Is Kali a bad goddess ? 🤔🤔

in #hindu2 years ago


Understanding the word's root, kaala, or "time," is necessary to comprehend what it means. Kaali is a Sanskrit word that means "(she) into whom time culminates."

I translate the Sanskrit word samkalana, which is better translated as a process where a distribution (of items) is gathered into a single point, into English as "culminates." Saying something like "a dictionary is a samkalana of words and their meanings" is a more common example. I think I was able to convey the meaning and connotation of this word.

Samkalana, the word, is crucial to the solution because kaali refers to the entity in which the samkalana of time occurs.

Because of this, she is imagined by the general populace as a dangerous Goddess. she represents the end of time, thus. Because of this, her masculine polar opposite is mahaakaala, or time (himself?).

(Well, technically, mahaakaala is her bhairava, but I don't even know where to start with bhairava/bhairavi explanations in English.)

According to Hindu cosmology, energy is initially formless and nirguna (devoid of quality). Then again, energy, or shakti, is what makes everything appear. You'll notice that the Sanskrit term for "energy" is feminine. The masculine energy of time, kaala, is created from this feminine force. The original feminine gives birth to the original masculine, and this is how the cosmos begins.

And in a symmetrical way, the universe comes to an end: time (mahaakaala) is concentrated into a single feminine energy (samkalana) (kaali). The following cycle then starts.

Here, there is neither good nor bad. Pure energy separates into its male and female components. The physical (and metaphysical) universe is thus born. Many things occur during the course of billions of years. Finally, the masculine and feminine come together once more to revert to pure energy, which is formless, genderless, and qualityless.


In a nutshell, that is the theory.

a nut with a very, very, very little shell that is extremely, extremely small.


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