SLC S22 Week 3 - Herbal Medicine for Men's Hormonal Health
Assalamualaikum my fellows I hope you will be fine by the grace of Allah. Today I am going to participate in the steemit learning challenge season 22 week 3 by @afzalqamar under the umbrella of steemit team. It is about herbal medicines for the hormonal health of men. Let us start exploring this week's teaching course.

Herbal Prostate Support Remedy: Prepare a tea blend for prostate health. Use at least 3 herbs. Document the ingredients, preparation steps, and benefits.
Prostate health is crucial for everyone. I will make a herbal remedy for the prostate support.
- Fenugreek
- Cabbage
- Turnip
- Nettle
The preparation of this tea is very simple and easy. We need to boil all the ingredients in the water.
I have taken cabbage from the market. It is a vegetable which can be used in this tea blend for the prostate support. It has properties which aid in the prostate support.
I have peeled off the cabbage and then I have cut it into the small slices so that they can be added easily into the remedy.
I have brought turnip as well because of their beneficial support for the prostate health. It is also a herb and used as a vegetable.
I have peeled off the turnip. And it is of white colour from inside. And then I have cut it into slices as you can see because we will add these slices into the water.
I went to the market to get nettles. But unfortunately I did not find nettles in reasonable quantity. I only got one nettle from the shop. So I thought it is enough for the one cup of tea. So I took it as you can see in the picture.
Now I have all the ingredients required for this remedy. I have brought fenugreek as well as you can see in the above picture. Fenugreek seeds are the dark yellow colour seeds.
Now moving forward towards the preparation we will take water in a container which we can heat and boil.
I have put the fenugreek seeds in the water as it can be seen in the above picture.
Now I have added the nettle in this remedy to get it's wonderful benefits in the water to support the prostate health.
Further I have added the slices of the cabbage which I made recently. And the water is being heated.
Now I have added turnip in the water. With the cabbage I am boiling turnip as well.
To get and extract their benefits in the water for this tea I boiled it for around 7 - 10 minutes.
Now the tea blend is completely ready to use. We can notice the colour has changed it means the extract of the herbs have been added into the water.
Benefits of the Tea Blend
Cabbage Leaves:
- Plentiful in indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane, which help in keeping up with hormonal equilibrium and could forestall prostate augmentation.
- High in cancer prevention agents, for example, vitamin C and polyphenols, which defend prostate cells from oxidative harm.
- Advances regular detoxification as it helps the liver in flushing out poisons that hurt the prostate, accordingly keeping the prostate sound.
- It is mitigating, along these lines quiets down prostate tissues and diminishes enlarging.
Turnip Greens:
- They are rich in glucosinolates, which get utilized into bioactive mixtures that could have defensive impacts against prostate problems and may diminish the opportunity of malignant growth.
- Rich in vitamins A, K, and C, as well as calcium, assists with reinforcing the safe framework, in this manner upgrading the cell health inside the prostate organ.
- Keeps up with hormonal balance by supporting detoxification of the liver, accordingly helping in androgen guideline.
- Its mitigating and cell reinforcement properties help with forestalling oxidative pressure, the essential driver for prostate brokenness.
Nettle Leaves:
- Customarily, it has been utilized to oversee benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) by lightening side effects, for example, regular pee and trouble in starting pee. Contains phytosterols and intensifies that repress the change of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), decreasing prostate amplification.
- High in cancer prevention agents, for example, flavonoids and polyphenols, which forestall harm to prostate cells and by and large improve prostate health.
- Gentle diuretic, which disposes of poisons and keeps the urinary plot sound, consequently permitting the prostate to appropriately work.
- Diminishes aggravation and enlarging in the prostate, making it more agreeable and further developing pee stream.
This homemade tea blend offers a far reaching way to deal with prostate health by joining the hormonal adjusting and detoxifying properties of cabbage and turnip greens with the calming and urinary-support advantages of bother leaves. Ordinary use might assist with mitigating side effects of BPH, safeguard against oxidative harm, and keep up with ideal prostate capability normally.
Herbal Research Report: Research three herbs specifically beneficial for men's hormonal health. Write a summary covering their uses and benefits.
Hormonal health is significant in men, and its equilibrium is fundamental to energy, essentialness, propagation, and stress reaction. In rustic Pakistan where admittance to current enhancements may be negligible, conventional herbs become an extremely normal and helpful asset for working on hormonal lopsidedness. The accompanying report manages three locally accessible herbs, specifically Ashwagandha, Tribulus Terrestris (Gokhru), and Fennel Seeds (Saunf).
1. Ashwagandha
- Nearby Availability: Renamed as "Asgandh Nagori" in Pakistan this herb develops generally and is utilized inside the conventional Unani medication rehearsed in the country.
