THE DEMONS OF LOS ANGELES. The Hidden Stories of Pharmacists and Other Industries. Second part

in #history-life7 years ago

Did you know that through genetically modified foods you can:
-Create the appearance of large number of diseases.
-Control the masses. (Activates or deactivates chemical brain mediators, amino acids)
-Control the market of items derived from vegetables as in India with the cotton market. (Creates a new type of Tele-feudalism exploitation)
-Massive control of herbicides. (Monopoly in its most crude expression)

At the end of last year, one of the most expensive purchases ever made, was the purchase of multinational giant Monsanto (producer of agrochemicals and biotechnology) which was sold to the other giant Bayer. The operation was carried out in September 2016 for an amount of 66,000,000,000.00 (66 billion dollars).

History of Monsanto:

  • First manufacture of visible light LEDs using gallium phosphide arsenide
  • Saccharin Distributor
  • Major supplier of Coca Cola sweeteners
  • Producer of Sulfuric Acid
  • Manufacture of plastics such as polystyrene and synthetic fibers
  • Involved with SEARLE manufacturer of Aspartame (NutraSweet)
  • Negotiates and synthesizes with Somatropin Bobinica
  • During the Vietnam War was one of the companies that manufactured the powerful herbicide orange agent containing Dioxin (carcinogenic) product, causing malformations in human fetuses.
  • Currently focusing on biotechnology (agrochemicals and transgenics) Glyphosate (Trademark Roundup) and a large number of transgenic seeds are widely produced from the herbicide.

Note: Monsanto is ranked 95 out of 100 of the world's least ethical companies.

Recently the European Economic Community approved the use of transgenic potato seeds developed by Monsanto.
The Biosafety Protocol of the European Community estimates that they should be submitted to study in guinea pigs for a period of 3 months, to verify the safety and safety in organisms. However an environmental group together with a group of European universities independently conducted an independent study on the seed in question for a time of 8 months. The results were astounding the appearance of significant statistical deviations were started from the fourth month of exposure of subjects who consumed the modified potatoes, at the end of the independent study was more than evident from the statistical point of view the correlation between the control groups And exposed subjects, who developed tumors in different parts of their anatomy. Despite the evidence the European Economic Community did not comment on the evidence presented by the independent study.

Today is considered one of the first 5 companies with the best ethics despite the following records:

  • It is a chemical-pharmaceutical company that was created in 1863 in northern Germany, famous for its aspirin; Although its beginnings were the industrial dyes.

-In the 50's the Allies intervened the Bayer conglomerate as it used slave labor.

-In 1981, they provoke intoxication with a nematicide (Nemacur) producing the toxic oil syndrome.

-In Nova Scotia and France beekeepers die a large number of bees from Bayer pesticides.

-Bayer financed the second Congo War to seize the Coltán

-A famous cholesterol medication called Cerivastatin, I have side effects with fatal consequences. Officially, the number of dead is as follows:

  • USA .................. .. 31 dead
  • Rest of the World ...... 52 dead
    Note: It is believed that there are about 1,100 people affected.
  • I think you know resistant bacteria in poultry for the use of Fluoroquinolone (Baytril), which was approved in 1995 and although the FDA proposed to ban this medicine, it was still sold until 2005.

-Bayer was taken to court after 24 children were poisoned in a Peruvian province, where the product Methyl parathion contaminated the milk, the Peruvian court determined the criminal liability of Bayer.

-Contamino the global supply of rice with a transgenic variety caused losses to the world industry for 1,200 Million US $ in 2006.

  • In that same 2006 Bayer concealed a study where I concluded that Trasylol (antifribrinolítico) presented more risks than benefits, and then in 2006 was withdrawn by the FDA.

  • Was sued in 2009 for claiming that selenium present in multivitamin One A, reduced the risk of prostate cancer

  • The death (by thrombosis) of 4 women in France associated with the consumption of Diane 35, in the year 2013, is reported.

The use of the anticancer drug Nexavar is discussed in India. At that meeting one of the executives expresses the following: WE DO NOT CREATE MEDICINES FOR THE INDIANS, BUT FOR THOSE WHO CAN PAY THEM.

Author's Note: This is how many companies deceive us through publicity about the immaculate image they convey, being the truth behind the scenes, a gangster den that has nothing to envy the greats of the 1920s in Chicago and Other states in the golden age of mobsters