42 false flag attacks officially admittedsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Who benefits from a false flag? What is a false flag?

When do a false flag occur? And where are those false flag attacks most effective?
And why are they doing a false flag attack?

This post is to create an objective view about the situation in our society.
From my point of view it's our duty and our right, to take a look at every data we can find to understand our reality in this moment.

There for its needed to ask questions, and to open your mind to receive answers.
Because we might find something, what we don't like or don't want to hear.
But if that is the truth, then its better to expose that in daylight, then to hide it in the dark.
Because that is the only way to change the coarse of our reality.
So ill start with... What is a false flag attack?


A false flag has his origin in naval warfare, where they use a flag to identify the country of that ship.Some ships used the same flag of the opponent, to get closer into an encounter and would then expose them self on the end.So the term false flag came from that, it's an attack with the purpose to mislead people.

Who benefit from a false flag attack?
This questions depend on the situation, but basically the point of a false flag is to mislead people.That could be the citizen or the gov or it's a strategy military move.

When do false flag occur?
They mostly happened in peace times, or can happened as a strategy in war.

And where are those false flag attacks most effective?
They are effective on places where they can use the element of surprise.
A peaceful country could be devastated by a bomb attack, or an enemy was misleaded and opened the way for a big attack.

And why are they using a false flag attack?
To create fear, chaos, confusing, anger, grief and sorrow.
All these feelings are our reaction on any situation, what would trigger our flight or flee system in our brain.
To make sure we will react with the options we have, and the only option we have on this moment, is by looking at our government. Any citizen worldwide and in any time zone, has only one option,to ask the government to fix the problem.
And that is exactly what they want in the first place.

If you think that this all above here is nonsense, then aloud me to enlighten you with 42 false flag attacks what they admitted in the first place.

1. In 1939 the Mukden Incident, Japanese forces places small explosion on a train track to blame china for it, to give them a excuse to start the invasion in Manchuria.In the Tokyo International Military Tribunal a high ranking figure came forward with this story.
2. In the Nuremberg trial admitted SS troops that they were dressed as polish soldiers, to do fake attacks on Germans, to blame the polish before the German invasion in Poland.
3.In the Nuremberg trial said general Franz Halder that Hermann Goering admitted he was behind the burning of the German Parliament in 1933, to blame the communist and the Jews.
4. General Nikita Khrushchev admitted that the Russians shells their own village, to create an excuse for the Finish war. Boris Jeltsin attmitted that Russia was the aggressor in the Finish war.
5. The Russia government, Putin and other high ranking figures, admitted that Stalin killed more than 22000 Polish officers, to blame the Nazi's for it.
6. The British government admitted it bombed 5 ships . between 1946 and 1948,with Jewish refugees from the holocaust, who when towards Israel, and was also responsible to create groups under the Arabs, to fight against the Jews.
7. Israel admitted that in 1954, an Israeli agent setup bombs in Egypt, to blame the Arab groups for it.
8. The CIA admitted it hired Iranians to pose as communists, to do stage bombings in Iran, to turn the country against is democratic leader.
9. The Turkish government admitted that it bombed his own consultant in 1954, to blame it on Greece.
10.The British prime minister admitted that he and President Eisenhower approved a plan to carry out attacks in Syria, to blame it on the Syrian government.
11. Former Italian judge and prime minister admitted that Italian with NATO carried out attacks on Europeans, in 1950. With the goal to blame the communist for it, that Europe will make one hand against communism.
The attacks from this strategy contains:

a. Murder of a Turkish prime minister in 1960
b. Bombs in Portugal in 1966
c. Massacre in Italia in 1969
d. Attacks in Turkey in 1971
e. Bombs in Italia 1972
f. Bombing on a Italian train 1974
g. Shootings in Instanboel in 1977
h. Massacre in Madrid 1977
i. Murder of prime minister in 1978
j. Bombing of railway station in Italy in 1980
k. Shooting in Belgium in 1985

