Erzsébet Bathory: The Bloody Countess
The case of this character is truly interesting for the history of serial crime, starting from the fact that she is one of the few women who has murdered in such a cruel way ... about 650 girls.

In addition to a sadistic and sexual perversion, the Countess Elizabeth Báthory was especially attracted to blood, and not only was she content to drink it, as is usual in the so-called vampire murderers, but bathed in it in order to prevent her skin Grow old over the years.
It was born in 1560 in the bosom of one of the richest Hungarian families. Although he belonged to the most illustrious and distinguished aristocracy, being his cousin Prime Minister of Hungary, and his Uncle King of Poland, there are also esoteric antecedents among the members of his family, such as a worshiper uncle of Satan and other family adherents to The black magic or the alchemy, among which one can count to own Báthory, since from its infancy had been influenced by the teachings of a nurse who was dedicated to the practices witch-doctors.
Attacking a family of power at that time was a very difficult thing, and especially if, as in this case, the accused, besides being a person distinguished among the nobility, had equally powerful friends everywhere. For that reason, the emperor begins by not paying attention to the complaints of his town, but finally sends a troop of soldiers who burst in the castle in 1610.
Upon entering, the soldiers find in the great hall of the castle a body pale and bleeding from a woman on the floor, another still alive but terribly tortured, who had been stuck with an object to extract the blood, and one last dead after being Savagely whipped, bled and partially burned. In the vicinity of the castle, fifty other corpses are unearthed.
In the dungeons, a large number of girls, young women and women are still alive, although some of them had signs of having been bled on numerous occasions. Once these liberated, they surprise the Countess and some of her witches in one of the rooms of the castle in the middle of one of these bloody rituals. They are quickly arrested and taken to the nearest prison.
The sadistic crimes of Bathory had lasted about ten years.
At the trial, there was plenty of evidence to condemn Elizabeth Báthory guilty of the multiple crimes committed, for not only had eighty corpses been found but the guards were on hand to testify that they had seen her killed with her own eyes.
She would confess to having murdered along with her sorcerers and executioners, more than 600 young people and to have bathed in "that warm and viscous fluid similar to preserve its beauty and freshness".
He was seduced by the smell of death, torture and lesbian orgies. He said that everything mentioned had a "sinister perfume". His accomplices were convicted, some beheaded and others burned at the stake.
Báthory, even having the privilege of belonging to the nobility and being personal friend of the Hungarian king, was condemned by this same one to a slow dead: the walled it in the dormitory of its castle, leaving to him a small slot by which they gave him some rubbish Like food and some water. He died after four years of staying in that tomb, not trying to communicate with anyone or say the least word. It was a kind of suicide, suddenly stopped touching any food and dies in 1614 when she was 54 years old.
It is curious to note a parallelism between this woman and another well-known historical vampire: Gilles de Rais, although he committed his crimes two centuries earlier, proceeded in a very similar way: both belonged to the high nobility. He was homosexual and she was lesbian (hence his victims were mainly women), and the most surprising and disturbing thing is that both the servants of one and the other participated in the macabre bloodbaths.