Dome of Masjid Al-Tsunami

in #history7 years ago (edited)

Tsunami on December 26, 2004 that attack Aceh became the biggest disaster in the 21st century. The ferocity of the tsunami waves that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives was still to be witnessed today. One proof of that awesomeness is the transfer of 80 tons dome of mosque to the village.

This large mosque dome is to be found in the open fields in Gurah Village,
Peukan Bada Sub-Distric in Aceh Besar Distric, close to Banda Aceh.
Previously this is the dome of mosque in Lamteungoh village, also in Peukan Bada about 2½km further north.

Several people were saved from Tsunami by clinging to this dome as it was swept along. Now it has become a popular tourist destination. About 10km from Banda Aceh, with the name kubah Masjid Al-Tsunami.


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I followed and up votes you. please followback @huanmv

Thank for upvote and I also followed you. Hope we will be good friend @huanmv

Honestly.. I must be a bit ignorant about this dome, had seen this around the Indra Purwa site in 2005 while taking a friend, french journalist to find some evidence about survivor at Lambadeuk. Aahh.. I hardly remember those places around Peukan Bada.

I remember that people were seeking for treasures around the historical site while other villagers were flee from that place, well you know the Indonesia Air Force bombardir that place to scare GAM who actually had resided to Goh Leumo.

Thanks for sharing @ahmadzaki😉 I will make sure to re-visit that dome when I come back to Banda Aceh, one day.

I do not remember much about the incident GAM conflict in Aceh. Because at that time I was little, maybe I was only 7 years old at that time, and I still very cool with my childhood.
I wish you could return to Banda Aceh as soon as possible and be able to visit all the historical tourist spots here.

I lived in Banda Aceh for 21 years.. longer than I lived in Lhokseumawe my hometown, but I haven't gone farther than Indra Patra and Krueng Raya Sea-port while the only way to reach Sabang through the port.

I have never visited Admiral Malahayati tombs as well😢 poor me. I was too busy with works and spent my time to meet people who are recognised as conflict victims once a while, but so excited to listen stories from any Mukim about their places. Now, I am bit regret it. So reading your posts is the only way to keep in touch with memories.

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Hii @ahmadzaki.... Nice to read your post and I found you by #ccc tag.
I've been here, but it's been so long. once the color of the dome is still a combination of green and light brown.

now this dome looks very sacred because it is dominated by white color. and I will plan to return to visit there.

Hii @rfajrina
Thanks for visiting and upvote. I wish you could return to visit this dome

Waahh.. Saya belum sempat mengunjungi mesjid ini, lebih banyak nyobain semua warung kopi😂 oh iya... Itu masih digunakan buat shalat? Kok disebut masjid?

Dulu ada beberapa pemuda desa tersebut yang menuliskan nama "Kubah Mesjid Al-Tsunami" padahal ketika saya berkunjung sang pemandu mengatakan nama itu salah. Tidak ada kata-kata Al disitu. Nama yang sebenarnya adalah "kubah mesjid Tsunami". Hal ini didasari oleh fakta ketika Tsunami bahwa kubah mesjid itu dibawa oleh gelombang Tsunami.

Masyarakat desa gurah sampai hari ini masih mempertahankan bentuk asli dari kubah ini mereka tidak ingin merubah bentuk asli dari kubah ini, namun untuk tetap menjaga keindahannya warga hanya mengecatnya.

Kubah ini tidak digunakan untuk shalat dari dulu hingga sekarang bg @dipoabasch. Masyarakat telah membangun sebuah surau di komplek itu untuk pengunjung yang ingin shalat.

Oohh.. Jadi hanya jadi objek wisata.. Kirain ada yg shalat di kubah. Terima kasih penjelasannya 👋 saleum

You mean that dome was literally transferred from one place to another without getting destructed by a tsunami? And people were saved by clinging on to the dome! Now that is how nature moves in mysterious ways. We may think it is disaster but on the other hand, a life saver.