12. In 1960 Senator George Smathers suggested doing false flag on American citizens to blame Cuba for it.
13. Official documents showed that in 1961 officials wanted to destroy the consulate in the Dominican republic, to justify an invasion.
14. The US government admitted that in 1962 it wanted to use civilian airplanes, to use as missiles on American soil, and they would blame Cuba for it, this is called operation Northwoods.
15. In 1963 the us department wrote on paper to promote attacks on Trinidad and Tobago and Jamaica, to blame Cuba for it.
16. The department of defense even wanted to paid an official of Castro, to kill him.
17. The NSA admitted that it lied about the incident in the golf of Tunkin, it manipulated data to make it look like Vietnamese attacks the Americans, to justify the American invasion.
18. The US government admitted that between 1950 and 1970 it was doing Cointelpro, what are illegal activities done by the FBI.
19. A top Turkish general admitted to that they burn down a mosque in Cyprus, to blame it on the enemy to increase public resistance.
20. A CIA document reveals a program to train foreign police officers to make booby traps, and how to investigate terrorists.

21. The German government admitted that it place a bomb in a prison, to free a member of the Red Army fraction, to blame the bomb on that fraction.
22. Mossad agent admitted to plant a radio in Gadaffi compound, what would broadcast fake terrorist transmissions, to frame Gadaffi.
Reagan answered that by bombing the compound in 1984.

23. The South African Truth and Reconciliation Council found that the Civil Cooperation Bureau approach a bomb expert in 1989, to place some bombs, to frame the ANC for it.
24. An Algerian diplomat admitted that the Algerian army frequently killed civilians to frame Islam militants for it.
25. The United states army publications in 1994 showed operations of the CIA in Latin America, where they over thrown governments and what they would call "dirty wars".
26. The CIA did psychological operations in Nigeria, where they hire someone kills a friend from there group, to create a martyr. Ronald Reagan was confronted with this on the presidential debate in 1984.
27. An Indonesian fact finding team about the riots in 1998, determined that the riot had some military influence by it and were deliberately provoked.
28. Russian Senior military admitted that they blew up Russian apartment buildings to blame it on Chechen s, to justify an invasion on Chechen s.
29. As reported by the BBC that Macedonian officials admit that they murdered 7 innocent immigrants, to say that they were Al Qaeda soldiers, to join the war on "terror"!
30. Genoa officials admitted that the police in 2001 where dressed as black suit to stage a stabbing of an police officer and they wanted to plant 2 Molotov, to justify a violent crackdown against protesters.
31. After the 9/11 attacks the US government false blame Iraq for supporting Al Qaeda to justifythe invasion of Iraq. While the 9/11 commission admitted that they was no connection with Iraq and the attacks. The top US government admit now that the war was about oil.
32.a senior FBI official says that it was told to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda, they also tried to link the Antrax to Iraq.
33. According the Washington Post, Indonesian police murdered American teachers, to blame Papua separatist group, to put that group on a terrorist list.
34. The Indonesian president admit that the government are also behind the Bali bombings.
35. In 2003 police where filmed planting Molotov cocktails in a peaceful crowd.
36. Former Department of Justice lawyer John Yoo suggested in 2005 that our intelligence should create its own websites, recruitment centers, training camps, and fund raising operations. It could launch fake terrorist operations and claim credit for real terrorist strikes, helping to sow confusion within al-Qaeda's ranks.
37.in 2005, Professor John Arquilla of the Naval Postgraduate School, called for Western intelligence to create "pseudo gan" terrorists groups, as a way of undermining real terrorists networks.
38. United Press International reported in June 2005, that some insurgents in Iraq are using a Beretta without a serial number, what are not removed from the outside, and came like that from a production line. Analyst say that those weapons are made for secret service only and are either from Mossad or the CIA.
39.undercover Israeli soldiers admit that in 2005 that they throw stones to Israeli soldiers, to break down a peaceful demonstration.
40. In 2007 Quebec police admit that the thugs who throw rocks to the police, where exactly undercover police officers.
41. A 2008 US Army special operations field manual recommends that the U.S. military use surrogate non-state groups such as "paramilitary forces, individuals, businesses, foreign political organizations, resistant or insurgent organizations, expatriates, transnational terrorism adversaries, disillusioned transnational terrorism members, black marketers, and other social or political 'undesirables.
42. The former head of Secret Services and Head of State of Italy (Francesco Cossiga) advised the 2008 minister in charge of the police, on how to deal with protests from teachers and students:He should do what I did when I was Minister of the Interior ... infiltrate the movement with agents provocateurs inclined to do anything .... And after that, with the strength of the gained population consent, ... beat them for blood and beat for blood also those teachers that incite them. Especially the teachers. Not the elderly, of course, but the girl teachers yes.

