Why is "hip hop" not a tag?.....// GEECHI DAN
And is there anything that we can do to change that? I feel the hip hop community on steemit consists of some of the most tight knit individuals, yet we have no tag. Other tags exist for categories that get almost no looks. Not a complain, just wondering if there's anything we can do to change that.
That would be a nice 'step' for the HH Hedz to get a tag on the main page!! We 'are here' regardless bro!! excuse the cliche gif, but...

Do you mean a tag to identify us better, or why isn't "hiphop" on the main page? Hip hop is definitely a tag if you click it, it'll come up with all hip hop related posts.
On the main page. Is it on the main page?
No it's not. That would be handy though, now I know what you mean. I wonder if we can personalize the tags on our own feeds, or like you say, if we can get it on the front page. That's why I always use #music when making a HipHop related post, at least music is on the main page lol. We may need to turn the volume up a little ;)
Because I think the tags on the main page are based on the highest payout for tags used.
Really...Hmm...Well, I licked on the categories for tags or whee it shows all tags and I still didn't see #hiphop. I agree, it may be time to turn up a bit. :)
Oh you're right. It's not even in the tag section at all - I am sooo offended right now lol
You can totally use hiphop as a tag, I know several other users use it as well in their posts. Wait, I just noticed that you even used it yourself in this very post that you are asking why it's not a tag...I'm confused now lol
i agree 100% my dude, i tag my stuff hip hop, but i guess it don't matter. It will one day....we just need to up our game!
I try to label it hiphop when I post. I also feel that it is a pretty big label. I miss a "house" label. Have to post house under techno, makes me feel I am doing something bad :-(
Actually, you can totally just use house as a tag. You don't have to use techno all the time if you don't want to. As for me, I'm trying to popularize the #electronicdancemusic tag so that all EDM can just fall under one umbrella tag that will be easy for people to find. :)
Yea I know, But so few post under it. More comments about real houses than music on the tag house. I know it is wrong, but I wanna tag for more hits.
Let's work together to repopularize these tags and grow the EDM community on Steemit! :D
I declare: I will be more accurate when I post in the future!
I agree.