SLC S22 Week 3 - Herbal Medicine for Men's Hormonal Health

in #herbalmed-s22w33 months ago

Hello my steemian fellows! I warmly welcome you to the season 22 of the Steemit Learning Challenge. This is the week 3 and today we will learn about the herbal medicine for men's hormonal health.

Balancing Hormones Naturally for Men


Adaptogens are regular substances that assist the body with adjusting to pressure, support generally speaking prosperity, and equilibrium chemicals. For men, adaptogens, for example, tribulus terrestris, muesli (safed musli), and shatavari are especially gainful. This is the way each adaptogen adds to hormonal health:

1. Tribulus Terrestris


Tribulus terrestris is a notable spice that has been said to increment testosterone creation, upgrade moxie, and increment energy. This adaptogen works by invigorating the arrival of luteinizing chemical, which flags the testicles to deliver more testosterone. It is typically consumed in powder or container structure, with a suggested portion of 500-1500 mg each day. By the by, those with chemical delicate circumstances or prostate issues ought to look for guidance from a medical care supplier before use.

2. Muesli


Muesli, also called safed musli, is an extraordinary regular love potion and an adaptogen that gives many advantages, for example, a beneficial outcome on testosterone levels, endurance upgrade, and, surprisingly, actual strength. Its supplements sustain the conceptive framework while adjusting the chemicals inside a human body; in this way, sperm count increments alongside their quality. The powder could be blended in with milk and afterward polished off or taken as a container with a recommended 3-6 grams consumption each day. Guarantee that the item is unadulterated and liberated from debasements for best outcomes.

3. Shatavari


Shatavari is frequently connected with female health, however truth be told, it is no different for men in limiting pressure, which is a significant reason for hormonal confusion. This adaptogen significantly affects the degree of cortisol, bringing about the adjusting of the chemicals and conceptive health. In powder or case structure, the dose is 500-1000 mg everyday. In any case, those oversensitive to asparagus shouldn't utilize it since it has a place with a similar family.

Extra Tips for Hormonal Balance


  • An eating regimen wealthy in sound fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, and lean proteins is important to work with the creation of chemicals.

Work out:

  • The body's capacity to increment testosterone levels is normally upheld by strength preparing and moderate-power works out.


  • Get 7-8 hours of value rest to improve the guideline of chemicals.

Stress Management:

  • Participate in care, yoga, or reflection to lessen cortisol levels and work on in general hormonal prosperity.

Through the expansion of adaptogens, for example, tribulus terrestris, muesli, and shatavari to their ways of life, men can productively adjust chemicals. Prior to presenting new enhancements, consistently look for a clinical expert's recommendation, particularly in the event that you have previous ailments.

Herbs for Prostate Health

Turnip for Prostate health


Rich cell reinforcements and furthermore having significantly more notwithstanding L-ascorbic acid, such glucosinolates related with detoxifying as well as having a battle against malignant growth. There is proof that oxidative harm because of cell wounds from synthetic substances diminishes pressure, hence bringing down guard abilities in the human prostate organ. Add cut up turnips or diced parts and any greens included at a soups and stew party and use them when sautéing veggies into one pot cooks, make salds and pureed with juices for more dietary and wholesome admission.

Pumpkin Seeds for Prostate health


Pumpkin seeds are one of the notable regular cures that assistance to upgrade prostate health. They are extremely wealthy in zinc, which is a key component for prostate capability, and in phytosterols, which slow the movement of prostate growth by restraining the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, otherwise called DHT. The advantages of pumpkin seed's supplements can be delighted in either through consuming a modest bunch of crude or broiled pumpkin seeds a day or by utilizing ground pumpkin seeds in smoothies, cereal, or heated merchandise.

Sunflower seeds


Sunflower seeds contain selenium, vitamin E, and sound fats, all factors that guarantee prostate health. Selenium is strong in its impact on decreasing prostate malignant growth chances, while vitamin E monitors prostate cells against harm from oxidation. Sunflower seeds can without much of a stretch be remembered for your eating routine: nibbling crude or simmered, added to servings of mixed greens, yogurt, or granola.

