The Great Train Robbery: The Story of The Worst Robbery of the Twentieth Century

in #history7 years ago

One of the most discussed crimes of the twentieth century and one of the most robust robberies is the robbery that occurred on the train from Glasgow to Yoston. It is also known as The Great Train Robbery. The robbery that suddenly happened in 1963 surprised the whole world. According to the media it was a big surprise than The Beatles, Crime of the Century. The robbery was not as famous as the amount of money, but the more talk was for the robbers of the robbers.

The amount of planning involved was robbery, it is able to surprise anyone. This robbery was no less than a romantic movie, and what happened after that is also interesting. The cruel thief and the do not believe the sepoy's rat-cat story is able to hold its attraction even today after half an hour.

Maybe we listen to stories about today and see the exciting implementation of the film. But in those days, the fact that this true event was less painful than the Ocean's picture was not incidental. Only 7-8 documentaries, two BBC episodes, a whole ten analytical books and biographies and thousands of reports about this are still visible in YouTube. Bruce Reynolds, Ronnie Bigs, Buster Edwards, and their story is a unique wonder.

A thief named Bruce Reynolds was the main man behind the story. Such a skilled and stealthier thief like him did not have much in London. Bruce, who had been involved in theft since childhood, spent 10 years before he completed 30 years of age. Once he went to jail and learned how to break the lock, once again learned how to empty the vending machine. The prison was a training center for him.

He himself was very amateur and quite a fashionable man. Bentley, Range Rover, etc. was used to ride his car and expensive clothes. And there was a great appetite to leave his impression on earth. In London and Paris, the ancient artists and stolen jewelery stolen some of the name, Bruce had understood that day, when everyone came to the point of view, it was necessary to do something big, so little work could be done.

On November 27, 1962, Reynolds operated a car robbery in London Heathrow Airport. His collaborator was Bastar Edwards, Charlie Wilson, Roy James and Gordon Gudy. Although their income from this robbery did not have much to do, like 62,000 pounds, but they easily came to the attention of everyone with their delicate planning and skillful editing. Even the chief controller of the London Metropolitan Police Service, Detective Thomas (Tommy) Batler began to take a close look at Bruce Reynolds and his associates. But since there was no other way to prove the crime without holding the hand of the thieves, so he was waiting for Reynald's subsequent offense. Butler was quite famous at the time as the underworld's terror. He would have been called 'One Day Tommy' or 'Gray Hound'. It was reported about him that he only takes one day to catch the culprit.

But Ronaldsaw did not even sit there. Gordon Gudy and Buster Edwards found the details of the most discussed 'Royal Mail' in the 60s from Brian Fields, a lawyer. Since all its money was deposited in the treasury of the royal family and no one was tactful to steal anything from a moving train, it remained the most attraction of underworld.

But when Bruce Reynolds' eyes fall in this' Holy Grail ', he can not turn his eyes away. He was old, was hungry, and the biggest thing was that he had been very experienced for such a great work. So he sits in plan with his partners, how many billions of billions of billions of billions of dollars can be dropped from the moving mail train. But they realize that it is almost impossible to get the job done without stopping the train. So they took help from the South-East London gang, who had some good reputation in trains. Roger Kadri mainly used to change the signal of the railway station with only one battery and leather gloves.

This is the famous Royal Mail train; Source: NewYork Times

They plan that the first two compartments. It used pound bills (high value package). Separate trains with the engine, from the rest of the train, in which part of 77 railway workers are to be located. Because 16 of them can not handle so many people. Then the train will empty down the Bridango bridge 1 mile away. But what if the train driver does not cooperate? The answer to this very important question arose when Ronnie Big's He searched for a train driver and got himself involved with the team.

For a while, their plans continue to be secretly, signally, in various restaurants, playgrounds, and playgrounds. Reynolds hired one after another, and Bakerhamshire's leather-slide cottage, away from Bridegow Bridge, was a bit of a haven. Aside from the Army Base Camp, they painted their Hummer cars and jeeps like army cars and themselves are also ready to be dressed in army uniforms.

