The Billion Hero Challenge
Ok time to get serious. In Hollywood last month we described our plans to turn the HERO into a mainstream adopted currency. Today, with the publication of the physical copy of the June edition of Avant Garde Magazine at a mega-whale gathering in Indianapolis, the contest to win a Billion Dollars worth of BitShares (BTS) begins in earnest. Teams are forming. Anyone can play.

Read more about the HERO in The Hero from BitShares Island
What exactly do we mean by "Billion Hero Challenge"?
- We want to cause a billion HEROs to enter global circulation to achieve mainstream adoption.
- We want to raise up an army of a billion heroic adopters to buy and/or back those HEROs.
- We want the backers to have nice fat retirement accounts.
- We want the holders to have +5% savings accounts.
- We want to grow the market cap of BitShares by three factors of ten so it can back a billion HEROs.
- We want to grow our donated billion-hero-prize value by three factors of ten - from one million USD to one billion USD.
- We want that army of supporting heroes to experience that same growth in each of their own BTS accounts.
- We want to build BitShares Island and have a 40 foot catamaran anchored there...beside yours.
Some of the world's most accomplished and recognizable heroes are already signing on to rally their networks of fans and like-minded people to win a piece of this jackpot for their chosen Good Causes. We believe that such a competition will propel the HERO to mass adoption far more quickly than jousting with our friends and competitors inside the inbred digital currency community. We are taking our product to the world. It is ready for Prime Time.
All incentives are aligned. The contest will end when our donated million dollar prize reaches a billion dollars in value. A factor of 1000 growth. Bitcoin did that in six years. Ethereum did it in two.
And, quite frankly, they couldn't scale to handle the necessary traffic. BitShares intends to blow those prior records out of the water.
Keep your eyes on the prize
The billion dollars worth of BitShares will be divided among the leading teams according to the following, possibly preliminary, purse parsing plan:

We will be revealing more and more about who is involved and what they are doing between now and Global Independence Day (coincidentally, the Fourth of July, when BitShares was conceived in 2013 and when the intended outcome of the world's first republic was declared in 1776). Today, let's look at the preliminary contest rules. (Final rules and purse parsing distribution will be determined by Heronomex on July 4, 2017 and may be amended by the leaders of the top twelve teams at the end of the Qualifying Round. The billion-hero-prize account will be funded with $1M worth of BTS on or before this date.
Contest Rules
Subject to review and amendment by the leading teams at the end to the Qualifying Round, the preliminary contest rules start out as follows:
• The winner is the team that has backed the most HEROs when the value of the billion-hero-prize account exceeds $1B at the BTS price published by
• Automated software will scan the BitShares blockchain continuously and publish the names of the leading twelve teams at Anyone can check these results using their own scoring software, since the BitShares blockchain is open to public inspection.
• Anyone can play by simply saving BTS in their own account and locking them up as collateral to back HEROs, which they are free to hold, sell, or spend. No purchase is necessary - all participants' funds remain their own!
• Anyone can join any team, and change teams at any time by simply entering the account name of that team’s leader in their own account’s proxy setting. This tells the scoring software which team gets credit, without changing who owns the collateral locked up in the account.
• Anyone can unlock their BTS collateral at any time by returning their HEROs to the system. This, of course, removes the corresponding credit from their team’s score. You can check out any time you like...
• Contest rules may be amended by a 2/3 majority of the leading teams while the billion-hero-prize at the end of the Qualifying Round when prize value exceeds $10M. Amendments may continue while the billion-hero-prize account lies between $10M and $100M. No changes are permitted after the billion-hero-prize first exceeds $100M in value.
• When the billion-hero-prize account first exceeds $1B, it will be divided among the top 12 teams as shown in the table.
• Anyone is eligible to play, because the rules and scoring mechanism are transparent and enforced by robotically honest blockchain. Whichever team of heroes backs the most HEROs becomes the global Hero who led the charge to bring us truly Honest Money for the first time in human history.
We reserve the right to refine these rules until Global Independence Day when the refined rules will formally go into effect. Comments are welcome until that time. All decisions of the contest sponsor and prize donor, Heronomex, will be final. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited.
Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares and the Sovereign Hero
About the Author -- Stan Larimer
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Why are you basing the prize account value "finish line" on instead of the BitShares blockchain median feed price?
If you use the feed price than you'd have an absolutely clear and deterministic winner even if it's a close race at the end, because the number of HEROs backed by each team and the median price feed can both be checked with the same per-block granularity.
Egad. Brain. Brilliant!
THIS IS PRETTY AMAZING AND SURE DESERVES MORE AND MORE THE TITLE IT IS NAMED BY! ...And it is by the people acting as saints that such technologies are provided to prosper for all.
Thanks a bunch for sharing. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)
The rules needs to be defined. To me it seems like another whale party. I might be able to contribute with a few thousand. Am I interesting enough?
You are merely building your own wealth and giving credit, not your wealth, to a cause you want to win a piece of the prize. You don't need to be interesting to anyone but yourself - unless you want to be a leader. Pretty stiff competition there... but you could go to work for a leader's team and perhaps earn some reputation.
Hi there, its been a while. I remember few months ago, I guess that was last year. We have discussion about a post of mine about religion. How are you today sir? I should call you sir because you are not just anybody but somebody.
You dont need to because you have already achieve something and its not just something, but a big thing.
Let the games begin indeed, while the incumbents are busy trying to build private blockchains to try to extend the old rotten game ;-) !!!
Sounds great. I took a long position on BTS 2 weeks ago so this is a great way to reinvest and help propel us all forward. Great thinking!
Also I loved your recent conference. Gave me great faith and understanding in the technology and brand!
We hope to bring more awareness to the amazing capabilities of the Bitshares platform, and what it can do for everyone from savers to speculators. #hero #heronomex #billionherochallenge
Well this is going to be interesting. Glad I've added a bunch of Bts lately!
OK, so, I feel as if I'm trying to go from zero to 60 light years per second in about four seconds here...
Umm, yeah, I would like to be on that team...
Deep breaths...
I feel like the kid who shows up in class and has to come up with lame excuses like "The dog ate my homework."
I've just opened a BTS account, and now need to struggle to figure out how to buy some BTS? Can I exchange Steem directly to BTS?
Any help, direction, or guidance would be truly appreciated, Thanks...

