The answers would be numerous if they were put in a public questionnaire (laughs) from the simplest to the most absurd! Defining the emotion that turns into fear is different from person to person because it covers the different motives that result in each person's weakness. The fears have their causes and definitions according to each case, the most serious phobias can lead an individual to serious emotional unrest, which sometimes accompanies him for years on end, from simple to serious fears, a fact that in some cases need medical treatment to be overcome.
Facing your fears requires attitude is like a challenge to be overcome so much it becomes necessary to hit head on with the reason that causes emotional weakness that can be from the simplest to the most complex, as long as we know that it is being impaired in your physical or mental balance . So it's worth it to arouse the courage to face the visible enemy that after surpassed, it can even cause good laughs when we realize that the bogeyman was not so terrible (laughs) that in fact the imagination was the great villain in the augmentation of phobia.

I consider the fear of the fears, the invisible enemy that affects the soul, which gradually takes on alarming proportions in emotional uncontrollability, transforming an individual prisoner of himself, waging a personal battle that will only be victorious, when there is the encounter of the body with the soul, so it is necessary to start medical treatment as soon as possible to perceive the signs of emotional imbalance through the mirror of the soul, the look ...


Nice article mam.