Get off your couch!

in #hiking9 years ago (edited)

You, Yes YOU, I'm talking to you. You're the lazy gal/guy, umotivated, boring, you sit inside all day and watch netflix and youtube videos.

Steemit has inspired me to get off my lazy ass. I usually go to work, then come home, go to sleep, eat repeat, and then on the weekend stay in my room and do nothing. Now that I'm on Steemit and have a reason to produce content, I have a goal to strive for, I have something that when I wake up, I remember instantly: I have to make content, even if it sucks, even if it gets 1 cent in upvotes and I get depressed, I still have to build my empire.

So yesterday, I got out, and did it. I took my phantom 4 drone that steemit inspired me to buy, I got my lazy ass off the couch, and me and my friend went to explore the mountains of San Bernadino.

The video wasn't perfect, not by a long shot, the camera on the phantom shook a lot because I didn't know how to operate the gimbal smoothly, also I didn't set up the shots right, there was some shaking back and forth, but at least I went out and tried.

I want to challenge my fellow steemers to get off your butts and go outside and create unique content. You don't need a nice drone, all you need is your phone with a camera. Take pictures, share them on steemit, and comment on one of my blogs and I'll check it out!!

My motto is: Build it, and they will come. If I create quality content that inspires and motivates people. They will want to come and see what I do. This is the first step to building it

The largest building, at one point in time was just a few bricks and metal beams.