- Uses: Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic plant that builds the body's protection from stress, advancing great soundness of the adrenals and for the most part expanding energy.
Benefits: - Testosterone Boost: Logically taken, Ashwagandha increments testosterone levels that assistance in developing mass, energy, and drives.
- Stress Reduction: It brings down cortisol levels, which thusly diminishes hormonal uneven characters brought about by pressure.
- Regenerative Health: Upgrades sperm count and motility and thus is exceptionally helpful in ripeness.
- Energy and Endurance: It assists with expanding actual endurance and decrease exhaustion, significant for men in their everyday proactive tasks.
- Usage: Ashwagandha root powder can be required consistently, blended in with warm milk/water. Ideal outcomes have been seen through this strategy.
2. Tribulus Terrestris
- Availability: Gokhru is generally tracked down in provincial regions, particularly in bone-dry areas of Pakistan. It fills in the wild and can be gathered without any problem.
- Applications: As per customary Unani and Ayurvedic rehearses, Gokhru has been an exceptionally strong tonic for male intensity and urinary frameworks.
**Benefits: - Upholds Testosterone: Gokhru builds the regular measure of testosterone, subsequently it assists with supporting energy levels, bulk, and even drive.
- Kidney and Prostate Health: Holds urinary lots solid because of its mitigating results that are extremely viable, explicitly in matured men.
- Actual Performance: It expands perseverance and strength, in this way being truly appropriate for difficult ways of life.
- Usage: Gokhru can be taken as a tea, powder, or blended in with honey for better retention and taste.
3. Fennel Seeds
- Availability: Fennel seeds, or "Saunf," are in overflow in country Pakistan, and pretty much every customary family utilizes them.
- Uses: Extremely normal for stomach related health, it likewise helps in hormonal equilibrium and by and large prosperity.
Benefits: - Hormonal Balance: Phytoestrogen-rich, fennel seeds normally balance the chemicals and advance conceptive health in guys.
- Charisma Enhancement: known for its properties work on sexual drive by improving dissemination and diminishing weakness.
- Mitigating Properties: Its cell reinforcements assist with fending off oxidative pressure, which is essential to keep up with hormonal health.
- Stress Relief: Ordinary utilization advances unwinding, which, thus, helps balance chemicals in a roundabout way.
- Usage: Fennel seeds can be bitten crude, fermented into tea, or utilized as enhancing in food varieties and treats for day to day benefits.
Reasonable Suggestions
These herbs will work most really when integrated into an everyday daily schedule:
- Morning: Ashwagandha powder blended in with blistering milk for energy and overseeing pressure.
- Early afternoon: Gokhru tea for endurance gain and expanded testosterone.
- Evening: Fennel seed tea to process and rest soundly and control your hormonal equilibrium.
Ashwagandha, Tribulus Terrestris (Gokhru), and Fennel Seeds (Saunf) are successful and open even to the most rustic pieces of Pakistan. These herbs address key parts of men's hormonal health, including testosterone creation, stress decrease, and conceptive health. Their reasonableness, accessibility, and flexibility make them important devices in advancing normal and practical health arrangements in country networks. The joining of these herbs into day to day existence can go far in working on the personal satisfaction for men in country Pakistan.
Custom Herbal Remedy: Create a remedy targeting stress reduction and vitality for men. Use at least 3 herbs. Write the process, recipe and benefits.
Here is a herbal remedy which will help to reduce the stress and will also help in the vitality boosting for the men.
- Cashew
- Almonds
- Chia Seeds
- Walnuts
- Milk
This remedy is going to be very interesting and helpful for the reduction of stress and to boost the mental vitality.
These are the cashews. These are counted as the dry fruits and existing naturally. They have a specific shape. They are very tasty. People use them to cope with the cold as well because they boost the vitality and make the body warm and energetic.
These are the almonds. The most commonly used dry fruits. They are also the rich source of the vitality and power. They have the ability to reduce the stress and boost the vitality. Almonds are also used for the strength of the mind. They make our memory strong.
Chia seeds resemble with black seeds but they are smaller in size than the chia seeds. These seeds are also the rich resource of power and vitality. Their property of boosting the strength and vitality is very amazing and impressive. They also reduced the stress levels and provide comfort to the body.
If we talk about the walnuts then I must say that they are also matchless in their shape and symmetry. This is beautiful gift of nature in the form of the dry fruit. This natural herb is very useful for the vitality and boosting the immune system. These walnuts are used as the rich resource of power and energy. They provide warmth to the body.
Milk is a universally available natural liquid. It has a number of even countless benefits for the health. And from these benefits it's use for the strength of the bones and vitality is matchless. It supports the men vitality and comfort the body as well while making it strong and rigid.
