in #hibtc7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends. We continue to discover new opportunities for investing. The market is now experiencing not the best of time. Therefore, each project is intent and is able to develop. This project is becoming very valuable.

Снимок экрана (515).png

First of all, using the new design concept and leading technology, HiBTC will provide a safe, efficient and convenient digital asset trading platform for all par!cipants. In HiBTC, regardless of the size of the transaction, each par!cipant can effetvely achieve the investment objec!ves without worrying about personal privacy protection or the security of digital assets. In addition, the professional financial unit will provide investors with rich risk hedging instruments and investment target choices.

Second, HiBTC is commi&ed to crea!ng a completely transparent, fair and shared investment environment. HiBTC Token (HIBT) is the only token issued by the HiBTC pla$orm, not only as a digital asset, but also represen!ng all rights and interests of the HiBTC pla$orm. HiBTC promises to regularly allocate the pla$orm revenues to all HIBT holders; at the same !me, the “transac!on + token holding” mining model (“proof of mining hours + proof of equity” mechanism) is adopted, and 50% of the HIBT issued is rewarded to users through transac!on processing fee ining.

Not only that, HiBTC will also introduce a “Dividend Bonus Program”. Users can voluntarily join the program with part or all of the HIBT it holds, which will enjoy different propor!ons of dividend bonus in addi!on to the basic ividends.

In summary, when a user makes any transac!on on the pla$orm, in addi!on to obtaining the target assets, it can also obtain [mining generated HIBT + basic dividends + dividend bonus]. All of the above mining and dividend data will be made public in real !me and are truly transparent and accessible.

Except the equity attribute, the asset attribute of HIBT is also important. The stability of HIBT price has a direct effect on the users’ enthusiasm for par!cipa!ng in the transac!ons on the HiBTC platform. In order to guarantee a sustainable and robust development of HiBTC, we will make the “Holder Shared Fund Account” public to all users right a"er the pla$orm is put into use. The HIBT unlocked in the account will be 100% locked in the fund ccount until the mining is finished and won’t flow into the secondary market. The dividends these HIBT enjoys will be first used to pay for the dividend bonus generated in the Dividend Bonus Program; and the rest will be used to buy back the HIBT in the secondary market, which will be locked in the fundaccount, too. When the mining is inished, all assets in the Holder Shared Fund

Finally, HiBTC hopes to break the barriers to informa!on asymmetry between shareholders and management, and between companies and users under the tradi!onal “firm” model, and to build a co-governed and shared organizational structure so that each HIBT holder has the right to par!cipate in making the pla$orm business decisions. HiBTC introduces the world’s first exchange “1+1” currency listing dual-channel mode, which abandons the traditional fee-based currency listing mode and opens the HIBT holder recommendation channel.


Website: https://www.hibtc.com/#/act/homepage
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HiBTC_Exchanging
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5016151
Telegrams: https://t.me/www_HIBTC_com1
My profile on BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1300560


Thanks to the author for a very interesting article!

Good information and very timely.

I will definitely take a look at this exchange, thanks to you.