GEO-POLITICAL REVISIONISM - If you tolerate this, your children will be next.

in #history6 years ago (edited)

I think it should be made very clear that the very wealthy bankster predators are our own European aristocracy who intermarried and employed Khazarians converts to Judaism.

The vast Empire of Khazaria had converted to Judaism under pressure eleven centuries ago, but originally, they had been Turkic/Mongolian Tengri people who were deceptively trying to save themselves from being slaughtered by their angry neighbours because of their barbaric nature.
The conversion did not change their habits much and eventually they were driven out of their homeland by the Rus (now known as Russians) and many headed west, mixing into the existing Jewish population of Europe from the 10th century onward. The Khazars have sought revenge on the Rus ever since and have always been determined to regain their homeland.

khazaria map.jpg

The Khazar people gave the entire European Jewish population a very bad name wherever they went and, due to financial cunning, blatant robbery, murder and extreme usury, they rapidly became extremely wealthy and set up banking houses.
The House of Rothschild became the most successful, because they worked for the corrupt German aristocracy, investing their huge wealth and benefiting their own coffers in the process.

After blackmailing the British government into granting the Balfour Declaration in 1917, the poor, simple and devout European Jews were required by the scheming Khazars (now conveniently renamed by Theodor Hertzl, Zionists) to populate their first reclamation of land, ie Palestine.

Balfour Declaration.jpg

The British had been granted stewardship of Palestine by the League of Nations, set up at the end of WW1. They had defeated the old Ottoman Empire. Interestingly they had the full support of the Roman Catholic Church which was also controlled by the old bloodlines of the Roman Empire and the European aristocracy. Removing the Jews from Europe and using them to claim a foothold in the Middle East was geo-politically appealing to them all.

However, the Jewish people of Europe had been settled for centuries and had no interest in claiming the hot and bare desert of Palestine. Some even cited the Bible as prophesying that such a thing was against the will of God.
So it was decided by the Zionists and their Black Nobility allies to make the lives of innocent Jews as uncomfortable as possible by placing them in concentration work camps. Pogroms and persecution existed all over Europe long before WW2 started.

They were systematically robbed of all their possessions and made to work in harsh conditions in thousands of camps.
Those who organised these camps were the Zionist Khazarians.
If they agreed to be shipped out to Palestine there were promises that their wealth would be returned to them after arrival. I have never seen any evidence that this bargain was ever upheld.

Trickles of migrants to Palestine soon turned to floods but the Khazarians were playing both sides of WW2 with high interest loans which financed all concerned to fight against Germany.
Soon supply lines were cut by aerial bombing and the first to suffer from the lack of supplies were the concentration camps. The inmates began to die from typhus and dysentery.

When the Zionists and their aristocratic supporters persuaded the US to join the war it was swiftly over but, disgracefully, the German forces were not treated as prisoners of war.
They were rounded up into fields where, without shelter or adequate food and hygiene they dropped like flies. Nobody knows how many men died that way.
Meanwhile their women were being hounded, raped and murdered by the invading forces of Bolsheviks from the East and vengeful Allies from the West. Shamefully this post-war bestiality is seldom mentioned.

"All wars are bankers wars" is a phrase we commonly hear but who owns the big central banks?
Contrary to common belief it is not the Rothschilds.
They are just one hofjuden family who have been continuously employed by the aristocracy, the Vatican and the Venetian Black Nobility for their expertise in finance.
The real banksters are the owners of banks rather than their wily Zionist employees. The European aristocracy aka the Black Nobility have made trillions from wars and still do.

Always the common people, regardless of race or religion, make the greatest sacrifices in huge numbers of dead, in their general health and especially financially. 60 million human beings died in WW2. 60 MILLION.

Debt to the banks was colossal at the end of WW2 and Europe's people have been paying that debt ever since.
Add to the debt the crippling reparations that Germany was forced to make, the vast sums donated to Jewish settlers in Palestine by US and UK governments and the cruel and heartless ethnic cleansing and displacement of Palestinians and it is easy to baulk at the ongoing costs to the world of this essentially Khazarian plan.

Hitler was just like any other leader in wartime.
He had worked hard to save his impoverished nation throughout the 1930s and he was developing the idea of a strong united Europe which controlled it's own finances.
However, he was deceived by the Khazarian banksters and their occulted aristocratic employers, as were all the nations involved in all the wars since Napoleon!

When in 1933 the Zionist Federation declared war on Germany from their stronghold in the USA, he possibly believed that if he could encourage the Jews to go to Palestine he would then remove their hold on Europe. The Polish "invasion" in 1939 was a rescue attempt for Germans who were suffering persecution there. It was not intended to start a war. But it was enough to cause Britain to declare war on Germany. Finally after harassing for 6 years the Zionists got the war they wanted.

Little did Hitler know that the Khazarians had no intention of relinquishing their hold over Europe, far from it, they intended to continue with their secret plans to ultimately reclaim their real homeland, by then part of the USSR, from Ukraine to Kazakhstan and from there to rule the world.
We can see that some in-roads have begun on that project, with their interference in Ukraine, Georgia and by placing NATO right up to the Russian border. They are so confident of their future success in this project that they have already built their future capital city, Astana in Kazakhstan.


The Khazars had been marrying into the nobility to secure their position in Europe. Thus the entity we know as the Venetian Black Nobility gained the extreme power that it enjoys today.

The biggest clue to the veracity of this version of European history lies in one simple fact.
The hofjuden, ie., the bankster predator Khazars never moved to Palestine themselves.
They own it from a distance and they are filling it with as many Jews as they can by continuing to create hatred and suspicion between Jews and their host nations all over the world.
They invented the term "anti-semite" and repeatedly highlight or even invent or perpetrate persecution which they splash all over their media.

This practice continues to this day with false flag terrorism which is designed to appear to be entirely muslim in execution. They persecuted and encouraged wars against muslim nations to provide thousands of enraged and desperate people itching for revenge. After the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria they turned their mercenary murderers on Yemen and are constantly threatening Iran but, most worrying and revealing of all, they are poking the bear, Russia.

The Black Nobility, the ancient bloodlines of aristocracy and their friends, wealthy beyond imagination, are now so intertwined with the Khazarian Mafia through marriage and corporate alliances that they have become one predator class which rules the world via its apparently benign instrument, the United Nations.
Taking a big part in this domination are the internationally independent cities of London, Washington DC and the Vatican.

3 cities.jpg

They are experts at selling us a sick system but making it appear to be for our benefit.
The UN Agendas 21 and 2030 are designed to break down cultural differences and national borders. There is a sinister tone of eugenics and population control to the 17 Sustainability Clauses, if you are savvy enough to read between the lines.

My questions are these....
Are we going to let them continue with their perpetual warmongering and culling of the human race?
Will we tolerate their economic hitmen, regime changers and land grabbers?
Are we going to permit them to manipulate us into hating our fellow human beings as the controlled media propagandises us to do?
Or are we going to remove their power by reclaiming our banks, our currency and outlawing their favourite weapon.... USURY?


I leave it to you to decide.


Now that is a post! - so few people know about this zionist stuff and you just summarised it on Steemit. And earned 17 cents. Sometimes I wish I was a whale!

Your approval is as big as a whale to me! Thank you! xx

I have read that the banksters were not only deceiving Germany, but actually funded Hitler's rise to power, as well as providing essential intel and advice.

Few realize from how deep and dark the recesses out of which the tentacles of power reach. You well note the forces and sources of conflict and enmity on the extant geopolitical stage.


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