And there are a lot more false flag attacks, if you want to see more than look on this site and Google the information.

Now if we go back to the start of this topic, where i asked 5 questions about terrorist.
Could you come with the same conclusion as you thought in the first place?


I don't think so, because the definition of a terrorist have been changed after seeing this list.
Because everything they had done in the list above here, can be considered as terror.
And they were all be done by government agencies, or the police, military.

But do you see something about all this in the media?
No, because "they" use the media to spread there news.
And what that news is, is what they want us to believe.

And don't get me wrong,i don't believe this or that.
I just want to know the truth, and when i search for the evidence in the past.
Then the only conclusion i can make is, that i will never ever believe the media.
And that i will always search for evidence to find the truth.

I would not be convinced by a bombing or any other attack, what i want to see are the facts and evidence of the situation.
And any other around that is not important.
With this thought and logic i look at what happened to London.
But when i see a video like this appearing on the internet, then it looks like that this is just another false flag attack.


Lab_Evidence_Tech_Picture 1.jpg

If you don't agreed, fine by me, this is mine opinion.
And evidence of the past had proven that everything what they said in the media, was nothing more than an illusion.
If you ask me all this will stop, when they focus on who really have a motive on a terrorist attacks.

Those motives are not freedom, its profit.
Profit in the Arm industry or energy, intelligence and defense, they will get money or earn money from a war.
And they are the only one who really profit from a war, and evidence had shown that they are also the only one who did false flag attacks.

Just think about this.
The next time you need the police for some case, just take a look at how long they will do.
Some cases they need months for it.

But let me take an example of the Paris attacks, the French police, trauma and fire department had a huge exercise right before the attack? And the next day every world leader was talking about WW3 and knew who was behind the attacks.
And the French fleet was a day before the attack near Syria, and could attack on the same day of the Paris Attacks.
If you think that it's al coincidence, then i think you did not look back to the past.
Were we the innocent people, who have nothing to do with wars are either the victims of those psycho attacks on innocent people, or they set us up against each other.

So the only thing i hope that people need to open your eyes, because our history is not full with wars, and are more full with lies.For Years people are setting us up against each other, and that can only stop in one way.
When we the people who really have the power open our eyes.
What we the citizen should do is, ask more questions instead of accepting what others tell us to believe.
Thanks for reading ,up votes and comments.



This is getting out of hand. When you know what to look for its clear "Most" of them are crisis actors. They dont even care anymore!!! Another thing , THEY love to get as many different people from different countries as possible. This allows them to hurt the world and pass their Tereny/Rules&Regs!!!!!

Yes that's what it looks like, this is a huge problem because innocent people are dying.
But if people keep voting for people, who wants to fight terror with terror.
Then this problem wound be solved.
Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind!

Governments are master's of manipulation. This reached its height in the Cold War, but scratch the surface, and im sure that today there are a lot of things going on that govt's would rather keep locked up!

It will be a little different now, with the internet.
Back in the days they could do actions in secret, now there actions can be come on YouTube or steemit , before they even got home :)
And agree, i also think the government knows more than what is telling the public.
I also think, that we can't fix the problem, with the same system who created the problem.
Thanks for the comment!

Great post, very well written! I love history and clearing out much used definitions! Great work!

Thank you for the feedback!
I thought it could be handy to remind people about what happened in the past.
Before starting calling the T word, when something happened.

Ive only heard it called the 'Manchurian incident'.
This is the first time Ive heard 'Mukden Incident' although both refer to the same event.
Thanks for posting.

Thanks for your comment.
Indeed its same event.