Been Thinking about Going for A LONG HIKE

in #hiking8 years ago

I interviewed for an office job last week but they said they wouldn't know who to choose for the position for another 2 weeks. If for some reason I don't get the job then I have an idea for an adventure.
Picture credit: Steemitqueen

I would really love to use my Steemit payments to backpack to California using the Appalachian Trail to get to the American Discovery Trail (ATD) from there to San Francisco in California.

The Appalachian Trail crosses the ADT on the West Virginia side of the Potomac River, near Harpers Ferry National Historic Park, so I could start at the beginning of the Appalachian Trail in Mount Katahdin in Maine down to Harpers Ferry National Historic Park and pickup the ADT there and start heading westward.


It should be noted there will be dangers along the way as for example the Potomac River Gorge. According to the web site for it, It is deep and very dangerous. Over the years many people have died swimming in this river and the site for it reports "the Potomac can look calm on the surface, but just under the river surface, not visible, are downward moving rip currents that can pull a human being or dog down to the bottom, up to 15 - 30 feet below." "More than half (51%) of all river related injuries in the Potomac River Gorge are fatal and 72% of river related incidents are from swimmers, and people wading and falling off slippery rocks into the river (not kayaking/canoeing)."


The weird thing is I feel led to take this hike. I have wanted to go on a long hike and leave everything and everybody behind since 2009 when I was working really hard for my Masters in Accountancy for those 2 years! Don't ask me why. Part of it was the fact I grew to dislike what I was studying and on my study breaks I thought about how nice it would be to make a break from society for a few years. No work or studying, just enjoying nature. No time limits or places to be or things to do unless I want to do them. Not only for these reasons but also I've always wanted to go to California. Especially San Diego where they say it's average temps are 70 degrees F all year round and always sunny!

I plan to stay in contact with everyone by my Facebook page and Steemit ideally by using my iPhone 6 plus but if for some reason I can't get wifi from time to time on the trail then I will do so by visiting any Libraries I can find all along the way so I can use their PCs to get online. If my iPhone works most of the time on the trail then I will also make a Vlog and put it on Steemit as well.

I need to buy a few things for equipment still, such as a head lamp and solar charger for my iPhone as well as a waterproof case for it..

I will also need a Sweetwater filter.. I have everything else. So then for food I will depend on the goodness of others by starting a Fundraiser online through but it will be an ongoing fund raise since I can't guarantee that I will get to California by any certain time frame. I'm thinking it will take me as long as 3 years to get there because I plan to hike a day and then camp a day, hike a day and then camp a day until I get there.

The only bummer is I won't be playing my guitar for myself or those I meet along the way because first of all I need to have my backpack on my back and there is no way for my guitar backpack to fit over it or on it. Plus, even if I could somehow get both backpacks on my back I'm confident it will be all too heavy and will make the hike very unpleasant. I have a Ukulele though, and a guide book for how to play chords with a few easy songs to start off. So that I think I could handle.

I feel a lot of peace with this plan. I know the details will work themselves out and I know also this idea is part of my spiritual journey. LIke I said, I'll be sure to keep a Vlog so everyone who helps me can see the journey on the American Discovery Trail. There'll be some real beautiful sights to capture.

Other ideas. When I get to California, I'd like to find Tim Ferris to be interviewed by him on his Podcast. I think this trip should earn my right to do so. "The Blues Guitar Player Who Hiked from the East Coast to the West Coast with a Ukulele." I can see it now!


You quite possibly could make more money from hiking across the country and posting it on steemit than you would at the job you interviewed for.

@mctiller ,that would be awesome! :) Thanks Martin. :)

Thank you @brianphobos, yes, I read your post and gave you an upvote there. I'm glad to see what you're doing for Cyrus. :)

Good post. But any idea why it has a #cn tag? #cn is for Chinese posts.

@abit, Yes, I do know why it has a cn tag? And yes, it is for our Chinese readers who search Steemit by that tag. There is quite a Chinese following. I am following @somebody who translated the Steemit White Paper into Chinese for his friends. He's going to be a big player in Steemit. :)

Now I am also following you as well @abit, and I'm glad you liked my post. :)

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 10.9 and reading ease of 51%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.