A 24 hour Snook Day

I required some lighthearted fun and a haircut. The video above is what happens when you watch too many other videos while trying not to stress out over what has been happening with the Steem Blockchain.
The best part is everything ended well so that was a huge plus for me!
I hope this video gives you a break for a moment in time to just sit back and relax.

I tried out @threeSpeak for the first time today too.
So far it works great for me!
Let's see what the future holds.

YouTube for those in Need

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.

Steem Witness's I support
Enginewitty!, Jackmiller!, Guiltyparties!, C0ff33a / Deranged!

Sweet footer made by @enginewitty!
▶️ 3Speak

▶️ 3Speak
Lookin good all dolled up sis!
does a cat call
Have to show me how you do the sped up video bits. Always wondered that.
@alliedforces curate 2
Keep up the great work and join us in The Castle sometime!
The #spreadlovenotwar curation campaign is under the guidance of witnesses @enginewitty and @untersatz.
I will <3
and thank you!
Soooo glad I do not have to worry bout putting on makeup! LOL :D Nice job on your cut. And I will not being doing a cat call, I will leave that to the professional.
Thank You!!!
Luv the Cle Cle Clea clean cut
okay you lost me at the make up
I should get my nephew to give you tips
According to the Bible, Is there such a thing as untimely death in the Bible?
Watch the Video below to know the Answer...
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