Mad, Crazy World - Economics, Politics, Racism and Hitler?

in #history7 years ago (edited)

The world seems to have gone mad. Each day the mainstream media reports are so outlandish that most can hardly believe the news at all. The Alt-Left, which is heavily promoted by the MSM, have adopted hateful phrases that include, "punch a Nazi," "you're literally Hitler," and "white people are inherently racist." While the media condones such insanity, which justifies groups like Antifa, (in their own minds) enabling them to use racist language while pushing violence toward those who they see as "the oppressors!"

Let's start off by getting something straight. Hitler was responsible for the murder of "literally," millions of people. The truth is, if we were to look at actual facts about Nazis, we'd know that during the time of Hitler, Germany leaned heavily into National Socialism, which was "literally," the Nazi party: (Nationalsozialismus). So those who are socialists, are actually closer to being "literally Hitler," because they fall right in line with his political stance.

One aspect of the Nazi regime is that it is highly associated with fascist beliefs, which means that the party was heavily into a socialist dictatorship.

Here in the U.S.A. The alt left would have fit in perfectly with the Nazi party, as they sympathize with more recent dictators such as Kim Jon Un, and the recently deceased Fidel Castro. The nation of Venezuela suffered great economic turmoil under the leadership of Hugo Chávez, and now with Nicolás Maduro as president, Venezuela is suffering from the worst economic crisis in that nation's history. So I guess the Atlt-Left better get busy punching themselves.

Let's take this one step further. The actual use of the name "Hitler," has been a political ploy for many years. Hearing the name "Hitler," immediately draws out an anger toward a man who led a terrible regime and nobody alive wants to be associated with him. Over the past few years, comparisons of people to Hitler seems to be a tool regularly used in Politics. Here are a few examples: (Look closely at what Hilary Clinton had to say back in 2014.)

On January 12 - 2015, Rep. Randy Weber hinted toward a connection between Hitler and Barak Obama in a Twitter post.

The interesting part of this is, when the statement made new, the democratic party lashed out saying:

“Congressional Republicans like Weber are clearly catering to the most extreme elements – first refusing to condemn Steve Scalise’s inexcusable affiliation with KKK members, and now this,” said Josh Schwerin, spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, according to the Associated Press. “Speaker (John) Boehner and Republican leaders need to step forward and condemn Congressman Weber and his toxic brand of politics.”

The politicians are great at taking something bad about themselves and turning it into a negative toward anyone who will stand against them.

(Webber later offered up an apology.) Link to Article

In 2002, German justice minister compares President George W. Bush to Hitler. Article Link

This one is very ironic, in 2014, Hilary Clinton compared Putin to Hitler, saying that his actions are like ‘what Hitler did back in the ’30s."

She further went on to say:

"All the Germans that were ... the ethnic Germans, the Germans by ancestry who were in places like Czechoslovakia and Romania and other places, Hitler kept saying they're not being treated right. I must go and protect my people, and that's what's gotten everybody so nervous."

Is this not what we're hearing today?! Is this not what we're seeing today?!

Even Clinton calls it straight out of Hitler's playbook! This is exactly what the Alt-left is doing, including the Leftist Mainstream media with all of the anti-white rhetoric!

I'm beginning to see a light emerge. If a politician says it, then that politician knows exactly how it works and will use it.

How many reading this, have ever questioned how an entire nation and Millions of people around the world could go along with the mass murder that took place during the time of Hitler? The major part of his success was to victimize people and draw a hatred out in them toward those who were said to be victimizing them! It's a draw on Ignorance by people who know how to draw it out. It's a terrible and wicked game.

According to an article on the news site, "MIC," Venezuela has the worst inflation rates in the world that are expected to hit 2.200% by the end of this year.

To put the current inflation rates into perspective, in America, the average box of powdered milk at 25.6 oz, costs $7.20. In Venezuela the same box of powdered milk costs, $703.54. The alt-left is obviously working to bring the U.S. and other westernized nations into the same mess.
Article Link

As for white people being "inherently racist," that term itself shows the low I.Q. levels of the Alt-Left. The word, "Inherently," is an adjective which means:

"Existing in someone or something as a permanent and inseparable element, quality, or attribute;"

The statement all on its own demonstrates who the real racists are. There are no scientific proofs with detailed DNA results showing that people who are white are racist. The ideology involved with the statement itself shows the deepest levels of racism and mental derangement of members of groups like Antifa and others who regularly spew nonsense.

So the anti-white hate speech the alt-left is spewing is nothing more than catch-phrases being used by actual racist people who are working to draw others into their dark hateful (made-up, and insane) realities. That's the bottom line. Most people alive today have a mixture of several races. With the current advances in DNA testing, many people are able to trace their own lineage to ancient people who are of a darker skinned nationality. Even the most white person alive can have DNA tied to black, Hispanic and Asian Heritages. I'm personally betting that if most people darker skinned nationalities were tested, they would find that they also have European DNA. So to say that someone is "inherently racist," simply because of his or her skin color is shades lighter or darker than another all in itself is incredibly racist and only the ignorant and foolish fall for it. I'm guessing that some Alt-Left nut-job will eventually come out with a chart that measures a person's racism by lighter tints of skin in all races, and then even those who are falling for it now will have to get used to being called "racists." It's insanity.

All links are contained next to info for each article, (Article Link)

September 27-2017


You should read the first 200 pages of Mein Kampf, which is the autobiographical part (after that comes the ideology, which is just terrible).

It's probably not allowed to say, but the first part is an excellent read and very insightful into the character, the background and the motives of Hitler and also the broader political scenery. You kind of understand him with the book and I don't think that he lied too much in it. He is quite frank. And don't worry, you won't become a Nazi when reading it. Your perspective on the sequence will simply shift a little bit. To be precise: You will realize that national socialism was a direct response to communism. Without communists on the streets there would have been no Hitler. Full stop.

Normal people back then hated the communists because they were thugs beating up others and trying to take over the country. Hitlers SA were the only ones who beat back and therefore gained ground. The sympathies towards him and his ideology was limited but they were seen as the only way to stop the communists.

Later then a lot of the communists switched sides because they were only in for the violence and the SA was more successful and therefore fun for them. The SA got dubbed as the "beef steaks" - the outside was brown, but the inside red - because there were so many former communists in their ranks.

That's how it went down. But lefties (classic ones..) who dominate academia (at least in Germany) call that "revanchist" because it really doesn't fit their dialectic narrative. And so history is on the way to start rhyming again.

Wow @doodlebear, that was a quick response! Thank you for the book suggestion. I will look into it.

That is very interesting about German leftists, and "revanchist," as a sort of acceptable "retaliating, especially by a nation or group to regain lost territory or standing; revenge."

It actually seems to tie into what Clinton said, regarding Putin, back in 2014, that is quoted in the article. It's a game to them, and it's been used successfully before.

It's true that history has a way of repeating itself, and so to know what's ahead, we have to know what's behind.

Thank you for your in-depth response, and book recommendation. Much appreciated.

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