From zero to Hero!!! Did get some BTS. Reading up on Hero...Thanx for the heads up to read more about it and to see what actions can possible take.

Lots of instructions at
Thanks, Stan... I'm trying to follow the instructions here...
But trying to figure out:
Can I exchange Steem directly for BTS? Or do I have to bring in external Bitcoin somehow?
I'm pretty much stuck at Step 2 on that page. Do I have to buy Bitcoin with Steem before I can buy BTS?
Thanks in advance...
I've never sold Steem.
This is where all the experts hang out.
They love to help people with questions like this.
Thank you.
Neither have I Stan. I put all the Steem I bought into Steem Power. :)
I love this, definitely participating. But how do we fix the site? The design is completely confusing, there is 10 times too much half-random content and the certificate is broken so 90% people won't even go past the warning. This project deserves some slick design from a top firm!
Would it not be better to hire a large PR firm to handle those details?
We have one of the best PR firms in Manhattan working this - as a Heronomex insider.
Excited to see how they will approach this. For the site, there is a good one who's interested to do a concept. Let's see if they want to continue anyway.
Yes would be good if they help with whole branding / image thing. Will look around.
I would recommend FleishmanHillard. Quite possible to work out a deal on share payment I would imagine as it incentives them to continue to perform .
That is the high end of the scale but you get what you pay for.
Smart money is called smart money for a reason.
I only got recommendations for small shops or independents. Not sure what's best, they might get more creative. I will follow up with interested ones.
you should put in a bitshares worker
Yeah. Working on it.
Any way to help?
Name a few top firms?
I use squarespace and make it myself. They have loads of templates, lookssuper professional and it's automatically altered for whatever platform people are viewing it on. If your current site is made by a PR firm I would fire them because when I looked at it a week ago I thought it looked terrible and scammy (Just an honest initial impression). I just tried loading it now and it's down. Also, the certificate doesn't work which makes it look even more scammy. I think you really have to put attention into the look of the site because when you promise something like guaranteed 5% people will immediately be suspicious. Just my 2 cents.
It was put together by volunteers in three weeks.
We have an awesome PR firm now taking over - figuring out a complete new multi-site plan. Give it time.
This is going to be insane! I am understanding it better with each post. Looking forward to World Independence Day!