Hillary Clinton has Dementia, confirmed by her own doctor

in #hillary9 years ago (edited)

This is kind of odd story. I know in America, the time is growing near where citizen vote for an upcoming president. So far it looks to be between the two, either wild Trump or criminal Hillary.

One thing is for sure, Americans don't realize that this may be the most important vote of their lifetime. The next president won't make it so easy for citizens to remove if they don't like her/him as it seems that new laws have been signed in secretly that will see the next president continue ruling for decades.

Whether it's wild free thinking Trump or child rapist Hillary, let's hope Americans don't get their votes rigged like the last few times. People say that electronic voting is so easy to decide a winner. For the sake of Americans and the world's sake, the people should demand a physical, manual paper voting system.

You see, those in high place who control the present ruler, has shipped most of all jobs over to Asia where residents are paid only a few pennies or dollars for their work so without enough jobs in America, the people are dependant on free benefits like SNAP and the like.

For those who are informed, the plan was to make millions of Americans be on some sort of government benefit and then 'take away' those benefits, KABOOM! Millions of starving families, a lot hooked on pharma drugs, add in a few million engineered violent refugees whose culture involves the beating and raping of women and children then mix in the giant financial collapse that is happening now behind closed doors created by the central banks and the Federal Reserve, POW! You have yourself a civil war on your hand, just like the rich elite family like the Rothchilds, Clintons, Rockefellers, Bushes, the Vatican, the Queen of England ... planned it in the beginning. These rich elites know that the financial system they created, including credit card debts, student loans, home mortgages is collapsing and don't want to get blamed for it. So what do they do? Have their Muslim president Mr. 'O' fly in thousands upon thousands of Refugees from areas that the U.S. destroyed and have them flown in using tax payers money and distributed into many states under the guise of the dark night.

As it is happening in Sweden, Germany and many place where the countries leaders were forced to take in millions of Refugees by the criminal organization NATO ... Many of these Refugee Immigrants are beating, raping and murdering young children and women as they please as the police are ordered to 'stand down'. The reason being that their leaders were told not to make a big fuss to deter citizens from accepting millions of more so called Refugees.

I hope you understand what's going on here. In order for the rich elites which includes the Vatican, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, NATO, UNITED NATION, World Health Organization and many more to achieve their goal of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT/NEW WORLD ORDER/AGENDA 2030/SUSTAINABLE LIVING, they must make all countries unite as ONE, what better way of doing that than to make the entire globe 'MUSLIM'!

The supposed next step is for the U.S. to blame another country without any real concrete proof of some crime then declare war on the region, big time. World War 3, here we come! The Americans will be so busy worrying about the new War, that the will forget who created the now happening slow moving giant financial collapse where the debts of the U.S. created by the Federal Reserve and the rich Khazarian elite families will totally destroy all Americans.

Do not worry, they have more planned for the citizens of America. Do you know about FEMA camps?? Yes FEEEEEEMA camp, no they are not there for your protection. All citizen who the rich elites consider an enemy like activists, people who ask questions of authority, people who want toxic, cancer causing GMO foods to be labelled, parents who dislike their school systems who only teach child how to obey authority and never question authority ... those people will be listed, and dragged off to what others call FEMA prison, labour, re-education, death camps.

When War begins so does starvation, store items will be unavailable to many but the very rich. Will all the Khazarian mafia has set up for Anericans, I'm not surprised that they have created all these false flag terrorist attacks ( not saying many people didn't die and many that have been reported dead are suddenly alive ... ) to scared citizens into demanding more gun control. Hey, with all your guns taken away, whose to stop these criminals from having NATO and Russian military from rounding up targeted citizens and throwing you into FEMA death camps. Americans, without your guns and firearms, you are nothing against the huge army your government brings in. If you think you are not on theirs death list, think again. Right now your law inforcement are using cut outs with pictures of children, pregnant women and seniors as target practice during their drill practices. I mean, are those even photos of the so called terrorist that your FBI created, nah!

Soooooo be wary of your voting system and who you choose to be your next president as the fate of America and the world depends on it. Don't let us down. By the way, if you pick the wrong president guess your next toxic vaccine will be done at gun point.

Canadians, you are not out of this either, banks and giant corporations owned by the rich elites also have grips upon Canada. Watch your Prime Minister Trudeau carefully ... If I were a North American citizen, I would take some extra cash out of your bank, lest they close them down. No bank, no ATM, no credit card transactions equals NO FOOD. Store up a couple of months of food and water if possible as we are all in for a big ride.

Oh yesss, the article about Hillary having dementia is in the link below ⬇️ Forgetful me ⬇️ A civil war may be coming to your country: the citizen verses the evil government controlled by the Rothschilds, Clintons, Rockefellers, Bushes, the Queen of England ( who isn't even British ), the Vatican ... WHO KNEW???

LINK to DEMENTIA WOMAN ⏩ http://beforeitsnews.com/

My post is about my opinion


For anyone curious here's an exclusive picture of exoexo!

@telos You're trying to be funny, right? I'm bald, dude 😂

Thus the tin foil hat I assume... :p

😊 cheers

Who cares its the people that work for her that runs the government.

@karbonxx True, but letting North Americans in on the battle they're gonna be in can't hurt. Maybe they'll peek up from their Pokemon Go game and Following the Kardashians to take notice at their dire situation. I have yet to catch my first Snorlax, maybe I'll forgot all this collapse stuff and just go hunting for more Pokemon. Just a theory but do you think that mobile devices were created to keep citizens heads down, buried into their phones that they don't notice what's really happening in the United States? 📱📲