Many Mistakes Mages Make: Dieties

in #herotraining7 years ago (edited)

You wouldn’t let your dog poop all over your apartment, so why would you let your god do that with your mind? Either way, you still have to live there when it piles up!


When most people refer to gods or dieties, they usually mean an unseen or spiritual force bearing some kind of influence. Spells, prayers, juju... it all depends on something mystical, special... not mundane.

The reason we keep making this disclaimer is because the mystical and the mundane are not always different, and there can be a simple explanation if we look at things with a critical eye.

With reference to gods, the simplest and most straightforward answer to that is someone or some thing we go to for answers and explanations. It means that we value their opinion strongly and in some cases more than our own. It means that we attribute causality or control to something that we may not understand the methods to.

Sometimes, they can be a human being, and sometimes, they’re folks we know. Juju and perspective doesn’t actually affect who and what we see as gods.

So, why let them change us in ways that just make us sick or hurt?