Drinking the Clinton Kool Aid

in #hillary8 years ago

 What astounds me about many of you Hillary supporters is how fast you buy into her BS smoke screen attacks. Let's take the "not paying taxes" smokescreen.A person follows the tax code, which was put in place by the law makers, and he and his accountants find a loophole.This loophole means that the business person will not have to pay any personal income tax. So, according to your pea brained logic: the person who uses the loophole does not support the military or the USA. He is a pawn for another government or some other hair brained illogical conclusion that you can make in regards to following the current tax code.Let me ask you this: have you ever had a business of your own? If you have then you will know that you pay a plethora of local, state and federal taxes on that business. You also pay employee payroll taxes. These taxes are all paid before you see a dime of profit.and usually these taxes amount to a whole hell of a lot more than what you will pay in personal income tax as an individual.The tax code was set up this way for a reason-to promote business. Businesses promote employment. Employment helps the economy and creates new taxpayers.Is Hillary a hypocrite or is she is just plain stupid? What reason, other than the fact that her supporters will believe anything she says without fact checking, would she ever give for going down this road with taxes? If you have a pulse this should just boggle your mind.She was a US Senator for 8 years. This is a credential she touts as "experience" to be president. Yet, in all of those 8 years she never introduced one singe solitary piece of meaningful legislation. She could have introduced a bill to amend the US Tax Code. Did she? No! Instead she spent her time introducing earth shaking, ground breaking, life changing legislation like the following:S.3145 - A bill to designate a portion of United States Route 20A, located in Orchard Park, New York, as the "Timothy J. Russert Highway".
S.3613 - A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2951 New York Highway 43 in Averill Park, New York, as the "Major George Quamo Post Office Building".
S.1241 - Kate Mullany National Historic Site Act.These are the only bills, in eight years as a US Senator, that she sponsored which became law. This is a pathetic record for even a freshman senator.This evidence, the legislation she sponsored which became law, says it all about this loud mouthed, lying, mudslinging poor excuse for a public servant. She and her advisers forget that there is an internet where any halfway intelligent person can look up her so called accomplishments after she hurls another campaign smoke bomb.I am not even going to start on the accusations she made about Trump's treatment of women. She should be ashamed of herself after the way she treated the many women that her husband raped or had countless affairs with over the years. A normal person with any shred of decency would never even go down this road, but not Teflon Hillary; she can't keep her big trap shut, She just cannot help herself. She is just a fumbling bumbling idiot that will do anything, say anything, lie about anything, cover up anything to become POTUS. These are not the behavioral traits of a leader.Some behavioral traits that exemplify a good leader are:Awareness, Decisiveness, Empathy, Accountability, Confidence, Optimism, Honesty, Focus and Inspiration. This woman is an epic failure in every one of these behavioral trait categories. She is blinded by power and greed. The two worst traits any "leader" could ever posses. The traits that will always lead to failure. Yet, she is still around for some reason. Like I said, this Hillary phenomenon is not only astonishing it is stupefying and the Hillary trolls eat up anything and everything she says.. They just keep downing the Clinton Kool-Aid, 


if its not a big deal why did he hide it? Clinton has hidden millions and millions in her husbands charity which also awful.

Where is America's third option? America loses this election, everyone does. Sad.

You know you ask a very good question. Why did he hide it? Well, if I were to give you an answer it would be a guess on my part. We all know that these two are playing politics. She says she will release health records when everyone else will do the same. If I had to hazard a guess as to why he did not release the tax returns it is becasue he was afraid of the general voting public's ignorance of the tax code . His fear was that they would immediately think that he was not paying ANY taxes. Let's face it, the average Joe knows nothing about the US Tax Code. I have been practicing law for over 20 years and I do not profess to understand the US Tax code. It is by far the most complicated codification of laws in the US>. I hire accountants and tax lawyers to do my taxes. This article was written in simple terms for the average person to get an idea that people in business do pay taxes, but many times they may pay no income taxes. I wanted to clarify that point and further I wanted Hillary supporters to look beyond the initial smoke screens of attack ads.

To your point about the third option, I wholeheartedly agree. I am not a Trump supporter. I will not vote in this election. America needs a viable and recognized third party. The issues of 2016 are much too complicated to be handled by a two party system that give the voter only two answers to every issue. The important social issues facing the voter of today are grey. Many times there is no black and white, right or wrong, democrat or republican answer to these issues.

I feel most for the millennials of today. They are faced with a system that does not recognize them except at election time. When the elections are over these two parties (which are really just one big party) just continue to roll over the American citizen and taxpayer. We need a political reform in the US and really much more.

yea.. so much for land of the free. ><

However, Since your the tax pro maybe you can explain this.
So Trump didn't have to pay taxes because he lost something like $900+mill (i cant recall the exact amount off hand) so how does that give him a break?

I mean did the gov collect that money he lost? It went up in smoke I think because of the lower value? How does that workout to a such a huge tax break? It seems like he made a bad deal and bought something and lost. Am I far off?

How does that become a tax break?