Ancient Drugs
The war on drugs is so fierce nowadays that it may seem that the most commonly used drugs have been discovered fairly soon in recent history. The truth, however, is that drugs have already been used thousands of years ago.

Archaeological discoveries prove that people used opium and magic mushrooms more than 10,000 years ago. Some scientists even believe that several famous Greeks like Pythagoras, for example, could not create their genius theories and philosophies without drug use. Whether this is true or not, one thing is certain - even during Pythagoras time, people used narcotic drugs. Here are some of them and the effects they cause:
The Blue Lotus was extremely popular among the Egyptians. Its use made people more social and relaxed. The lotus was brewed in tea, which increases the effectiveness of the active chemicals in the plant.

Opium is one of the most famous drugs in the ancient world. Its history is long and complex, but scientists believe it was cultivated for the first time by the Sumerians in 3400 BC. It is believed that Romans, Greeks, Indians, Egyptians and Assyrians, as well as the Sumerians, used opium. Opium is extracted from the poppy flower. It contains morphine, which is the active ingredient of opium. In the past, the drug has been used to relieve pain, cause drowsiness, treat diarrhea and even improve the libido. Afghanistan is one of the largest producers of poppy plants. Production levels have remained high despite today's drug campaigns.

Psilocybin has been used by many ancient people in the Sahara, as well as the South Americans. More commonly known as "magic mushrooms", they are found even in some North African frescoes dating from 9000 to 7000 BC. Eating "magic mushrooms" causes nausea and hallucinations, but these effects were acceptable to ancient consumers as they believe it gives them access to higher levels of intelligence. Some scientists believe that the very use of mushrooms has led to some of the most famous religious and cultural changes in the world.

Mayans have often chewed the leaves of the cocaine plants or drank them in tea for their powerful stimulating effects. But this was long before the idea of turning the plant into white powder arose.

Cannabis is definitely the most popular on this list, especially with the growing debate on legalization around the world. However, it was used thousands of years ago most often in southern Asia. One of the strongest evidence of its use was discovered in a 2700-year-old shaman grave in Western China. Cannabis has been cultivated in the past for hemp fibers but has also been used as a painkiller for generations. Although cannabis use is illegal in most countries, there are cases of medical legalization of individual patients suffering from glaucoma and some other illnesses.

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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Legalize it all. Let people make their own choices, and be responsible for the consequences of their choices good or bad. No victim, no crime.
I agree, let the authority make regulation and no more drug smuggler. :)
The real reason why it is illegal is because it helps people see through the BS of all the rules they try and make us follow. But our time is coming. Keep up the pressure people and we will be heard.
Perhaps if the free up the weed we can unlock the true gift it is to humanity, from medicine to food, to clothing etc.
I've often wondered, as a kidney stone sufferer, how such intense pain would have been treated in the past. This is a pretty clear description. Thanks. :)
Funny fact is that as long something is illegal everybody wants to have it... I think all of us have their own mind to use it .. Cool article tho!
I guess you are right. Thank you.