The Cat Feature of Privilege in Islamic History

in #historical7 years ago

blog special prayer - cat is one of the animal upkeep a very popular in the world, including Indonesia. in the history of Islam, cats have the privilege extraordinary. Majesty the Prophet notice to the best friend to love domestic cats, like a love family own. one of cats are owned by the Prophet yaitumueeza, cat this really very remarkable because mueeza always miaou when hear Azan, and as if his voice sounded like to follow the chant sound Azan. on the 13th century, in the world of Islamic art in such a cat be currency as a form of the manifestation award Islamic society. while in the world literature, poets not hesitate to make a poem for cats pet who have contributed it. and many more stories cat extraordinary in beradapab Islam. to learn more, please direct just listen story more following: ilustrasi: image cat (Angora) story mueeza, cat's favorite Prophet told in a story, Prophet Muhammad have a cat named mueeza. one day, dikala Prophet about to take his cloak on temuinya mueeza was asleep sleep with casual above his cloak. not want to interfere with animals his favorite the Prophet was cut parts of arms ravished mueeza of his cloak. when the Prophet back to home, muezza wake up and bow bow down to her employer. as a reply, Prophet stated the love of Unfortunately with stroking soft to the body tiny a cat it as much as 3 times. in other activities, every time the Prophet receive guest in his home, Prophet always carry mueeza and put dipahanya. one of the nature of mueeza Prophet like is he always miaou when hear Azan, and as if his voice sounded like to follow the chant sound Azan. to the best friend, Prophet advised to love domestic cats, like a love family own. punishment for those who hurt animals funny this is very seriously, in a Hadith shahih Inter alia bukhori, told about a woman who never feed her cat, nor remove the cat to looking for self-feeding, Prophet was explained that the punishment for this woman is torment hell. not only the Prophet, wife of the Prophet own, aisyah Bint Abu Bakr ash Siddiq was very like cats, and feel very lost dikala left go by cat. a friend who is also an expert Hadith, Abdurrahman bin sakhr Inter alia azdi given a nickname Abu hurairah (father of the Tomcat), as his love in the care and maintain a variety of Tomcat his home. respect leaders Islam to cat after the death of the Prophet in the book entitled cats of Cairo described in the dynasty mamluk, baybars Inter alia Zahir, a Sultan also hero the front line in the Crusades deliberately build parks special for cats and provides various types of food in it. this tradition has been a Customs in various major cities an Islamic state. until now, ranging from Damascus, Istanbul to Cairo, can still be encountered cats wandering in the corner-corner of the old mosque with a wide range of food provided by locals. effect cats in Islamic art in the 13th century, as a manifestation award Islamic society, in such a cat be used as carving ring the Caliph, including porcelain, statue to currency. even in the world literature, poets not hesitate to make a poem for cats pet who have contributed to protect their books of the bite of mice and other insects. story cat inspiring for the Sufi a Sufi renowned named IBN bashad living on the century ten hijriyah tells the story, one day he and friends his best friend are sit back unwind on the roof mosque of Cairo while enjoying dinner. when the cat through it, IBN bashad give a piece of meat to the cat, but soon the cat back again, after give him a piece to two, secretly IBN bashad follow the direction of the cat go, until he up at a roof slum, and he found cat was being handed a piece of meat given IBN bashad to cat other blind eyes. events this very touching her until he became a Sufi until death pick him up in the year 1067. in addition, the Sufi also believe that snoring breath cats have the rhythm of the same with dzikir kalima God. #story of an example of the cat one of the story enough mahsyur which is about a domestic cats are trusted by a man, to keep her baby dikala he went for a while. like a soldier escorting his master, the cat was constantly just around the baby. soon melintaslah rattlesnake very dangerous near baby tiny it. the cat with sigapnya attacking the snake to die with blood scattered. afternoon when man home, he was surprised to see so many blood on the mattress baby. prejudice whispered, cat has been killed child his favorite! surefire, he took a knife and decapitated cat innocent. soon, he was surprised to seeing his woke up with the carcass snake that has been torn behind the back of her. seeing that, the man crying and regret the action after realizes that he had been killed cat pet that has been bet the lives of keeping the safety of their children. #this story to a reflection of the Islamic community in the middle East not berburuk would have thought to anyone. legal kill cat did you know that the Prophet Muhammad also defend cat? Hadith history Abdullah bin Umar may Allah be pleased. that the Prophet, said: a woman tortured because confining cat to death. then she go to hell therefore, that is because when locked he did not feed nor give him a drink as he did not also take it off foraging of insects the ground. (shahih Muslim no.4160) and in Islamic law, a Muslim told not to hurt or even kill cats, based on the Hadith shahih narrated by Imam Muslims of the story of Abdullah bin Umar and Abu hurairah. benefits cat in the world science one of the book of the famous written by Cendikia Muslim past is the book of the life Inter alia hayaawan which has been the inspiration for the development of the world of zoology at this time. one of the contents of medical science, many doctors Muslim past that make the cat as medical therapy for healing bone, through snoring voice equivalent to the waves by 50 Hertz. snoring become the frequency of optimal in stimulate recovery bone. not only of science, Western nation also many take a variety of cat from the middle East, until the end of extinction cat due to the myth of tools Magic in the West can be saved. story cat Palestinian jailed in special cell Israel: cat "muqawwamah" if be jealous, the Muslims may have to the envy of the cat Palestine. because the middle of our inability participate defend our brothers in Palestine now struggling to maintain masjidil Aqsa of the threat of Israel, precisely cat appear as a hero. cat was assessed Zionist-Israel can generate resistance (muqawwamah). quoted from, Israeli-Israel has been imprisoned cat Palestine. this cat assessed a liaison in solitary confinement in detention camp Warriors Palestinian Negev. according to official Israel, cats that assist inmate by bringing goods light as a letter, bread and other than one cell to another cell. the role played cat for months before finally caught. turnkey Negev then throw the cat in the cell special. well, who are willing to see cat smart? there approximately lawyer generous that will defend him? readers, that's some of the story of privilege cat in the history of the Islamic we can share, I hope useful.


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