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RE: SLC S22 Semana 6: Medicina herbaria para la salud menstrual

in #herbalmed-s22w611 days ago

Hi @anasuleidy , I'm not a woman, but let me join in and talk a little bit more about this area because my wife also experiences the same thing every month.

Yes! Menstruation is not a disease but a natural process of the reproductive organs, the only difference is excessive pain, irregularity or delay, some of these things often become complaints when my wife has monthly menstruation.

Why did I come here, because I saw several types of spices/concoctions that you mix for natural medicine, the same as what my wife does. such as cinnamon, lemon and aloe vera. except Chamomile, although it is available, it is very difficult to obtain because this plant grows widely in Europe, Africa and West Asia.

Ingredients and how to make this natural tea (herbal medicine) is very simple, coincidentally we can also buy sweet cloves there. I can offer this concoction to relieve the pain that my wife often experiences when "that special guest" comes.

Thank you very much for this content containing health information for us.