SLC S22 Week 6 - Herbal Medicine for Menstrual Health

in #herbalmed-s22w62 months ago

Hello my steemian fellows! I warmly welcome you to the season 22 of the Steemit Learning Challenge. This is the week 6 and today we will learn about the herbal medicine for menstural health.


Edited with Canva

Herbs for Menstural Support and Pain Relief

Women menstural or dysmenorrhea, happen because of the contraction of the uterus to shed its covering. Prostaglandins, chemicals like substances, assume a key part in starting these compressions, causing torment and irritation. The aggravation might be gentle or crippling, squeezing the exercises of the person. Most ladies search for normal solutions for stay away from the non-prescription medications, and herbs like Kachur, Eucalyptus, and Clove have been accounted for to really oversee side effects.

1. Kachur


Kachur is a decent mitigating compound having a place with turmeric family and has great antispasmodic strength. It gives alleviation from uterus compressions torment by diminishing their fit to the least and consequently limits squeezing. Additionally it assists with advancing blood stream across the stale or decreased regions by which torment expanded. Kachur likewise makes a gentle warming difference, which relieves the stomach locale and decreases bulging generally connected with period. Its stomach related upgrading properties can resolve going with issues like sickness and loss of hunger.

2. Eucalyptus


Eucalyptus is rich in eucalyptol, a characteristic compound areas of strength for with and calming impacts. It lessens pelvic irritation, diminishing the seriousness of issues. Its properties loosen up the strain in the solid walls of the uterus, meaning less torment in the body. Eucalyptus likewise improves breath and advances blood dissemination for the decrease in prostaglandin development that really causes cramps. As a strengthening fragrance it gives mental smoothness, bringing about pressure expulsion and generally speaking feeling of solace that is capable through period cycles.

3. Clove


Clove is a viable natural solution for it contains elevated degrees of eugenol, which has calming and pain relieving properties, as well as having muscle-loosening up properties. Eugenol stifles the arrival of prostaglandin, in this way assisting with invalidating the strength of uterine constrictions and accordingly the related torment.

The glow of clove summons blood stream towards the pelvis, hence facilitating firmness and loosening up the uterine muscles. Furthermore, clove has cell reinforcement properties that would smother oxidative pressure, prompting legitimate hormonal equilibrium and a decrease in women spasm after some time.

These herbs don't just attempt to lighten the aggravation of women issues yet in addition give more broad advantages, including further developing flow, decreasing irritation, and unwinding. This makes them a shelter to normal women wellbeing the executives.

Balancing Irregular Menstural Cycles

Menstural period caused by hormonal balance, stress, unfortunate nourishment, or a clinical issue, like PCOS, can be overseen by calming the body, aligning hormoness, and limiting pressure factors. Lodhra, Black Sesame, and Dates are wealthy in herbs and normal food sources that are really great for standard period and ladies' wellbeing.

1. Lodhra


It has been utilized for a long time in Ayurvedic medication for uterine reinforcing and hormones adjusting. It follows up on the endocrine framework to direct hormones creation, supporting the regular mood of the women cycle. The astringent and calming properties of Lodhra assist with overseeing unreasonable draining or menorrhagia and right unpredictable or sparse periods. It additionally works on uterine wellbeing by lessening irritation and advancing the maintenance of uterine tissues.

2. Dark Sesame


Dark sesame seeds are a magnificent wellspring of fundamental unsaturated fats, nutrients, and minerals vital for hormonal guideline. It is rich in phytoestrogens, plant intensifies that behave like estrogen in the body, which can assist with settling the hormonal uneven characters causing unpredictable cycles. Magnesium, zinc, and calcium present in dark sesame help to direct generally regenerative wellbeing, and its warming nature urges better blood dissemination to the pelvic region, consequently advancing a better women stream.

3. Dates


Dates are a characteristic energy supporter plentiful in fundamental supplements like iron, potassium, and vitamin B6, which is vital for hormonal wellbeing and normal women cycle. They assist with further developing hemoglobin levels, in this way forestalling weakness related cycle anomalies. These contain normal sugars and fiber, accordingly giving supported energy, and help the adrenal organs, which add to hormones guideline. They have warming properties also, improving uterine wellbeing while at the same time guaranteeing appropriate blood stream, normalizing cycles.

An even compelling combination of these can be utilizing Lodhra alongside Dark Sesame and Dates for the women cycles that turn out badly. On one hand, the Lodhra keeps up the hormones level and uterus power, however on the other, dark sesame and dates supplement those supplements, in addition to the intensity for the equilibrium in the cycles. This cure has both dealt with side effects as well as roots, drawing out a more comprehensive methodology.

Here is the herbal remedy for balancing irregular menstural cycles:


Lodhra2 grams
Black Sesame2 grams
Dates2 dates


This is the quantity of the herbs for the preparation of 1 cup herbal remedy for balancing irregular menstural cycles.


