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RE: [Discussion Post] What historical monuments do you like?

in #history5 years ago (edited)

Their are so many historical monuments where i want to go. i also visit soe of the places with my family but the historical monuments i want to see is Ram Setu.

Peopels says Tajmahal is symbol of Love whih is also historical monument but for me Ram Setu is symbol of love. God Rama created this setu(Bridge) between India and Lanka(Now time it known as Shri Lanka).
Lord Rama and his Vanar Sena build this setu by writing Ram on rocks and then throw it into sea. the rock's writing Ram name on them are floating oon water and this make me more curious how thos rock float on water by writing Ram name on them.


I like to see this type religious and historic places also i want to visit the birth place or lord Krishna That is Goluk Nagari.

I love to see and learn about the great histroy of Sanatan Dharma and the most historic place of Sanatan Dharma is Takshashila Gurukul (First Univrsity in the world).

if i start talking all the history of Bharat(India) and Sanatan Dharma then this post will be not much enough. their are so many places which i even don't know but in future i will definately visit some of places i know till now and the places which will i know i future.

Thank You