Ethnic Chinese in the world of Indonesian Music #2 ( IDN - ENG )
Haii stemian...
Selamat sore, saya kembali lagi dalam postingan yang semoga bermanfaat bagi anda semua. Dan saya selalu berharap para steemian selalu berada dalam jalan kesuksesan. Terus semangat di dalam komunitas steemit ini. Dan terus berikan karya terbaikmu . lalu bersabarlah karena semua itu butuh proses sobat.

Berbicara etnis cina sendiri. Etnis ini sudah ada di Indonesia sejak masa kejayaan kerajaan sriwijaya pada ke – 9 hal ini akibat telah adanya interaksi antara kerjaan sriwijaya dengan dinasti yang ada di Tiongkok. Proses alkuturasi yang panjang dan lama membuat etnis cina mulai tumbuh rasa nasionalisme yang bertahap mulai dari ke cina, hindia – belanda sampai lah ke pada nasionalisme indonesia. Di abad ke 21 ini etnis cina mulai berbaur dengan masyarakat indonesia dan mereka tidak canggung lagi dalam mengeluarkan ekspresi mereka dalam setiap bidang negara ini, terlepas dari beberapa kebijakan para pentinggi negeri ini sebelumnya yang mendriskiminasi etnis ini , mereka tetap bisa sedikit memberikan yang terbaik untuk negeri ini ada yang di bidang olahraga, bidang sastra, kesehatan dan musik.
Berbica etnis cina dalam dunia musik ada beberapa masyarakat indonesia yang keturunan cina berkiprah di dalam belantika musik nasional. Ada yang sebagai penyanyi dan adajuga sebagai musisi. Dan berikut merupakan nama – nama dari etnis cina ya ng berkiprah dalam dunia musik tanah air.

Gimana sahabat steemit semunya jadi pada tahu kan ? nama – nama di atas hanya beberapa dari banyaknya warga etnis tionghoa yang berkiprah di dunia musik tanah air. Terlepas dari pandangan tentang etnis tionghoa yang mementingkan kaumnya sendiri dan tidak cinta indonesia toh ada juga beberapa masyarakat etnis tionghoa yang mengharumkan indonesia di kancah internasional.

“ Indonesia itu bukan aku, dia dan mereka tapi indonesia adalah kita dan Indonesia adalah rumah kita “
Haii stemian ...
Good afternoon, I'm back again in a post that may be useful for you all. And I always hope that the steemians are always on the path of success. Keep the spirit inside this steemit community. And keep giving your best work. then be patient because all it takes process mate.

This time I will try to write something that has not been known by friends - the "Ethnic Chinese in Indonesian Music World". a historical background that explains that Indonesia is a long-standing residence of several foreign ethnic groups such as Europe, the Far East (arab, china, japan) making Indonesia rich in youths adorning every activity of this country.
Speaking ethnic Chinese yourself. This ethnicity has existed in Indonesia since the heyday of the kingdom of sriwijaya on the 9th this is due to the existence of interaction between the work of sriwijaya with dynasties in China. Long and long process of alkuturation makes Chinese ethnic begin to grow a sense of gradual nationalism ranging from to china, hindia - dutch until it is to the nationalism of Indonesia. In the 21st century ethnic Chinese begin to mingle with Indonesian society and they are no longer awkward in exposing their expression in every field of this country, apart from some of the policies of the previous pentinggi of this country that eliminated this ethnicity, they can still give the best for the country it's in sports, literature, health and music.
ethnic Chinese in the music world there are some indonesian community of Chinese descent acting in national music belantika. Some are as singers and there are also musicians. And here are the names - the names of ethnic Chinese yes ngiparah in the world of homeland music.
Gisella Anastasia (November 16, 1990)
This suraboyo arek-born girl is better known as "IDOL" gisel. Finalist of Indonesian Idol 2008 is also a performer in Opera Van Java. He is an alumnus of SMA kr Petra 1 Surabaya and is now studying at Bunda Mulia University Jakarta. He is now the wife of Gading Martin artist and is blessed with beautiful daughters.
Lydia Lau (December 5, 1994)
Penyayi who received the award from MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) as the first penyayi released the mandarin album at the age of 5 years is a girl born in Jakarta on December 5, 1994. Lydia Lau also been acting in the soap opera Cindy, sinetron in gandrungi by Indonesian society in the year 2000s
Agnes Monica (July 1, 1986)
Who is not familiar with this one girl who was born in Jakarta has become an idol for women in Indonesia. Agena Monica is not only beautiful but also smart and very well behaved. now he is hacking into the international career. he is also an artist who has become a subscriber of several national and international awards including ten international music awards, seven panasonic awards, four MTV awards and the most memorable he entered the nomination category at the MTV Erurope Music Awards in 2011 for Best Word Wide act Asia & Pacific
How does a steemit friend be so on the know? the names above are just a few of the many ethnic Chinese people who take part in the country music world. Apart from the view of the ethnic Chinese who are concerned with his own people and not love Indonesia anyway there are also some ethnic Chinese people who scent Indonesia in the international arena.
Thank you for reading my writing this time all friends. Hopefully my writing is again useful for all friends. do not forget the criticism and suggestions ya friend
"Indonesia is not me, he, they but Indonesia is us and Indonesia is our home"
Agnes mo
Luar biasa
Thank you very much. always success @gurusosiologi