In order to use dates I have cut the dates. I converted the slices of the dates into further small pieces. Then I put Lodhra and Black Sesame in the water with the pieces of the dates. Now all the required herbs are in the water and now we need to boil these herbs in the water.


I boiled all the herbs in the water for 7 minutes. The water bubbled after continuous boiling. At the right side you can see the remedy colour was changed it was because of the herbs used in it. Moreover it shows the remedy is ready to use.


I filtered the liquid from the herbs as it can be seen in the picture. After filteration is ready to use. We can add some sugar or honey in this remedy according to our requirements but naturally this remedy has a good taste because of the dates.

So this remedy can be used for balancing irregular menstural cycles. The women can take this remedy for the balance of irregular mestural cycles twice a day.

Herbs for PMS Support

Pre-menstural syndrome (PMS) is a set of physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms that appear before menstruation. Normal side effects incorporate bulging, temperament swings, touchiness, weariness, bosom delicacy, and migraines. herbs like Borage, Black Cumin Seeds, and Cinnamon might assist with supporting PMS through the adjustment of hormonal irregular characteristics, aggravation, and close to home equilibrium.

1. Borage


Borage contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 unsaturated fat that goes about as a hormones balancer and irritation minimizer. Supporting prostaglandin offset with borage likewise assists with reducing swelling, bosom delicacy, and stomach cramps. The GLA will likewise help in settling the emotional episodes and decreasing uneasiness which are the personal side effects of PMS. It likewise feeds the adrenal organs, accordingly the body is further developed in taking care of the pressure during the premenstrual stage.

2. Dark Cumin Seeds


Dark cumin seeds are plentiful in cancer prevention agents, fundamental unsaturated fats, and minerals which balance hormoness to decrease PMS. They have mitigating and pain relieving impacts that dial down migraines, issues, and joint agonies as well as joint torments during the premenstrual stage. Dark cumin additionally works on the stomach related framework and subsequently diminishes bulging by keeping up with sound stomach, a region frequently harmed during the premenstrual stage. Moreover, it likewise quiets an individual to ease crabbiness and stress.

3. Cinnamon


Cinnamon has normal calming and antispasmodic properties that restrain women squeezing and stomach pressure. It brings solid blood stream to the frameworks of the body, which closures weariness and stressed muscles frequently looked by ladies going through PMS side effects. Cinnamon adjusts blood sugars to keep away from energy levels from crashing down or state of mind swinging. Its warm property upholds uterus wellbeing and further develops distress during this premenstrual stage.

Utilizing Borage, Black Cumin Seeds, and Cinnamon together functions as an adjusting solution for PMS. While borage settles hormonal changes and profound appearance, dark cumin seeds alleviate irritation and lessen bulging and enlarging, which cinnamon torments help and adjusting energy. This large number of herbs synergistically support all encompassing body working with decreased physical as well as the personal test connected with PMS.


  1. Menstrual Support Tea: Prepare a herbal tea targeting menstrual health. Document the ingredients, preparation steps, and benefits of herbs and remedy. (3 marks)

  2. Herbal Benefits Research: Research three herbs that help with menstrual health. Include their uses and benefits. (2 marks)

  3. Herbal Remedy for PMS: Create a remedy to alleviate PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) symptoms. Use at least 3 herbs. Write the process, recipe and benefits of herbs and remedy. (3 marks)

2 marks will be allocated based on the quality and originality of the images as well as creativity.

Rules for Participation

  • Publish your post on your blog or in any community.

  • Post must be #steemexclusive.

  • Post must be free from plagiarism and AI.

  • Use your country tag such as #pakistan.

  • Use course specific tag, #herbalmed-s22w6 so that I can find your post easily.

  • Use your own images of the herbs and add watermark of your username.

  • Post the link of your post under the comment section of this post.

  • Share your post on social media such as X.

  • Invite at least 3 of your friends.

  • Use #burnsteem tag only if you have set 25% to @null

  • The participation schedule is between Monday, January 20, 2025 to Sunday, January 26, 2025.

  • Your post should be minimum 800 words.

  • Use the title: SLC S22 Week 6 - Herbal Medicine for Menstrual Health

  • Note: All Steemian members can use the herbs which have the same benefits and are available in your country. But don't use same herbs in all remedy.


SC01/SC02 would be checking on the entire 15 participating Teaching Teams and Challengers and upvoting outstanding content. Upvote is not guaranteed for all articles. Kindly take note.

At the end of the week, we would nominate the top 4 users who had performed well in the contest and would be eligible for votes from SC01/SC02.

Important Notice: The selection of the four would be based solely on the quality of their post. Number of comments is no longer a factor to be considered.


Greeting @afzalqamar
Herbal medicine is used for menstruation while cloves, Eucalyptus etc. are used which you have described in great detail. Menstrual is a beautiful contest Inshallah I will participate in your contest soon.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.