GANEFO " when Indonesian Self-esteem is Forgotten " #1 ( IND - ENG )
Haii stemiian !!!
Apakabar para pengejar kesuksesan dimana pun anda berada, semoga keberuntungan selalu bersama anda . sebelum menulis tulisan ini saya akan mengajak para steemian semuanya agar membiasakan membaca setiap tulisan selalu sampai akhir agar tidak terjadi “ gagal fokus “ . Pesan damai dari @roniadi. sahabat steemian semuanya, sebagai mahasiswa sejarah di Universitas Samudra saya ingin membagikan pengetahuan sejarah yang mungkin akan bermanfaat bagi steemian semuanya.

Namun, sebelum mengulas jauh soal Ganefo ini, kita sebaiknya mengupas sedikit mengenai konteks historis yang melingkupinya dan hubungannya dengan perjuangan nasional bangsa Indonesia itu sendiri. Pada tahun 1961, Bung Karno menelorkan konsepsinya dalam memandang dunia, yaitu soal Nefo dan Oldefo. Nefo-The new emerging Forces—mewakili kekuatan baru yang sedang tumbuh, yaitu Negara-negara Asia, Afrika, Amerika Latin yang berusaha bebas dari neo-kolonialisme dan imperialisme serta berusaha membangun tatanan dunia baru tanpa exploitation l,homme par I’homme, sedangkan Oldefo—The Old Esthablished Forces—mewakili negeri-negeri imperialis dan kekuatan lama yang semakin dekaden.

Bung Karno yang menganggap bahwa olahraga harus jauh dari kepentingan politik hal ini yang membuat bung karno kurang setuju dengan diadakannya Olimpiade ( pesta olahraga dunia ) apalagi pada saat itu mereka menyertakan Israel dan Cina Taipe dalam pergelaran olahraga tersebut. Namun sahabat sekalian ada yang aneh juga dalam kebijakan sukarno tersebut yakni dia hanya mengundang Negara bekas Konferensi Asia dan Afrika serta Negara yang pada saat itu berorentasi pada paham komunis , sulit dipahami kan sahabat steemian ?
Terlepas dari GANEFO Merupakan intrik politik atau sebagainya . namun ini merupakan suatu harga diri bangsa Indonesia dimana kita bisa mengumpulkan Negara – Negara dunia dalam sebuah event yang sangat luar biasa tersebut. Kita bisa membanyangi gimana sosok soekarno pada saat itu dengan lobi – lobi politik yang bisa menyakini para pemimpin Negara lain .
teman – teman pasti bertanya dimana bisa mengumpulkan dana sebanyak ini ? apalagi pada saat itu Negara kita masih baru jawabannya adalah dalam berbagai sumber di jelasakan bahwa ada peran Negara Tiongkok dan Uni Soviet dalam membantu dana Indonesia untuk menyelenggarakan kegiatan tersebut.
Jadi gimana sahabat stemian, uda pada tahu kan . semoga kita termasuk kedalam pribadi yang suka membaca . Karena ini merupakan cara kita untuk membuka dunia . jangan lupa ya di kritik dan berikan saya saran dalam tulisan ini. Agar tulisan saya bisa lebih baik lagi. Terimakasih sahabat semuamya . salam @roniadi sang pengejar mimpi
Hai Steemian
how are you the pursuit of success wherever you are, good luck is always with you. before writing this article I will invite all the steemians to get used to read every writing always to the end so as not to happen "failed focus". peaceful message from @roniadi. all steemian friends, as a history student at Ocean University I would like to share the historical knowledge that may be of benefit to all of the steemians.
In 2018, our nation will host the biggest sporting event in Asia and the second largest in the world after the Olympics, namely the 2018 Asian Games in Palembang and Jakarta. Of course this is a pride for the nation of Indonesia because it has been trusted to host. OCA (Olympic Council of Asia) as the highest authority of sports institutions in Asia officially appointed Indonesia to hold it on August 18, 2018 exactly one day after the celebration of Indonesian independence. For Indonesia itself is not the first time to get the trust to host Asian games because not long after the country proclaimed its independence Indonesia has been the organizer of this 4 annual event on August 24, 1962. and Indonesia came out second in Japan.

Seeing the above explanation must be steemian friends are all proud to be citizens of Indonesia? but steemian friends know baseball there is a sports event conducted by Indonesia that had stirred the world but not much known by the people of Indonesia itself. but if anyone knows that friends have practiced messages from Bung Karno that we should never forget history (JAS MERAH). The event was named GANEFO. how already in know yet? if you do not know try to continue reading this paper. GANEFO stands for Games of New Emerging Forces Ganefo, which takes Oney's slogan! No Retreat, took place from 10 to 22 November 1963. This anti-imperialist state-style sports championship was followed by 2,200 athletes from 48 (another version mentions 51 countries) of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe (East). Due to the large number of participating sports and competitions, the "Ganefo" deserves to be called a counter Olympics.
However, before going through this Ganefo issue, we should discuss a little about the historical context that surrounds it and its relation to the national struggle of the Indonesian nation itself. In 1961, Bung Karno launched his conception in view of the world, which is about Nefo and Oldefo. Nefo-The new emerging Forces-represents a growing emerging power of Asian, African, Latin American countries that seek to be free of neo-colonialism and imperialism and seek to build a new world order without exploitation l, homme par I'homme, while Oldefo-The Old Esthablished Forces-represents the imperialist countries and the increasingly decadent old forces.
Bung Karno who considered that the sport should be far from the political interests of this thing that makes bung karno less agree with the holding of the Olympics (world sporting event) especially at that time they include Israel and China Taipe in the sporting event. But friends there are also strange in Sukarno's policy that he only invited the former countries of the Asian and African Conference and the State which at that time oriented on communism, is difficult to understand a friend of steemian?
Apart from GANEFO Is a political intrigue or so. but this is a self-esteem of the Indonesian nation where we can collect the World countries in a very extraordinary event. We can imagine how the figure of Soekrano at that time with the political lobbies that can believe the leaders of other countries. friends must ask where can collect this much money? especially at that time our country is still new answer is in various sources in the clear that there is the role of the State of China and the Soviet Union in helping Indonesia funds to organize such activities.
So what a stemian friend, uda to know right? hopefully we belong to the person who likes to read yes. Because this is our way to open the world. do not forget yes in the criticism and give me suggestions in this paper. So that my writing could be better again. Thank you all friend. salam @roniadi the dream pursuer
Soekarno dan Ganefo komuintas Bambu

Be a consistent writer. Good luck @roniadi25.
terimakasih buk mufti . selalu saran dan krtikannya buk