Why The Camino De Santiago Is Like Life? And The Incredible Lessons To Be Learned…

in #hiking7 years ago

As I prepare for my third Camino….I began to reflect on my last experience….and coincidentally….

The other day I was asked to speak about the Camino De Santiago….

I thought……rather than speak about the typical…

Fun adventures….and experiences…or…

What to bring……and how to prepare….etc…

All of which are important…

I took a different path…

You see…

For me…the Camino De Santiago…is just like life…….and like life……there are incredible lessons that can be learned..

Let me explain..

Just Like Life…..you need to focus on one day at a time….one Albergue at a time…one Stage at a time…You cant focus on the whole journey or you will become overwhelmed…You learn to live in the moment…the present..

Just Like Life…..you walk at your own pace….Although you may meet many people…you need to go at the pace thats right for you….

Just Like Life…..when problems arise…and they will…such as taking care of your feet…you need to stop…regardless of those around you…and do whats best for you at that very moment…Do Whats Best For You…this can be somewhat difficult as many people…have a hard time….doing whats best for themselves..for fear of what others think….

Just Like Life…..you meet so many people…from all around the world….man…do you meet…so many great and wonder-FULL people….opportunities to re-humanize…..the Camino is really about the people….especially when our spirits are down..its great when those around us help to lift our spirits…and put things in a different perspective…

Just Like Life…..you are with nature….not in a tree hugging….birkenstock way…..but…you become reacquainted with yourself and your relationship to nature….one of the single most important and revitalizing ways to pick up your spirits…re-connecting with nature….in the concrete jungle it sometimes becomes a little difficult…the Camino affords us this possiblity…

Just Like Life…..You live only with the things on your back….you live the simple life….and you realize that…..you can not only survive…but thrive with less…contrary to the popular opinion that we need more to be happy…the Camino teaches us to live with less…

Just Like Life…..There are days…when…quite frankly you dont want to walk 25-30 kilometers….you just want to stay in bed….and like life…there are times when we become “stuck” and think what do I do now???? With the Camino…it reminds us that sometimes….we are our worst enemy…and that if we just continue on things will work themselves out…..

Just Like Life…..we need to re-charge our batteries….the Camino…allows us the time to re-charge…time for reflection….isnt that what we really want…more time…?

Just Like Life…..we sometimes ask ourselves what the heck am I doing…we question…ourselves…and the Camino is no different……it really magnifies….our own self doubts…and shows us….that in the face of adversity…..we can go on…

And Just Like Life…..each of us has own unique reason(s) for doing what we do….and the Camino is no different…there is no one reason why someone embarks on the Camino…its different for each person…respect that the reason(s) you have may be different from those around you….

Well thats my rant….

As you can probably tell….I loved my experience doing the Camino…

It is without a doubt the single best thing Ive ever done in my life.

