Some important pieces of history that no one ever talks about!

in #history6 years ago

1. WWI

Even in the history classes, attention isn't given to this event  and its the only major war that doesn't have a memorial in DC 

2.  massive environmental and ecological impact of Theodore Roosevelt creating the national park system in America 

3.  How Japan invaded some Alaskan islands during WWII:  There were few Japanese planes stuck in Alaska. They've found a Zero a few years back. The Inuits knew where it was,but didn't think it was important to tell anyone because most of the downed aircraft are in hard to reach areas.

4.  That the Vikings discovered America around 1000 CE and it's very well documented.  Most people think it's Columbus. It might not be "important" in value to everyday life but there are millions of people out there who believe something that's incorrect. 

5.  Operation Quicksilver. General Patton staged several fake invasions on numerous beachfronts the day we stormed Normandy. These fake invasions were pulled off using essentially dry ice, pool toys (by this I mean inflatable tanks and boats) mirrors and dolls.These fake invasions spread the Axis Powers thin not knowing where the actual invasion would happen and allowed Normandy to be a success.I also can’t believe no one has made a film about this yet.