Finally, on the night of August 8, 1963, the Mahindra The Royal Mail Train stopped the driver of the Royal Mail Train by seeing the red signal that lights up the train, as well as two bogies and engines to separate the baster and some to match. But when the driver, Jake Mills, refused to run the train, someone hit him with a mug. But when their driver can not run, they force them to force Mills. The train finally stopped at the Bridegow bridge near Buckinghamshire and Bradfordshire. They were able to remove all the bags in the 30-minute jeep. Prior to Reynolds and Gudy already drove a 1-mile phone connection around the Bridegow bridge

They plan that the first two compartments. It used pound bills (high value package). Separate trains with the engine, from the rest of the train, in which part of 77 railway workers are to be located. Because 16 of them can not handle so many people. Then the train will empty down the Bridango bridge 1 mile away. But what if the train driver does not cooperate? The answer to this very important question arose when Ronnie Big's He searched for a train driver and got himself involved with the team.

For a while, their plans continue to be secretly, signally, in various restaurants, playgrounds, and playgrounds. Reynolds hired one after another, and Bakerhamshire's leather-slide cottage, away from Bridegow Bridge, was a bit of a haven. Aside from the Army Base Camp, they painted their Hummer cars and jeeps like army cars and themselves are also ready to be dressed in army uniforms.

Finally, on the night of August 8, 1963, the Mahindra The Royal Mail Train stopped the driver of the Royal Mail Train by seeing the red signal that lights up the train, as well as two bogies and engines to separate the baster and some to match. But when the driver, Jake Mills, refused to run the train, someone hit him with a mug. But when their driver can not run, they force them to force Mills. The train finally stopped at the Bridegow bridge near Buckinghamshire and Bradfordshire. They were able to remove all the bags in the 30-minute jeep. Prior to the rewards, Reynolds and Gudi already drove a one-mile phone connection around the Bridegow bridge.

The times they are busy moving to Leathersled Farm and counting the money. Counting the whole night, they see their jaws becoming 'jaw'. More than two and a half million pounds from the floor to the ceiling. Which they themselves did not even imagine. But the news of the robbery was on the radio as soon as the news spread. As far as possible, they remove their fingerprints from all places of LeatherSled Farm, but forget about post office bags. Later, these bags and a monopoly set aside played the biggest role in controlling them.

But at the same time, the state, the government, the people are taken aback by this robbery. To the people, they are going to become Robin Hood of the modern era overnight. And the government takes it as an insult; It is desirable to find out criminals so appropriate that all law enforcement agencies About 250,000 pounds of prizes were given to get involved with those who were involved, which at that time created a record.

There are many types of information that comes from investigating the Flying Squad and the Scotland Yard. And the head of this Flying Squad was Reynolds life champion, Tommy Butler. Butler, determined to regain Reynolds and his team, was carefully scrutinizing all the information and the look of the Leathersled Firm from an informant found five days after the incident. The law enforcement agencies seeking to find out the whole of London should find gold mining

Slowly it is known that about 16 people are named. The robbers are running around like them. Some people tried to save money, nobody left the country. The most interesting thing was where robberies were being found. Some were found in a van, beside some trees, some were found near the phone booth. This made the entire Londonians look for this money. The police could pass the time to bring back the money, but the people did not have the joy and excitement of this!

This incident brings public discontent to the officials of the state once in a while. The whole London is so busy hunting the treasure, police officers are searching for the thieves and the looted money lurking for the people. At the same time, Butler was able to catch everyone except Reynolds, Edwards and James White. The hearing began in January 1964 with 13 people. The greatness of Bruce Reynolds's plan came in front of everyone. Such a big robbery that could shake the whole world, it was only injured Jack Mills, even a small amount. And Scotland's yard or London police did not find much evidence against the robbers except partial fingerprints.

After about 51 days of hearing, Justice Edvard Davis shocked everyone and sentenced each of the robbers to 25-30 years of rigorous imprisonment. In this period, this sentence was too much for the murder of the pair, and at the time it was not possible to sentence anyone with proof of fingerprint. But Justice Davis ordered them to execute this unprecedented unprecedented sentence by declaring any kind of sympathy.

Although Charlie Wilson and Ronnie Bigs managed to escape from prison, Buster Edwards surrendered and James White was caught. But the original planter Reynolds still remained out of touch. He was living in Mexico with ease and comfort. He lived in the most expensive hotel, runs the most expensive cars. Reynolds's fancy nature should be fully blown.

Six years passed through this way. By that time Butler had to retire, but if he could not catch Reynolds, his own story would have been incomplete. So he extended his time in just reinholding Rennald's prison in order to end the story. On the other hand, Rendles moved to London when the money started to move slowly. And that's the last time it's about to become black.

Butter returned to London in the middle of the day, Buttera knocked on his door. And this six-year-old thief-police game ends in Reynolds's statement, "Bruce? It's time, now let's go. "And the reply was a laughable renaissance," Tommy! "