The preparation is going to be easy. First of all I have collected all the ingredients in the fine quantity for the one cup of remedy. You can see in the picture I have added reasonable quantity of the ingredients in it so that it can become beneficial.
First of all put the milk in the container. And turn on the furnace and keep on heating the milk.
Then I am adding the almonds in the milk right after the cashews. You can add almonds in the complete size it crush them as well. Even we can peel off the almonds and then we can add them into the remedy.
After that I am adding the rich resource of vitality and power, the chia seeds. I have added chia seeds in reasonable quantity so that they can be beneficial and do not wasted.
Then I am adding cashew in the milk. Please be sure to use the suitable quantity of cashew because excess of everything is bad. I have broken the cashew into small pieces by hand.
Then it is the turn of walnuts I opened the walnut and got the soft seed from it. It has a lot of oil in it and this insider oil is the reason of it's power and vitality. I have put it by breaking it into little pieces by hand.
Now after the addition of all the ingredients I am heating up the milk continuously. We need to boil the milk until the chia seeds become large and soft. And until then all the ingredients will also be dissolved into the milk.
There is no any specific order to put the ingredients in the milk we can put randomly. I just showed you how I added.
I am adding sugar in the remedy for the better taste and easy taking.
The powerful stress reduction and vitality remedy is ready to take. In this way anyone can create this herbal remedy at home for the stress reduction and vitality.
- Unwinding through Magnesium: Cashews contain a ton of magnesium, the mineral that will manage synapses and assist with streamlining the sensory system, cutting down feelings of anxiety and nervousness levels.
- Energy Powerhouse: Loaded up with great fats, proteins, and B nutrients, cashews offer consistent energy to oust weakness while improving imperativeness.
- Close to home Balance: Wealthy in the amino corrosive tryptophan, which structures serotonin, prominently known as the "cheerful chemical," causing individuals to feel sincerely adjusted.
- Really great for the Heart: High on monounsaturated fats, meaning it assists better blood flow with further developed endurance.
- Cancer prevention agent Powerhouse: Almonds are plentiful in vitamin E and flavonoids, safeguarding synapses from oxidative pressure. It upholds mental capability and decreases mental weariness.
- Stress Relief: Magnesium keeps cortisol levels, the essential pressure chemical, under wraps, guaranteeing one unwinds.
- Perseverance Builder: Sound fats, protein, and fiber join to give an enduring energy supply, keeping men empowered day in and day out.
- Chemical Balancer: Zinc and B nutrients in almonds are significant for testosterone guideline, which is where strength and essentialness come from.
Chia Seeds:
- Omega-3s for Cerebrum Health: Wealthy in alpha-linolenic corrosive (ALA), chia seeds diminish aggravation, upgrade mind capability, and further develop temperament.
- Energy and Hydration: Their high fiber and protein content, joined with the capacity to assimilate water, give dependable energy and forestall parchedness, pivotal for endurance.
- Hormonal Regulation: Zinc, magnesium, and cell reinforcements in chia seeds support adjusted chemical levels, adding to diminished pressure and further developed essentialness.
- Stomach related Health: High in solvent fiber, chia seeds support stomach health, which is firmly connected to temperament and mental prosperity.
- Cerebrum and State of mind Backing: Wealthy in Omega-3 unsaturated fats and polyphenols, walnuts upgrade mind health, further develop temperament, and battle mental deterioration. Regular tranquilizer contains melatonin that directs rest cycles assisting men with recuperating from pressure and re-energize energy levels.
- Imperativeness Enhancement: Gives fundamental supplements like protein, magnesium, and B nutrients, which are essential for endurance and decreasing weakness.
- Mitigating Benefits: Polyphenols and Omega-3s cooperate to diminish irritation, working on generally flexibility to physical and mental pressure.
Comprehensive Advantages of the Remedy
This cure synergistically joins the pressure easing, mind helping, and imperativeness improving properties of cashews, almonds, chia seeds, and walnuts. Together, they:
- Decrease cortisol levels, subsequently giving a feeling of quiet and close to home equilibrium.
- Give supported energy and perseverance through a blend of solid fats, protein, and fiber.
- Upgrade mental capability, temperament, and rest, supporting long haul mental and actual strength.
- Assists with directing chemicals and the heart, in this way assisting with expanding prosperity and imperativeness.
This is a characteristic cure that will take into consideration supplement admission to diminish pressure, upgrade mental clearness, and increment imperativeness. It is perfect for men searching for an all encompassing way to deal with health and can flourish in life through this functional, reasonable technique.
Amazing work! Posts like this inspire us to explore nature’s wonders and how they support our health.😊
Yes we should discover the wonders of the nature.