Remember when... Vintage Ads from the past - Part 3
Remember when, we repeat these words when are feeling melancholy, remembering those good old days that are long gone. We think of those times as special. Burned into our memory for all time, registered as momentous.
The vintage ads presented here are of another variety altogether. ENJOY !!
Presenting set number 3 - vintage ads
Where did peoples sense of humour go? These ads were great :D
Thanks for commenting @the-ego-is-you! I agree, these ads can be hilarious!
Could it be that there isn't room for humor in today's politically correct atmosphere?
I would probably say there isn't enough room for anything that isn't a sarcastic or cynical sneer towards your political opponent.... if you're a social liberal. Otherwise there isn't room for your even ;)
Most people simply don't realize that there is a difference between say a "racist joke" and a "joke about race/racism". They're too quick to pull the race/sex/collective of your choice card. Thereby they actually silence needed discussion and enable the real bigots.
And then they jump like leemings on the MSM liberal smear campaign bandwagon. Never once using critical thinking or forming their own opinion.
Yes, the "social liberal" media to be specific (not to suggest that their conservative counterpart is any less regressive)
The left-right without depth, just like the false "progressive" vs "conservative" narrative are highly destructive to society. Of course, we should all want to be "progressing", but we have to mind which direction we are moving.
Hi my friend!

I voted and subscribed to your page!
with love @andrianna
Thank you for commenting @andrianna!! I followed back!!