the financial rules are respected and they show where those millions of dollars or euros come from... if you Let's see that, they would generate more jobs, but after you exceed those limits, I don't think it's necessary to increase your income or profits any more when you will no longer have the return on the money you invested as you wish because it will always be the same number of people who consume that product...

I would also add something else! I think we are at the gates of a new way of doing business, the traditional is already being left behind and the players and their agents when they see this type of business are going to want more money.... already in the new contracts they talk about money for sign, money for image rights, money for my dad, money for my mom, money for my dog... hahaha... this will be an issue I think will never end if investors like the ones you mention keep coming.