10 facts from history hard to believe!
Today, losing time on the internet, I found some interesting things. So I thought it would be nice to share them with you and maybe I make a habit of it. Every Thursday I will select 10 interesting things from the internet, and I'll post them on Steemit. I will not take much from your attention so I will go straight to the subject.

At its peak moment, the Roman Empire stretched over an area of 6.5 million km2. Despite this, the Roman Empire occupies only 19th place in the top of the greatest empires in history.
Hard to believe, but only 240 years of the last three thousand years were years of peace across the planet.
Seven of the world's most bloody wars in the history of the world fought in China. Moreover, in each of the bloody two conflagrations, more people died than in World War I
The United States Constitution contains numerous grammatical and spelling errors.
At its peak moment in 480 B.C. population Persian Empire represented approximately 44% of the entire world population, the highest percentage in the history of the world.
In Ancient Egypt, servants were covered with honey to keep the insects away from the pharaoh.
In ancient Rome, urine was used as a mouthwash.
In the nineteenth century people were buried alive so often that the coffins had a bell mechanism that allowed the buried alive to announce cemetery workers were still alive.
In ancient Egypt, when a leader dies all his servants and his animals were buried alive with him.
The last time a cavalry division was used in a war was in the Second World War when a Mongolian cavalry division attacked a German infantry division. The 2000 units that were part of the cavalry division were completely destroyed. No German soldier lost his life in that battle.
About point 10, what is the source of this info?
From sources on history.com, the information is quite opposite to this: 600 Italian cavalrymen, with sabers drawn, attacked about 2000 soviets armed with machine guns, and manage a small victory at the battle of the Don:
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