Where kings of Choson Dynasty were working at

in #history8 years ago (edited)


As I posted before, there was a more convenient place for King to work just like Oval room of the President of America, it was a Sa Jeong Jeon palace which has meaing of taking care of people with his best.

Sa Jeong Jeon was located just behind of the official office, Geun Geong Jeon, 3 minutes on foot.

You need to pass a gate for Sa Jeong Jeon, the name of the gate is Sa Jeong Moon. You coud look at the Sa Jeong Jeon through the gate.

They devided the space due to it's usage and purpose.

Even though it's the same space for ruling people, it was strictly divided.

At the center of Sa Jeong Jeon, there was a drawing of king's symbol and his chair. The chair was humble.

In front of Sa Jeon Jeon, there was a sundial.

As I posted before, time and season was very important to the King of agricultural society. If you look at carefully, you could notice the reason why they put the sundial in front of Sa Jeong Jeon.
It means that King need to work more carefully and in detail in this room

Actually there were 3 rooms for king's common daily work.
It depended on seasons. In spring, summer and fall when weather was fine, King and Officials were working at Sa Jeong Jeon, But in winter or cold season in spring and fall, they moved to different rooms for warming

There were 2 rooms for these purpose which were located in left and right of Sa Jeon Jeon.

There was no chimney in Sa Jeon Jeon,

At front of the Sa Seong Jeon, the right was a spring room the name of 10 thousands spring room and the left was a thousand fall room.

10 thousands spring room

Thousand fall room

You can see the chimney at spring and fall room.
There were one more chimney in fall room for the winter.

Inside of king's working room was humble and as same as novel people's library.

Ceiling was not so colorful than the official building.

They believed that King should work in more silent atmosphere.

Any way the basic patterns were lotus.

Here I'd like to give you a quiz.
Why they named spring room 10 thousands. and fall thousand ?

It's because King should eager for Spring 10 times more than fall.
Why? Ask your daddy or grandpa, please.

I guess, farmers heart is as same as all over the world.

Thank you for reading..


I am interested in the hours of the sun, the Korean people in the past were already familiar with the time system and this time I tried to answer the quiz you gave ..., "because in the spring season the farmers came down to the fields and rice fields to farm again and the king returned to the room special for spring, and of course the king is very busy serving his people in spring "...... and thank for share about korea history..

Perfect answer
Thank you

You are welcome.. @slowwalker....

@slowwalker wow, as always you got my support..love your post..the photo you taken is great the details is very informative..the pictures are already say something for the beautiful and meaningful about the history and architecture on the palace place. the art's artifacts was truly a great treasure on south korean people..

for that i will give u my thumbs up of upvote



kindly see my poem-hope you will see and read it on your favorable time, hoping to see you in my page-^_^

Suche a wonderful place!! I'm really intrigued by the pattern with lotus, magnificent! About your quiz, I'm not sure (I'm not a farmer, but my father grow up his veggies for all his life), but I think it's because in Spring the veggies and fruits are usually in blossom and so they are in a delicate time, so they need more care than usual. Maybe ^_^

Yes you are right
There are lots of things to do in Spring in agrigultural society,
So they named the room 10 thousands Spring.

In the spring, the nature add color and people becomes more happy. Specially women like sit and they wear colorful dresses . The king become happy to see beautiful girls with coloured dresses. So he marries a beautiful lady and make her queen.

I started to love your travel blog @slowwalker keep posting like this, Upvoted

It may surprise some people to learn that kings of the Choson Dynasty had to work, @slowwalker - it wasn't just a ceremonial role.

The presence of the sundial before the king's throne emphasized how important time was in an agrarian society - seed time and harvest.

It's also interesting to find the king's living quarters were humble and not elaborately adorned.

Since the king stayed at the palace year round it made sense that certain areas would need to be heated, and of course the preferred method was underfloor heating as opposed to open fireplaces in king's castles in the west.

Underfloor heating is a superior and efficient way of maintaining a comfortable living space, and although it seems quite modern it actually was used as far back as the bronze age.

The photos of the lotus ceiling were stunning as were the photos of the spring room and fall room.

Another entertaining and very informative post, my friend.

I like reading your post. Because your post very good. Very useful for me. Thanks for share @slowwalker

interesting story i like it.

Please, do not take this as an attempt to put you down, or mock you. It is not, I am simply passing on what I think when I read your post. If it offends, I apologize, but I think it is better to be honest than give false praise, and leave you committing the same grammatical errors. If you have come here to teach and share, you should also be prepared to learn from constructive criticism.
It is very difficult for a native English speaker to follow what you write.
It reads like a translation made by bad translating software. I am a fan of history, and am interested in other cultures, but, it is very difficult to follow what you write and understand what you mean.
I would recommend that you practice conversational English before posting in what is obviously not your native tongue.
Please, keep sharing, and work on that English.
Be well.

Thank you for your recommend.
There would be many mistakes in my English.
I think it is natural for me to make mistakes in writing my second language.
I will do my best to write correctly, but gramatical errors are inevitable for me.
I don't want to teach this history, but to introduce and share what I felt when I took the pho tos.

I will do my best not to make gramatical mistakes.
Thank you for your sincere and honest comment.

Be well my friend, and keep Steeming.

All looks natural
Thanks for sharing
Upvoted and following you for nice post

Simple, serene, and has a pleasing atmosphere.
An uncomplicated life.
We thank you for always sharing us historical facts on your lovely country. :)

Thank you

Always welcome sir. :)
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