More Tips on Prostate Health

Other than the previously mentioned spices and seeds, prostate consideration ought to be more comprehensive in nature. Drinking water, adjusted slims down containing different food varieties that advance prostate consideration like tomatoes and green tea, and actual activity all play a part. In the event that these side effects continue or happen over and over again, a medical services proficient can be counseled for customized proposals. By following these spices and sound practices, the counteraction of prostate related issues might be accomplished through proactive way of behaving.

Herbs for Testosterone Support and Vitality

Spices and Food sources for Testosterone Backing and Vitality Keeping up with sound testosterone levels is significant for imperativeness, energy, and by and large male health. Certain normal food varieties, including cashews, pomegranates, and almonds, are wealthy in supplements that help testosterone creation and advance prosperity.

Cashews for Testosterone Backing


Cashews are a supplement rich nut plentiful in zinc, an essential mineral for testosterone creation. The mineral assists with managing chemicals and supports appropriate conceptive health. Cashews offer solid fats and magnesium levels, which are urgent for your ideal testosterone levels. Accept cashews as a solid tidbit, stir them up in trail blends, or find them in cashew margarine to get these fundamental supplements

Pomegranates for Hormonal Health


The advantages of pomegranates lie in its cell reinforcement capacity as well as its lift on testosterone. Pomegranate juice can upgrade the salivary degree of testosterone while further developing the blood stream; this adds to working on the regenerative health. Besides, this natural product decreases the degrees of oxidative pressure a condition that causes a downturn impact on the creation of testosterone. This natural product might be drunk through new squeezes or by sprinkling seeds over servings of mixed greens and pastries for good taste.

Almonds for Vitality and Hormonal Balance



Almonds are likewise another great supplement rich food source that is gainful for testosterone creation. These contain a great deal of vitamin E, solid fats, and magnesium, which are all great to keep up with chemical levels and energy levels. Almonds are a decent wellspring of protein and keep muscles fit and enthusiastic. Polishing off almonds as tidbits or remembering them for your smoothies or utilizing almond milk will upgrade your hormonal equilibrium.

General Lifestyle Tips for Testosterone Support

Balanced Diet: Incorporate a wide assortment of testosterone-supporting food varieties, like nuts and seeds, natural products, and lean proteins.

Exercise: Strength preparing and direct cardio can uphold testosterone levels normally.

Stress Management: Bringing down your feelings of anxiety through care or unwinding methods can diminish the chemical cortisol, which impedes testosterone creation.

Sleep: Mean to get 7-8 hours of value rest every evening, as testosterone creation is generally animated in profound rest. Joining of cashews, pomegranates, and almonds into a reasonable eating routine can be supplemented by the reception of solid way of life ways of behaving to help testosterone levels in the body and upgrade virility.

Cortisol is frequently called the "stress chemical," in spite of the fact that it assumes an essential part in the body's reaction to push. Persistently high cortisol levels, however, can disturb hormonal equilibrium, influencing energy, rest, and in general prosperity. A few normal cures, as chia seeds, pecans, and Himalayan bog orchid, can assist with tweaking cortisol levels and advance the equilibrium of chemicals.

Stress and Hormonal Balance

Chia Seeds for Stress Relief


Chia seeds are wealthy in omega-3 unsaturated fats, which have mitigating and cortisol-bringing down properties. They likewise contain magnesium, a mineral that causes the body to unwind and stretch better. Chia seeds might be added to smoothies, cereal, or yogurt to help hormonal health and battle the impacts of pressure.

Walnuts for Hormonal Harmony


Walnuts are a unimaginable power wellspring of supplements loaded with sound fats, cell reinforcements and magnesium — that large number of mixtures are connected with diminishing cortisol. Regular nut utilization can thusly mitigate the pressure, raise your mind set, and backing a hormonal equilibrium overall. It makes an incredible bite, can be added to plates of mixed greens or other heated products to have added healthful advantages.

