The Truth About the Legend of Robert Hood.

in #history7 years ago

We all have heard the legends built up around a British nobleman by the name of Robert Locksley who served England in the Crusades only to return to his beloved country to find the dictator King John and his pet politician had stolen everything from his family and the people who had been under their protection. We've also heard the myth that Robin and his band of dispossessed Englishmen robbed from the rich to give to the poor. This is far from the truth. He actually fought to regain the property that had been stolen from him and the people of England by the noble class of that day. The nobility of England can be compared to those who receive subsidized incentives today. In "The Law" by Frederick Bastiat taxation defined as legalized theft of private property. In truth, this was what Robin Hood and his Merry men were fighting in the middle ages. It is interesting that we have now come full circle to legalizing the building of a class of people who contribute nothing to society except to use our governments as the bulldog to steal from the contributors, and creators to consume this substance on their own lusts. We have 3 general God given right that God gave us laws to protect. These a life, liberty, and property. The law, given by Jehova, through Moses is recorded in Exodus 20 and is known among Christians as the Ten Commandments. This law is shared among all monotheisms. These were the principles that Robbin Hood was trying to protect by raiding King Johns theft wagons to give the people back what was stolen from them. We should learn from our history instead of by repeating it or warping it to justify legalized theft in our time. Robin Hood did not steal from the rich to give to the poor, he stole from the welfare class of the time, the titled nobility, to give to the working class Englishman who was the class that was initially robbed.