Himalayan Marsh Orchid for Cortisol Control


The Himalayan bog orchid, a conventional home grown cure, is known for adaptogenic properties assist with controlling cortisol levels and further develop pressure versatility. This spice frequently finds its direction into Ayurvedic practices to reestablish harmony and further develop essentialness. Most regularly, the orchid is consumed as a powder or imbued in teas, consequently functioning as a characteristic partner in keeping up with hormonal harmony.

Creation of the Remedy

For the creation of the herbal remedy for stress and hormonal balance here are the ingredients:

Chia Seeds3 grams
Walnuts1 Walnut
Himalayan Marsh Orchid3 grams



  • I have cut the walnuts into small slices. Then I have added marsh orchid and chia seeds in almost half cup of water to boil them with each other.
  • When the colour of the water has changed while boiling then I have added 150 ml milk in the mixture and again I have boiled all of them. I boiled it for 5 - 7 minutes to extract the benefits of the ingredients in the milk.


  • Then I filtered the ingredients from the liquid to take it easily.

So this is a wonderful remedy for the stress and hormonal balance. A healthy person can take this remedy twice a day but it is better to contact the healthcare provider for the better dosage and usage.

Additional Strategies for Managing Stress and Cortisol

  • Care Practices: Take part in exercises like contemplation, yoga, or profound breathing activities to normally bring down cortisol levels.

  • Adjusted Nutrition: Add cortisol-directing food to your eating routine like mixed greens, greasy fish, and entire grains.

  • Actual Activity: A moderate degree of standard activity has the capacity of overseeing pressure and keeping up with hormonal equilibrium.

  • Quality Sleep: An objective of 7-8 hours of soothing rest will get the job done, as cortisol levels normally decline during profound rest stages.

Integrating chia seeds, pecans, and Himalayan bog orchid into your eating routine and way of life will assist you with actually overseeing cortisol levels, decrease pressure, and backing hormonal equilibrium. Consolidating these normal cures with a solid routine guarantees long haul prosperity and essentialness.


  1. Herbal Prostate Support Remedy: Prepare a tea blend for prostate health. Use at least 3 herbs. Document the ingredients, preparation steps, and benefits. (3 marks)

  2. Herbal Research Report: Research three herbs specifically beneficial for men's hormonal health. Write a summary covering their uses and benefits. (2 marks)

  3. Custom Herbal Remedy: Create a remedy targeting stress reduction and vitality for men. Use at least 3 herbs. Write the process, recipe and benefits. (3 marks)

2 marks will be allocated based on the quality and originality of the images as well as creativity.

Rules for Participation

  • Publish your post on your blog or in any community.

  • Post must be #steemexclusive.

  • Post must be free from plagiarism and AI.

  • Use your country tag such as #pakistan.

  • Use course specific tag, #herbalmed-s22w3 so that I can find your post easily.

  • Use your own images of the herbs and add watermark of your username.

  • Post the link of your post under the comment section of this post.

  • Share your post on social media such as X.

  • Invite at least 3 of your friends.

  • Use #burnsteem tag only if you have set 25% to @null

  • The participation schedule is between Monday, December 30, 2024 to Sunday, January 5, 2025.

  • Your post should be minimum 800 words.

  • Use the title: SLC S22 Week 3 - Herbal Medicine for Men's Hormonal Health

  • Note: All Steemian members can use the herbs which have the same benefits and are available in your country. But don't use same herbs in all remedy.


SC01/SC02 would be checking on the entire 15 participating Teaching Teams and Challengers and upvoting outstanding content. Upvote is not guaranteed for all articles. Kindly take note.

At the end of the week, we would nominate the top 4 users who had performed well in the contest and would be eligible for votes from SC01/SC02.

Important Notice: The selection of the four would be based solely on the quality of their post. Number of comments is no longer a factor to be considered.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

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Peace & Love!